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Archive through November 12, 1999

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Russian War Criminal Putin and Yeltsin behind terrorist acts.

Read Katrina Van Leuven in the Nation Magazine about the sinister plot by Russian Mafia headed by Putin to orchestrate the bombings and invade Chechnya for political motives.

Even, Presidential hopeful Lebed has blamed the Kremlin for the series of terrorist acts in Russia.

But the evil design of the terrorists in Moscow will crumble in face of the courage and bravado of the legendary Chechen fighters.

The way America treated the Indians and Blacks pales into insignificance compared to the savagery of the Russian brutality. The American tax dollars which was supposed to benefit the inner city Black neighborhoods is now filling the war coffers of the terrorists in Moscow. American Govt ought to take notice of this treachery. Siphoning of billions of dollars of IMF money by the Russian mobsters in Moscow did not open the eyes of our own mobsters in Washington. They will ofcourse be silent otherwise the chances of election of Gore with his Russian connections will be in jeopardy. Yeltsin continues to be the buddy of Bill double standard Clinton.

Wake up America, land of "freedom".

Malcolm X

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Dear Malcolm X.,

Oh, another conspiracy theory (actually, still the same one). Isn't that exciting? And was Dagestan invasion also arranged by the Kremlin?

Denis A.Vassiltchev

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To those who Think Russia Orchestrated the Bombings:

Since it's Veteran's Day, here's a little piece of American history. On the onset of WWII, US military intelligence intercepted a series of Japanees transmissions and succesfully decoded them. The messages spoke of a Japaneese assault on Pearl Harbor. The approximate time of the operation were also pretty well known. How did the US military respond? The most valuable parts of the US Navy, Carriers, were sent out to sea. The rest of the fleet stayed uninformed of the attack at Pearl Harbor and suffered terrible losses at the hands of the Japanese. Why? A sneak attack ignited the public's hatred for the Japanese. It all became about revenge. Now, those of you claiming Russia did the same, should worry about your govmn't not someone else's.

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You Russian people are so disgusting. You are like primitive savages. You need to come be civilized. I really wish you were not in USA, but people like you have no shame and simply do not care that you are not welcome here.

I wish you Russians could have gone to other countries instead of here.

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Shannon K, I feel your pain for I am disgusted to even think that low lives as yourself who have nothing to say but spew some unjustified and silly insults, are walking among us. I wish your grandpapa would gone to some other country and gave life to his spawns there. It amazes me that you still don't realize that your moronic opinions about Chechen Conflict are not welcomed. Your grandmama never told you not to interrupt adults when they are talking? Please restrain from coming back to this board and instead spend some extra time at your usual sites: and

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Dear Mr. basher

I am 15 years old so what? Today, our teacher told us about chechnya and showed us news reports and photographs of the conflict there. We have a class project on the current conflict. I almost burst into tears, I can not undertand, how barbaric you Russians are. I am not a mean girl, but you people genuinely disgust me. If you have a problem with bandits then you should not be killing women and babies, or making them walk miles in the freezing cold.

I hope I NEVER live near Russians, or have anything to do with Russians. You really are a sick people.

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Oh. by the way the same goes for my class and the rest of our high school.

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To Shannon:

You are unbelievebly ignorant! Do you believe everuthing that you see on TV? Have you ever heard of yellow journalism? Did you cry when you saw photographs of Russian civilians dead from the apartment bombings? Did you see those photographs? Why not? The media did not want you to sympasize with Russians. Did you see dead Russian citizens when Chechen Rebells invaded Dagestan? For your information, millions of Russian citizens died in WWII as they waited for the US to open a Second Front in Europe. Where was you fu(king American compassion then????? Huh? Did you cry when thousands of innocent Iraqi civilians died under US bombings during the GULF WAR???? Did you??? Shut up!

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To Malcolm X

Thank you for your posting.

Unfortunately, as you can see from swearings on this board, here are some very low-born individuals.

Continue what you are doing, brother. Chechnya is on its way to political independence, and nothing our opponents can do about that.

There will be day when this world will applaud to Independent Chechen Republic of Ichkeria.


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Shannon, please tell me how I can contact your teacher and board of education of your city. Your teacher needs to have a serious talk with higher authorities and believe me, as soon as they find out what kind of hatred she seeds in the minds American children, she will be fired immediately.

Also, please ask her about No Gu Ri Meet and about how many civilians where killed in Korean War.

(In case she doesn't know the answers: No Gu Ri Meet is a place where American soldiers opened fire on helpless Korean refugees. And it wasn't the only incident. During Korean War 2,000,000 civilians were killed. Current population of Chechnya, including refugees in Ingushetia & Dagestan, is less than 1,000,000)

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To Shannon

Once more you say anything against our Great Russia, and I WILL BOMB YOU WITH THE NUKES...

Do not mess with Russia.

Russian (proudly)
Ivan Petrov

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To Ivan Petrov:

Your opinion is not welcome here. As far as I am concerned, and I believe others on this board will agree with me. You are as stupid as Texan.

To others:

When you read my posts, do not think that just because I side with Russia - I side with Ivan Petrov. He is a closed-minded idiot and is no better than closed-minded idiots who are pro-Chechnya. Blind Nationalism =? Nazis. The connecion is not as remote as it seems. KKK in US (texan's buddies) and hardline communists in russia (idiots like Ivan) for instance.

Bing on the insults Ivan - I welcome your hate just as much as I welcome Texan's.

"Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will..."

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To Ruslan and Malcom X(kill whitey):

I now declare myself a muslim. Please call me brother from now on and blindly support me in anything that I do.

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To: S.M.
Unfortunately, I don't have a link to that uniform issue, as it was a prime-time TV report from the customs clearance area of the Domodedowo airport cargo terminal.

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