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Archive through November 13, 1999

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Chechen's Post:

LOL!!!!! just look at the web address and things will be crystal clear...LOL!

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S.M. =/= Super Man

S.M. = Spider Man

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To Brother Malcom:

Remind me again about the large number of blacks joining the US Communist party after WWII. Or black war heroes returning home only to become Christmas tree decorations for a bunch of hicks. Or Rodney King. Or the fact that blacks have a disproportionate representation in US govmn't. You have a lot of work to do at home. Clean up your backyard before you start poking in others'.

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>>>Chechnya will surely never be self sufficient as long as Russia is next door. Russia is still ripe for raids by Chechens.

Ah, what a dilemma. If both can not exist next to each other, guess which one is easier to get rid off?

Russia and terrorist Putin will pay for the atrocities.

Believe me, Russia have paid, way too much.

Putin and his henchmen will be skinned alive until they rebuild the devastated country.

Your ignorance shows itself once again.

..will be skinned alive until they rebuild..

Though I do agree with you on one thing: They must rebuild the devastated country - Russia.

If Russia cannot pay, then it better beg its supporters in West to pay for its crime otherwise Russians will never be able to sleep.

Ok, I knew you were ignorant but now I'm starting to believe you are just plain idiot.

Reread what you just wrote!

And I'm sure Russians are sleeping just fine, thank you for asking though.

If all Blacks rise up against racist scum like you, Chechnya will be a picnic compared to the elimination of 'racist' whites in the land of freedom.


I *dare* them to rise up, and I bet they will... as soon as they stop getting high and killing each other.

When indeed Blacks will rise up, you will definitely escape on charter flights and ships to your european brothers.

I don't know. Right now all my neighboors are black, so I think they won't mind me when they take over the U.S. of A.

Please be careful when you speak again. I would really hate to see you fall as low as Texan and Ivan Petrov.

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Malcom X come to Chechnya and join the fight against the oppressors. Later we will help you liberate US. Waiting for your reply!!!!

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Muslim Fighter,

Thanks for the invitation. Even if I am not invited, it is my DUTY to join the stuggle against oppresors all over the world but right now in North Caucasus. I firmly believe that a powerful Muslim state will emerge in whole of North Caucasus sooner or later.

A Chechen delegation was in NJ last week and asked for material support rather than fighters. Last time just 10,000 muslim fighters made MEAT GRINDER of the Russian Army. This time there are already lot more fighters and the Russian Army will retreat soon. Even now hundreds of fighters are eager to participate in Jihad against the Russkies.

Lastly the Russian war machine is being financed by the Western powers and IMF who have their headquarters in Washington. So Fighting is also required HERE to stop the bank rolling of Russian War machine under the control of mobsters from Moscow and financed by thugs from the west.

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Malcolm X

I think the FBI is monitoring islamic subversives like you in this country.

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Malcolm X

Do not be surprised if S.W.A.T teams will come crashing to your house one day.

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C'mon, Malcolm, go to Chechnya! Go Malcolm, go! Just don't chicken out! Show us how much of a man you are, Mr. Islamic "Macho" Freedom Figher!

I see you can't wait to end up on the wrong side of a tank gun barrel. There will be many oblidged to provide you with a chance to die for your God.

Show us what you are made of!

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Oops, that shut him up! I guess all he can do is talk.

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John Wesley English,

We were informed that you posted disrupting messages under the pseudonyms of Texan, Ivan Petrov, Malcolm X and others. Please tone down a bit or we will have to ban you from this message board and notify authorities.


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Please do not repost long texts here. Just provide a link. Thank you.


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To: Malcolm
How dare you compare the black revolutionary hero of the twentieth century with others?
What a black revolutionary hero has/had to do with Chechnya in the first place?! Then I readEven Clinton visited the Malcolm X school last week in NJ to pledge support and pay tribute to the man who brought dignity to Blacks after years of slavery and oppression., and then I readYou can even ask your double standard Bill Clinton to start sending more Cruise missiles but it will not succeed. Did You succeed in forming a thought in Your head in the first place? Comparing Chechens with blacks?! Whatever, if Your Malcolm came to terms with peace after Makkah, that's exactly what the likes of Bin Laden didn't do even after even several Makkahs.
Good. Then - If all Blacks rise up against racist scum like you, Chechnya will be a picnic compared to the elimination of 'racist' whites in the land of freedom. When indeed Blacks will rise up, you will definitely escape on charter flights and ships to your european brothers. Do You know what are talking about? And as to the last post of Yours, I would say that, it is a clear case for the FBI. It really sounds like You're itching to find Yourself on the wrong side of a tank gun barrel.

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The Russian TV crew was assaulted in London by those (moslems), that gathered at the quacker sponsored fund-raising convention. So, I may congratulate the Brits for hosting the 5-th Column platz d'arm. And it raises disturbing thoughts: in France, for instance, local moslems demanded Islam to be recognised as a state religion. There are mosques in London, as well as in the whole Europe (France mentioned). Noone deterres them from building more and profess their religion freely. And yet, if anyone would even say something about building a chirch of any confession in the Gulf, he/she would get his/her head cut off Khattab-style right on the spot. Special thanks go to the US for creating a mini-Afghanistan in the Balkans.
BTH, the funds will not aid Chechens in any way, but will turn to be more arms and ammunition. Care to feed a kid with gunpowder?

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You're just plain ignorant. Malcolm was making an anology between the opression blacks faced in the nineteenth and twentieth century and the opression the Chechens are facing now.

As for basher,
Just go lay an egg, will ya. Your comments do not make any sense at all. They show undue bias and it just shows how racist of a person you are really are.

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