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Archive through November 12, 1999

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To: Malcolm
It has nothing to do with G-d.

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By Kissie Friday, Nov..
To: Malcolm
It has nothing to do with G-d.

i think you can say that word. I dont think it counts as profanity or obscenity.. as yet.

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S.M. and the likes of him,
I pity the ignorance of such warped souls.

Malcolm sacrifised his life AFTER HE CHANGED HIS SLOGAN FROM KILL WHITEY TO EMBRACE WHITEY as part of his conviction of muslim idealogy from his previous black muslim idealogy. This transformation took place after his pilgrimage to Makkah.

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Is Russia Rolling Into a Trap?

Seems like it to me

Chechen fighters head for the hills, threatening
guerrilla war. Moscow may be tempted to call their bluff

It's hard to fight an enemy that doesn't fight back. If Russia moves to seize their capital, Grozny, Chechen fighters are likely to simply
retreat into the hills rather than fight to the end. That pattern was established Friday, when Russian troops advanced into Chechnya's second city, Gudermes, only to find its Chechen defenders already gone. "Chechen sources say most of their fighters are retreating into the mountains and drawing Russia into the cities as winter sets in,"
says TIME Moscow trap, because winter will hamper the Russian attack helicopters and allow the Chechens to wage a more effective guerrilla campaign."

Then again, Russian commanders may be tempted to test whether the Chechens' by now familiar "We have not yet begun to fight" mantra isn't simply bravado designed to cover up heavy losses.

Western political pressure is mounting on Moscow to reach a political settlement and avert a humanitarian catastrophe in Chechnya. The
issue is set to dominate next week's summit of the 54-nation Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, which will be attended by President Clinton. "Western pressure may actually
stiffen the resolve of the generals to fight on," says Meier. "The last thing they want is to be seen to be caving into the West." But some in the military hierarchy are also wary of being caught in the potential quagmire of a guerrilla war in a Chechen winter. If anything, though, that fear may propel them to accelerate the timetable of their
Chechnya campaign. So the question may become not whether the Russians plan to capture Grozny, but whether they're prepared to pay the price for holding it.

Is Russia Rolling Into a Trap?
Chechen fighters head for the hills, threatening
guerrilla war. Moscow may be tempted to call their

It's hard to fight an enemy that doesn't fight back. If Russia moves
to seize their capital, Grozny, Chechen fighters are likely to simply
retreat into the hills rather than fight to the end. That pattern was
established Friday, when Russian troops advanced into Chechnya's
second city, Gudermes, only to find its Chechen defenders already
gone. "Chechen sources say most of their fighters are retreating into
the mountains and drawing Russia into the cities as winter sets in,"
says TIME Moscow correspondent Andrew Meier. "They see it as a
trap, because winter will hamper the Russian attack helicopters and
allow the Chechens to wage a more effective guerrilla campaign."
Then again, Russian commanders may be tempted to test whether
the Chechens' by now familiar "We have not yet begun to fight"
mantra isn't simply bravado designed to cover up heavy losses.

Western political pressure is mounting on Moscow to reach a political
settlement and avert a humanitarian catastrophe in Chechnya. The
issue is set to dominate next week's summit of the 54-nation
Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, which will be
attended by President Clinton. "Western pressure may actually
stiffen the resolve of the generals to fight on," says Meier. "The last
thing they want is to be seen to be caving into the West." But some
in the military hierarchy are also wary of being caught in the potential
quagmire of a guerrilla war in a Chechen winter. If anything, though,
that fear may propel them to accelerate the timetable of their
Chechnya campaign. So the question may become not whether the
Russians plan to capture Grozny, but whether they're prepared to
pay the price for holding it.

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To Malcom:

There is NO such thing called SOUL. God does not exist.

"Organized religion is a sham and a crutch for weak-minded people who need strength in numbers,"

– Governor Jesse Ventura

The stronger your belief, the weaker you are. No matter WHAT your religion is.

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"The stronger your belief, the weaker you are. No matter WHAT your religion is."

S.M. = Super Man ??

