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Archive through May 9, 2000

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Filthy goys have caused the decline of decency on this board.

Thank goodness, that Jews and especially the Sephardic are the true bearers of all that is decent and moral

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Dimi, easy man, my old fart friend can hardly speak, he is trembling, holding the wall when wolking to refrig. for viagra and ginseng extract
and need some rest. Could you do it slover and not so deep next time. Thank's

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Dear Allamfriend

You're very right, I feel pretty bad by
I behalf of my equipment I would like give to give your old fart friend All American my DEEPEST appologies and condolances for geting medieval on his chubby bottom. To prevent this from happening in a future may I request for you to pass on to him a word of advice: IF HE COMES WITH THE SWORD, HE'LL DIE BY MY "SWORD". 😉

Dixi & Mea Culpa.

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Can somebody please translate AllAustralian's gibberish for me? I have a tough time deciphering his verbal assault on english.

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HI BETTERTHAN...Going to town on that guy. Quite frank with you, he's gotten my dander up to such a level that if an apology for his vulgar reference of my being a ---- is not forthcoming he'll think he was in a phone booth with a grizzly bear. As I had previously mentioned to him, I was only told that once before in my entire life, it was said during my days at the university, the guy got his fargen head crushed like a walnut.

Betterthan, humor is one thing and yes I am most certainly guilty of jocularity at the expense of others, but in the same token, I have also poked fun of myself many times. Of course all in the interest of that great medicine known as laughter. However, when there is downright unjustified, vulgar personal attacks then it becomes not only disgusting but downright evil. And there is no place for that kind of intent warranted here or any place else. No not even in that trailer he lives in.

Betterthan, sorry for getting carried away, but hopefully, you underestand where I'm coming from.

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Dimitri, yea the article did not give to many details but "Frontline" in my opinion has been a very fair show when it does reports. It seems to show both sides of an issue fairly.

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Gonzo...oh yea, most definitely..about 3-4 months ago (if I am not mistaken) they(FRONTLINE) had this show on WWII, and man, did they give a lot of credit to Russians! It was almost like sitting in Russian History class back in Odessa. I think they used lots of documentary films borrowed(?) from the Russians..Do me a favor, if I may - if by any chance I miss it tonight, let me know on what they showed, that will make a great starting point for tomorrow's my opinion.

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Popped into several other boards. They are all boring, boring, boring and lack the dynamics and civility of this board. My learned colleagues, we at the Russian DMS can be most proud of our accomplished postings and logic. For most of us: we are the epicenter; we are the chosen ones; we are the best at what we do; we are the educated; we are the most high; we are the most creative; we are the exhaulted maybe even embalmed ones. WE ARE IDIOTS and proud. Let's us continue on our path of excellance.

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No don't let me stop ya! You look like you are having fun, keep it up...Oh you mentioned that in your last posting that we are the chosen one's, now we don't want to step on Jake B's (B. as in bitch) toes. Remember we are very privileged to be in his presence!

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BETTERTHAN...Not to worry about stepping on the great stinky one. Remember, I put in a qualifier, I said "MOST OF US." HA HA HA.

To deviate, if I may for a moment, have you noticed that the coward ran away like a scared rabbit. Or maybe DIMI, went to far and now the poor mentally challenged dweeb is in the emergency room.

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I noticed that, he (jake) doesn't pop in a much. Maybe his boss came back to work and put him back on toilet cleaning detail. Now he doesn't have a computer to use. Or maybe he is flogging his sword!

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ALLamm! Be smart and careful, next time when you see Dimi"s young and mighty sledge hummer pool away your soften and weakly bended sword, throw the towel on ring and run avay from your inevitable retirement.

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Understand that he is now employed as a foot stomper. Like the old way of making wine, ie., rolling up your pants and stomping grapes barefoot in a barrel. Instead of grapes into wine, Jake B. is doing white fish into geffilta fish. Sure I spelled it wrong, OY VEY, but what's to expect from a goy.

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To Male Belly Dancer from Ancara ( -

You, rooskies, may be kind, but definitely not coherent. Russian mafia specifics, I see, making offers no one can understand. LOL.
Shame on you, btw, everyone is busy with "russian victory folklore", but you can not forget Ancara. Return to your roots. ROFL.

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WELL, WELL, Lookie here. why it's the IDIOT POET
Dr. DREMOV. Gave himself a lobotomy after posting that stupid poem. Now that he attempted to entertain us with his intelligent writings, wonder what we are instore for now that he had the lobotomy.

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