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Archive through November 11, 1999

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Ha-ha Roger! Those people are Americans! Russian-Americans, not RUSSIANS! Anyway, do you think they could pull it off by themselves? I don't think so. But with the help from people like Texan and corrupt bank's CEOs its no problemo!.

Anymore lame attempts? I love to laugh!

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To Roger:

How one-sided you are. Ok. You have your stereotype and are going to stick by it. Fine. That's your problem.

Now, lets discuss the image of an American.
How is an American percieved elsewhere?
A couple of thoughts come to mind:
Ignorant, Arrogant, Will sell their own mother for a little profit, greedy, stick their noses into everybody elses business (how many excursions did the CIA take in the Western Hemisphere?), World's #1 drug consumer, Big Brothe....err...I meant Bully, hmmmm, the list goes on... Tell us a little bit more about THAT Roger....errr... I meant The UGLY AMERICAN (isn't how most US citizens vied everywhere else?).

Oh yeah, by the way, I'd like to hear your reply.

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To Texan:



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There's no way Russians would be able to pull of all the money laundring. I bet some fine true americans helped them. You know, bribed cops, corrupted politicians.

But if you still insist that Russians did pull it off, great!, you are admitting that they are smarter than your average Joe cop, etc.

Russians are no saints but Terrorists in Chechnya (not all of them are Chechen) are definately must to go. Bandits of Gudermes already begging for forgiveness. 😉

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To: Ruslan Akhmedov
I read all your postings to this board, you already established your theory, so I do not see any necessity arguing with you.
I did.
I also do not communicate with those who use dirty words in their postings (go back and read all your messages).
Thanks, I know them all. Care to kindly direct Your attention at Segnor Texan?
There is no clear evidence that Chechens (Basaev) or Khatab were the ones behinds bombings in Moscow, etc. Opposite there is opinion that those bombings were organised by Russians themselves in order to build up public opinion against Chechens and other Caucasians.
The opinion was bad enough without bombing. The bombings took place after the start of the conflict in Dagestan. As to the Caucasians - Georgia, for instance, does quite a bit to lose "love" of Federal Govt.
As far as the facts (from Russian media - - go back to August materials) indicate, in August there were uprising by ethnic Avars in Western Dagestan against pro-moscow regime. Dagestani pro-moscow officials branded their opponents as "Islamists" in order to call for Russian army. In reality local government was trying to preserve corrupted and criminal skins of its members.
The Dagestani officials are legal. Somehow, other parts of Dagestan didn't "uprise". An armed "uprising" against constituion and legal authorities constitutes what? What happened to Texas "independence"?
Chechens came into Dagestan only after Islamic Shura of Dagestan (which consisted from ethnic Dagestanis) asked them for support against Russian army, which was sent to subdue local independence minded comminities.
So, if any Shura decides - it's free to call 911-Khattab to destabilize govts? Is Sura a legal authority and not a spiritual one? Russian Fed is not a Gulf state. If any local "independent-minded" community feels "independing", does it have the right to invite foreign forces? Mercinaries. Any govt. would regard that as a coup attempt assisted by foreign forces.
Mr "Butcher" Putin
Care to direct that epithet at those, who had cut off heads of Granger Tel engineers and later tried to sell(!) the torsos to the engineers' relatives? Eh? Care to direct that epithet at those who killed the Red Cross workers? Rumors go, that those poor ones stumbled across the human organs "trade", compared to which dealing drugs is innocence.
Dagestan is not part of Russia
Well, part of the Russian Fed.
it was conquered by Russian tzarism during colonial expansion
Concedeed by Turkey, if I'm not mistaken. Anyways, feel free to cite any and all colonial expansions of that time.
People of Dagestan do not consider themselvews to be Russians.
Sure, they're dagestanis.
During First Chechen War (1994-1996) many Dagestanis went to Chechnya to fight against Russian army for Chechen independence,
And a lot more did not.
and by your dislike towards Islam.
By my dislike towards any bastard, that uses religion to cover ungodly deeds. You mentioned ones "You cannot beat Islam". I asked "Is it that Islam is a religion of bandits/gangsters? Or bandits/gangsters use Islam to cover their ungodly crimes?" You haven't answered it so far. And the taleeban example is not encouraging to the Afghanis (Moslems, BTH), if there's an opposition to it.
exerminate Caucasus by brutal force
Chose words. Inappropriate to nowdays. Though, the one which tried to do just like that was from the Caucasus himself. And the Caucasus hadn't been the sole sufferer.
But Caucasus is standing, and nothing you can do about that.
Let the Caucasus stand. And the bands are already being done about.
Your also are histeric, are using dirty words against us, and this only shows to us your weakness, and your fear.
It's written "hysteric". No, amused. Dirty words? I apologize, I didn't know, that You keep company with Texan. Weakness? Yes, beer. Fear? Well, if it helps, You can picture me hiding in a closet under a bunch of coats clutching a laptop in shaky hands.

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To: S.M.
May be that info about him's correct - not all of the banks have graphic displays, and that explains the CAPS. He just cannot switch registers.

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The Russian Customs agents siezed a transit cargo (via Lufthansa, Germany), originating from USA, destination Georgia. Receiver - the US military attache to Georgia. Cargo - 14 tons of US military uniforms and footwear. Reason - request of Georgia. When asked for clarifications the Georgian Embassy in Moscow denied any connection to the cargo. The unit crushed by the Russian paras near Gudermes two days ago was clad in US Army uniforms.

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I would like to request a MOMENT OF SILENCE in HONOR of American Veterans who throught USA History have bravely fought MEXICO, VIETNAM, NATIVE AMERICANS, ITS OWN VETERANS (veteran's march on Washington [circa 1930] that was bravely put down by the american army led by colonel Patton - I am sure Texan would know, as a histroy major 😉 ), OPENED 2ND FRONTS DURING WWII, STOPED GENOCIDE IN THE BALKANS, and HELPED NUMEROUS OTHER WEAKER COUNTRIES (i.e. Guatemala, Cuba, etc...

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To Kissie:

surprise. surprise.. the American connection to Chechnya is starting to become more and more obvious. Making deals with Satan for a little bit of Caspian oil are they now? Could you forward me the article link for that? Thanks

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I would like to request a moment of silence for all the innocent men, women and children that the Russians have terrorized and bombed. Our deepest sympathies to the countless, cold hungry children now being forced to flee the bombing. A special prayer for the 16 month old baby who died in his mothers arms yesterday from severe cold.

God rest the souls of the innocent.

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How about a prayer for the Serbs being killed by Kosovars as the NATO 'peace keeping' force is unable to do anything about it?

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I would like to request a moment of silence for all the morons and stupid mother fu.kers who can only paraphrase others like parrots. My deepest sympathies to those imbeciles who have nothing good to say. A special prayer for myself, for I had to sink to their level and post this.

(for mentally challenged this post is for Philip Cross and idiots like him)

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Don't forget gypsies and other native nationalities that used to live there before Albanians decided to ... well kill them. With NATO's help of course 🙂

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So 15 US soldiers in Georgia need 3,000 uniforms, eh?

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