Got to find kryptonite..

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Malcolm sacrifised his life AFTER HE CHANGED HIS SLOGAN FROM KILL WHITEY TO EMBRACE WHITEY as part of his conviction of muslim idealogy from his previous black muslim idealogy. This transformation took place after his pilgrimage to Makkah.
I.e. sonething, the likes of Bin Laden never learned, even after several Makkahs.

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I was amused again by that Amanpour. Really, when I see that face on screen I start guessing, what other provocation she's gonna roll out. "Russians cut gas and electricity". Woah! Where was that bitch, when NATO bombed Serbian power installations and cut power to the incubators with babies? How many babies die in Iraq? And Kofi Annan suddenly woke up - sure, someone in Washington pushed his activation button.

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Dear Mr.Liebson,

Don't you think that the message, you wrote about your "chosency", proves that you are no better than fascists who, as far as I can remember, did their best to exterminate your nation? Shame on you. I'm sure that poor guys who were brutally murdered in the fascists' concentration camps would have been really, really ashamed of you.

Denis A. Vassiltchev

Dear Sam,

If you would have been more familiar with the subject you are trying to argue about, you would have noticed that Russian military is not focused on the populated points this time, it is focused mostly on taking high standing hills (strategic heights) under their control. All the liberations of Chechenian cities are secondary to the facts of liberations of strategic heights. As for the "defenders" of Gudermes, military command has been providing corridor for the terrorists during the first period of blockade. This was done to prevent RusFed gov friendly city from being harmed very much during the liberation process. And the liberation of Gudermes was made possible so soon only thanks to the active support of Gudermes civilians to the Federation troops.

Denis A. Vassiltchev

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How dare you compare the Black revolutionary hero of the twentieth century with others?

Malcolm's legacy will never die.
Even Clinton visited the Malcolm X school last week in NJ to pledge support and pay tribute to the man who brought dignity to Blacks after years of slavery and oppression.

I challenge you Kissie to venture into inner city neighborhoods to see the reality. You look too comfortable in your present castle built on the sweat of the Black labor and blood of the countless natives who perished in this New World.

Chechens will never be like the Indians no matter how much military Russia will use. You can even ask your double standard Bill Clinton to start sending more Cruise missiles but it will not succeed.

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>>>That pattern was established Friday, when Russian troops advanced into Chechnya's second city, Gudermes, only to find its Chechen defenders already gone.

My dear brainwashed by US media Sam,

Russian army had Gudermes encircled for weeks. They gave people of Gudermes a chance to get rid of terrorists themselves. As one general said, right now Russian army waging an anti-terrorist compain, not a war. If it was a war, everything would be done in a month.

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>>>Chechens will never be like the Indians no matter how much military Russia will use.

Yo my black brother,

You are so right. Native Americans were self sufficient, Chechens never were. Even in ancient times they had to raid their neighboors for food, wives and land. That's exactly why Chechnya never will be independent self sufficient country.

Remind me again what good America did to your brothers that you are defending it so vigorously?
Is it 80% crime rate or 55% unemployment rate in your community? Or is it the fact that every n*gger can start yelling "discrimination" whenever he feels like it?

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I am afraid, what will happen if russian stop in 1/2 way?
This bandits will be here in US tomorrow.
God bless russian army for this battle with bandits
who cut heads of american people

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>>>I wonder why russian guys are so proud on their gigantic "super dooper" power on crushing and defeating a comparatively miniscule region. I am still impressed by the stubbornness and resolve of the Chechens, who still are resisting & defeated Russia in the 1994-96 war.

Ah, another poor brainwashed soul,

First of all, nobody is proud of crushing Chechnya. But if a soldier feels proud to serve his country no matter what lame ass mother fu.kers like you say, I say more power to him.

As for 1996 so-called defeat, it never would of taken place if that wino Eltsin didn't tell the army to retreat. Poor bastard wanted to be re-elected.

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Those numbers are correct and Gudermes is not taken. Russian soldiers are going to die, big trap there! Bwahahahahahahaha!

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