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Archive through November 12, 1999

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KA3AK posted the link to the news report earlier today. Unfortunatly, it's in Russian, so it's little use for using as an argument against Westerners. It's very disturbing, but not surprisng. I am planning on compiling a list of US involvments around the world over the weekend and will post them on here as soon as I complete each Part. This recent development of US's connection in the conflict certainly continues the trend, I have already done work on. I wish I could get an English version of that report, especially the part about Gudermes. If you come across it, please let me know (I know it's unlikely since English versions will be ENGLISH 'VERSIONS'). Thanks.

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KA3AK, posted the link earlier, but its in Russian, so its useless for the westerners. Thanks for bringing it up though, it was a huge development (that will obviously be overlooked by the media in the west). Now its the Russian people vs. The WEST. This will not end good.

PS. Get ready for the westerners here to say that this was also a Russian set up, just like the apartment bombings. LOL! 🙂

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To: S.M.
Yeah. Remeber the joke? There are people, that speak 3 languages, there're people, that speak 2,
and there're americans.;o)

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Ivan Petrov and Texan is the same person. It seems that 19 years old kid knows three words associated with Russia (Ruski, Ivan and Petrov) and he is here trying to flame people's rage (both sides). He doesn't give a cr@p about either side, he just accidently stumbled upon this site.

Ignore the idiot and he will go away. It's time to clean up this bulletin board and have civilized discussions.

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Chechnya is on its way to political independence, and nothing our opponents can do about that.

Chechnya *had* its political independence. Yet it decided to throw it away and attacked Russia and Russian people. You dug your own grave, why don't you admit it?

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Sad, but true. it's the mentality 'I am an American. I am better than you are. If you want to speak to me, you learn English.' (we already saw this phenomenon on this board) And yet, once upon a time most Americans spoke other languages. It seems that their price for Arrogance is Ignorance.

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By stereotyping Americans you are no better than they are. Yes most Americans expect someone to speak English when they to different countries, but there are also those who study other languages. I believe an apology is due.

Today there's a Russian flag above Gudermes!

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There's a difference. "The West" urges Russia to negotiations, offers "intermediary support" for it, why there're no intermediaries ready for negotiations between the US and Bin Laden?

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To: Exposer
No, really, it's not the case, when apology's required.:o)

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to exposer:

check earlier record of this board when the whole issue of the English Language came up. Sure Americans study languages. I however, was reffering to a joke that Kissie posted. I am sure you are well aware that jokes are all about stereotypes. When I'll talk about a serious issue, I will be carefull not to generalize. I know what you mean though.

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I am sick of all you anti-semites

As Theodore Werstsfold said about the great state of Israel : If you will it it will be

We will be more powerful than you can ever imagine

Remember all you muslims,christians and others. WE ARE THE CHOSEN PEOPLE not you

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Aaron Liebson: Chosen people by whom?
Old testament is only one of a few books that exist. I'm sure in Buddist literature one can find similar references. As for all these "old testament" quotes, it simply shows who the REAL racists are.


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Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote in his monumental study of the Gulag- that of all the people he met in the camps and in exile, the Chechens were the only ones who never submitted to Russian Authority?

Why on Earth they will submit now. They never will. God willing.

If it was not for the Chechens strong belief in Islam, they would have ended up in reservations like the poor native Indians in America who were massacred and uprooted in their homeland. They huddle in squalid reservations waiting for dooms day.

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Re: Aaron Liebson
A stray post. Re: Status of "chosen".
That status entails even more responsibilities, than rights in a very broad sense. And the first responsibility is thinking first.

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I wonder why russian guys are so proud on their gigantic "super dooper" power on crushing and defeating a comparatively miniscule region. I am still impressed by the stubbornness and resolve of the Chechens, who still are resisting & defeated Russia in the 1994-96 war.

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