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Archive through November 11, 1999

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I am sorry for your loss. I am not sure what to say. This conflict is all about propoganda and in this day and age the West controls it and has turned against Russia just like it is used to doing. If is to be believed, and I think that they have a VERY STRONG case of Western Involvment because of Caspian Oil (Persian Gulf as precedent of similar Western action), it is sad that the West will turn neighbores against each other for thei own profit.
Again, I am sorry for your loss and I hope that coward terrorist groups stop hiding behind Islam. This only weakens the world view of Islam which, I believe is a very respectable religion in its stances on alcohol, drugs, and other immoral activities.

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To Ruslan:

It is curious that you are so quick to believ Leo Tolstoy. Perhaps you should read the posting by Shamil not Basaev. Also go to to see the most likely FACES behind the conflict. If you disregard the bombings, there is still a case for Russian invasion. Chechnya was unable to control its citizens from crossing the Russian border and killing Russian civilians. The US fought the Mexican-American War over a similar issue. Also, this inability to control its subjects caused a violation of a treaty B/w Russia and Chechnya closing the 1994-1996 war.
Is there any argument that you have against this?

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I would like to live in oppressed by English Scotland, New Zealand, Wales, .....

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Would you also like to have lived on Islands In the Pacific when English ship cannons and bayonets commited acts of genocide against the natives?

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Or would have liked to be a Native American when English colonists cleared the East Coast of any non-whites? Or perhaps a negro when the British 'civilized' Africa?

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To Ruslan Ahmedov

Thank you for the account

God bless you and your people who are suffering at the hands of the russian terrorists. I just want you to know that there are many of us in USA who support you. You are not alone. By the way Russians in USA have no respect whatsoever. They are perceived as greedy people out to milk the system

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Nicely said Roger. Of course you don't seem to notice that Puerto Ricans are jailed just because they voice their opinions on independence. Or shall we talk about black slaves, raped and mutilated not long ago. Or maybe about Native Indians, those who weren't killed, and put in reservations. They starve there, unemployment is 80% even though across US its less than 5%. Or maybe about Iraqis & Cuban children who die because US feels like it. Or innocent Serbs, Chinese and Albanians killed with precise bombs? Or maybe about Kingdom of Hawaii which was illegally annexed when 99% of population didn't want to? No wait, let's talk about how USA sold arms to Indonesean military when government knew that those weapons are used to kill East Timorese. But who cares right, as long as US making money its an A OKay! But naah, we better point are purty finger somewhere else, lookie there's Russians killing "innocent" terrori..errr freedom fighters.

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To S.M.

Re: Leo Tolstoy.

I know him personally, he actually refered me to this board. L.Tolstoy is a decent chap, he completed his Master's at our Uni and is now down in USA continuing his PhD. About other Dagestanis,..... I can say that currently majority of Dagestan (and this means mountain communities) do not have access to Internet to express their opinion, those who do - they mostly represent opinion of local government, which is trying by all means to keep Dagestan in Russian Federation.

Re: Chechnya not being able to control its citizens, who cross into Russia to kill russian citizens.

Well, there are Russian citizens who are coming to America and are commiting crimes over here.
Then if we follow this logic, does it mean that USA should invade Russia and start bombing over there ?

The argument that Russian Army should invade because Chechen president Maskhadov is not able to control militants in his republic is demagogic.

Maskhadov does not have real power, because the Status of Chechen Republic is not decided. Because Russia did not recognise Chechen Independence, then it is very difficult for Maskhadov to control situation and crack down on criminals, kidnapers, etc. All those arguments remind me a situation when desperate and hungry person is asking for bread, and when denied it, he is going to commit crime in order to stay alive, and then is branded a criminal.
Chechnya is blocked by Russian government, and it is in the interest of Russian government if there is wide-spread crime in Chechnya, so Russia can point to it and say to world - "You see they are criminal and are not able to build a normal state !"
This is pure demagogy, because to be able to build normal society - Chechnya must be first recognised as an Independent State. Maskhadov is representing the absolute majority of Chechen nation, and Chechen nation voted for independence during his election.

Re: About Chechens not standing by Khasavurt agreements of 1996.

This argument is pure demagogy.
Last month there was interview with Alexander Lebed, who signed those agreements from russian side ( - taken from russian media itself, go back to October pages).
Mr "Dove" Lebed frankly admitted that those Khasavurt agreements were singed by Russian side in order to pull army out from defeat, to prepare it again for new invasion. So, in 1996 Russian government already had plan for new atrocities against Chechen nation.

