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Archive through November 11, 1999

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Stop making fun of JoeBob the TEXAN. He is not screwing piles of cowshit. Yesterday he did his cousin MaryJane and today his aunt MaryAnn. So stop making fun of him.

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Dear Omar,

I don't really blame you for using the good religion to cover blood and murder. That is a question that probably should be discussed with your parents.

As for my address, well, my e-mail is provided with all of my letters. And as for my physical address, I will not give it to you. I really don't want my house to be blown up.

And yes, Khattab and Basaev will be trialed for their crimes against people of Chechnya and Russian Federation. They are cowards hiding behind the backs of civilians but eventually they will be caught.

Denis A.Vassiltchev

Dear Texan,

What really surprises me is that you can read and write, being as stupid and dumb as you are. Are all Texans as dumb as you? As for "sinful nation", look at your president Mr.Clinton. You, Americans, should really think of renaiming Oval Room into Oral Room.

Denis A. Vassiltchev

To "real Russian patriot" Mr.Petrov,

Have you started the treatment I advised you? If not, you should start soon or it will be too late for you. And yes, you should drink less vodka, or you will become an alcoholic like Eltsin (if you have not become one already). As for your fascist leader Barkashov, he is beyond any treatment.


Denis A. Vassiltchev

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To Denis A.Vassiltchev

The REAL butchers and murderers are Russians. I have just seen terrible pcitures of a 16 month old baby die of cold, as his mothers attempts to escape russian bombing. Do want you want now, I am a sure a day will come (sooner than you think) when the People of the Caucauses, cruxify the Russians.

I live in Los Angeles, where we have a high Russian population. Deep down many residents of this city do not like nor respect Russians. As Russians have a reputation for being crooks.

What now is happening, after seeing this evil behaviour by the Russian military on TV. There is even more animosity towards Russians. I understand you have this internal conflict, but by targeting women and children - Russians have earned the hatred of the world.

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Dear Mr. Vassiltchev

I have just read a post by Ivan Petrov. I Hope that this very cheap individual is not representative of the Russian people. He is an absolutely disgusting individual.

Ivan Petrov - if you are truely a russian, and others are like you.Your poor country is already doomed.

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It is ironic that while the chec pres in gaining control over his rebel
militants that the russ pres/PM is losing control of his military.

Ironic that a war started for controling terrorist has unleashed
a Terror on a scale a 1000 times greater.

Ironic that 10 to 100 more non-muslin white russians will die
than the bomb victims.

Ironic that russia uses vast resources to crack down on a chec criminal
gangs when the only people fighting the far larger russian
mafia have to fund the crusade themselves.

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ITN's Mark Webster has traveled from Moscow to Chechnya's border with Russia - where winter is now adding to the misery of the refugees.

Winter tightened its grip on this refugee camp as temperatures well below zero heightened the misery of thousands of families here.

The European team of observers from the OSCE were shown the situation in parts of the camp,

But the white canvass and the clean sheets made the tent they saw a show tent, nothing like the conditions in which many of the 200,000 refugees are living since they fled Chechnya when the fighting started.

We were shown the reality for most of the refugees here, 40 people crammed into this half of a Russian army tent, 4 children sleep on each bed, food is basic and in the bitter winter chill everybody's health is suffering.

Yet more relatives and friends are arriving daily with nowhere to stay.

"How can people live like this?", one man asked me, he said, "only people with no heart could let this happen".

Out on the border the usual straggler refugees walk the last few miles to freedom as the Russians bombed the nearby town of Bumout, and as more Russian reinforcements poured into the area a Russian general said they could flatten Chechnya with bombs and have done with the problem in a week.

For a while they are safe from Russian bombs, but one refugee said, "we have exchanged one hell for another".

A day will come when Russian terrorists will starve on Earth and burn in hell

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How can people live like this?", one man asked me, he said, "only people with no heart could let this happen".

Heart? how can primitve Russian terrorists have heart? what a rhetorical question!

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Now that idiots like Ivan Petrov and Texan have shut there mouths, I ask a question for all of you who are outraged at the refugee conditions:

Why did these refugees go NORTH into a country that attacking them and is according to you anti-islam when they could have gone SOUTH to warmer, neighboring ISLAMIC states?

To those of you who are Muslims:

Is this true:
In order for JIHAD to be declared, all muslim states must support the decloration as one?