Re: why Chechen refugees are escaping to North (Russia) and not to South to Islamic areas.

First, you have a problem here with geography. Chechens are escaping to Ingushetia, which is to the West, not to the North of Chechnya. To the North is Stavropol region, where Chechens are not going.
Second, the South, which is a muslim Dagestan, is blocked by the Russian army. Although Russian army promised to open four escape routes for Chechen, it opened only one - in direction of Ingushetia, which is muslim. So, Chechen civilians are not free in their choice which way to chose, they are ready to go anywhere in order to escape indicriminate bombings by russian military.
Third, Ingush people and Chechen people form together one Vainagh nation. Their languages are basically two dialects of greater Vainagh ethnicity. That is why in this difficult time Ingush are first to stand by Chechens, everywhere else media is engaged in anti-chechen propoganda, creating anti-chechen histeria, including my native Dagestan, which is as I said - at moment is controlled by pro-Moscow mafia.

.........To be continued......

Regards, Ruslan Ahmedov.

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Very well said Ruslan. I agree with you 100%.

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>>>Well, there are Russian citizens who are coming to America and are commiting crimes over here.
Then if we follow this logic, does it mean that USA should invade Russia and start bombing over there ?

You are real stupid ••••, are you?
First of all, what procentage of Russians are actually commiting crimes in USA? Now, take away those who already USA citizens, they are Russian-Americans now thus your problem. And the number is (drum roll please!) close to a 0%!

ANyway, I bet those crimes are petty crimes like stealing a candy from your pop's store. I DON'T SEE RUSSIAN ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS FORMING AN ARMY AND GOING ON A KILLING SPREE, you stupid •••• (just to remind you who you are).

>>>The argument that Russian Army should invade because Chechen president Maskhadov is not able to control militants in his republic is demagogic.


>>>Maskhadov does not have real power, because the Status of Chechen Republic is not decided. Because Russia did not recognise Chechen Independence, then it is very difficult for Maskhadov to control situation and crack down on criminals, kidnapers, etc.

Do you listen yourself bark? First of all Eltsin did recognize Chechen de-facto independence. Second, how the •••• that should make for Maskhadov harder to control situation? You •••• have no idea what you are barking about.

>>>All those arguments remind me a situation when desperate and hungry person is asking for bread, and when denied it, he is going to commit crime in order to stay alive, and then is branded a criminal.

Or how very true! Yet those homeless hungry people on streets of sunny USA are BEING PUT TO JAIL AND ELECTRICUTED WHEN THEY COMMIT CRIMES WHY? They are just lil' hungry folks who had to kill to eat!!

>>>First, you have a problem here with geography. Chechens are escaping to Ingushetia, which is to the West, not to the North of Chechnya. To the North is Stavropol region, where Chechens are not going.

You stupid ••••, he meant NORTH TO RUSSIA because its north in RELATION TO MUSLIM STATES THAT ARE SOUTH Georgia, etc.

>>>Second, the South, which is a muslim Dagestan, is blocked by the Russian army.

Something is wrong with your GEOGRAPHY you stupid ••••! GEORGIA IS SOUTH AND IT IS NOT BLOCKED BY AN ARMY Dagestan is EAST and a tiny bit SOUTH-EAST.

DAMN, YOU ARE ••••••• STUPID!!!!!!

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Now I know why are you confused!

You see, all those so-called "Russians" in US -
JEWS! That's right. Not Russians, just JEWS who happen to speak Russian language.
The problem is, you never met a real Russian (no self respecting Russian would go to Texas). So due to your impotence you have this russophobia.

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to basher of stupid people,

thanks for your support. Ruslan was trying to pervert my arguments.

to texan:

You BIG oil man, how stupid are you?

Oh yeah, it's "Mr. Jew Boy" to you, trailer park trash.

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Your questions answered here.
Yahoo PROFILE SEARCH has come up with an address almost identical to the one TEXAN uses:


AGE : 19 - No wonder he sounds liek an adolescent

OCCUPATION: BANK TELLER AND STUDENT - So much for MR. BIG OILMAN. No wonder he seems to know so much about Russian money laundring schemes.

REAL NAME: Wes English

HOBBIES: Studying the BIBLE


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ANyway, I bet those crimes are petty crimes like stealing a candy from your pop's store. I DON'T SEE RUSSIAN ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS FORMING AN ARMY AND GOING ON A KILLING SPREE, you stupid •••• (just to remind you who you are).

How about extortion,corruption, money laundering, terrorism, drugs,prostitution....

The story of ... being a Russian in the USA

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