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It is also true that no ex-KGB whiny-president-with-no-power-over-his-people declare JIHAD. Same goes for killer-of-Russian-and-Chechen-People I-just-converted-to-Muslim greedy-terrorist.

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Take a look at:
This is a non-biased source with media-critical opinions.

In particular read:

These articles are not meant to chnage your opinoins or to prove that YOU are wrong. Just be non-biased and look at this 3rd perspective.

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To: Shamil not Basaev

So do you agree that Chechen rebells are just using Islam as a cover to attract some sympathy?

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Philip Cross, shut the fu(k up.
Honestly I can not hear your cr*p anymore.
Before you say something about Russia, remember England.
England still opressed people of Whales, Scottland, Northern Ireland, Anguilla, Bermuda, British Indian Ocean Territory, British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Falkland Islands, Gibraltar, Guernsey, Jersey, Isle of Man, Montserrat, Pitcairn Islands, Saint Helena,
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands.
And I won't even mention what it did to natives of Pakistan, India, Australia, New Zealand... the list is too great to reproduce here.
So shut your as*hole.

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Philip Cross is merely a puppet of the media: he regurgitates horror stories of suffering babies, damsels in distress, and old men. These stories are blatent yellow journalism intended to influence the weakminded who would just as soon believe anything that they are told, EXCEPT their own problems. In other words, how many babies are dying of cold and hunger in England and the US?

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Only respected special group of elders can declare JIHAD.
You bet they are using Islam as a cover. They killed my brother for not wanting to go on Dagestan. They kill elders(!) most respected people since ancient times for not allowing them to stay in villages. They kill women if they know that their husbands are fighting against them.
So all of you out there who scream "Kill Russians", shut up, you have _no_ idea what's going on here.

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To Kissie

RE: Carefully avoided question.

I read all your postings to this board, you already established your theory, so I do not see any necessity arguing with you. I also do not communicate with those who use dirty words in their postings (go back and read all your messages).

There is no clear evidence that Chechens (Basaev) or Khatab were the ones behinds bombings in Moscow, etc. Opposite there is opinion that those bombings were organised by Russians themselves in order to build up public opinion against Chechens and other Caucasians.

In regards with so-called invasion of Chechens into Dagestan, which Russia claims to be Russian territory, then go back into posting by ethnic Dagestani under the name of Leo Tolstoy, where he clearly points that Chechens come to help Dagestani independence fighters, who fought against Dagestani pro-moscow government which 100% consists from local mafia.

As far as the facts (from Russian media - - go back to August materials) indicate, in August there were uprising by ethnic Avars in Western Dagestan against pro-moscow regime. Dagestani pro-moscow officials branded their opponents as "Islamists" in order to call for Russian army. In reality local government was trying to preserve corrupted and criminal skins of its members.

Chechens came into Dagestan only after Islamic Shura of Dagestan (which consisted from ethnic Dagestanis) asked them for support against Russian army, which was sent to subdue local independence minded comminities.
Then this was used by Mr "Butcher" Putin to invade Chechnya.

Your argument that there was a cross-border attack from Chechnya into the Russia is demagogic. Dagestan is not part of Russia, it was conquered by Russian tzarism during colonial expansion and at the moment is kept in Russian Federation only due to the effort of local ex-comminist mafia, and only because the Moscow serves as a source of their income (mainly money embezzlement).

People of Dagestan do not consider themselvews to be Russians.

During First Chechen War (1994-1996) many Dagestanis went to Chechnya to fight against Russian army for Chechen independence, while Dagestani government sided with Moscow. At the present, there are Dagestanis fighters on Chechen side.

Your opinion about Caucasus and situation over there, is formed by your ignorance of local history and customs, and by your dislike towards Islam. This is characteristic not only for you, but for the whole Russian policy toward Caucasus, you people will probably never learn. If it is so, then this will be the beginning of your undoing. There were many like you who tried to conquer and exerminate Caucasus by brutal force. But Caucasus is standing, and nothing you can do about that.

Your also are histeric, are using dirty words against us, and this only shows to us your weakness, and your fear.

And the last -

Do not forget, does not matter what happens, but you will always fear us. You know it yourself. That is your nature.

Good luck and best regards,

Ruslan Ahmedov (born in Dagestan)
University of Toronto, Canada.

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