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Archive through November 13, 1999

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You all know nothing about the situation. Learn more first and then start to discuss. We didn't start this so-called war,they started(terrorists). You know just what you see on your CNN News.Am I making myself clear? Remember, what you did in Yougoslavia?

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Kissie does not believe in the existence of God, nor has the desire to read the Quran/Bible. Those who favor Russia in its offensive against Chechnya, are all AGNOSTIC. Because a person who has belief in the unseen, should realize and oppose the horrors being committed by the indiscriminate Ruskies.


A half-witted moran, that's what you are. Grow up

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Kissie does not believe in the existence of God, nor has the desire to read the Quran/Bible. Those who favor Russia in its offensive against Chechnya, are all AGNOSTIC. Because a person who has belief in the unseen, should realize and oppose the horrors being committed by the indiscriminate Ruskies.
Hah. Hypocrites.

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Chechen fighters are freedom fighters who do not wait for salaries like the Russian mercenaries. They have steadfast belief in the Almighty Power.
It is the Russian Army which is hiding behind their superior armor. Chechens will never hide behind civilians. If they had weapons like Russia, green banner would have flown by now on top of Kremlin.

Their resistance against a former super power with formidable military might defies all logic. They only have hand held weapons. They were accclaimed as the toughest fighters in the world when they proved their battle field provess against the Nazis in WW II. They defended the legendary Brest Garrison outside of Stalingrad during WWII and many were awarded medals for gallantry posthomously. It is pity that Stalin deported them en masse in cattle trains to Siberian wilderness after WWII on the false pretext that they sided with the invading Nazis. Half of entire Chechen population perished in that holocast. Khrushchev allowed them to return back in 1957 after the Kremlin could not produce any evidence about the alleged treason. The returnees found their houses and farms taken over by settlers from Russia and other parts of Soviet Union. This was the cause of Chechen resentment ever since and it culminated in their heroic battle to throw the last remnant of colonial Russia in 1996. The false pretext, this time of Moscow bombings and the bogey of Islamic fundamentalism is now used by Kremlin mobsters to obliterate Chechnya. This will surely fail as the previous pograms to wipe them off from the face of this planet failed.

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How the West Won the Oil

Do you remember the Iran-Contra Scandal? What was that all about? The US was selling weapons to Iran to finance the Contras. What has the US done in the Middle East? They have covertly supplied varius dictators, rebells and factions. These actions have resulted in the destabilization of most of the Middle East. Finally, the US involvment in the Middle East errupted in the Gulf War. What was the result? The US became allies with most of the Oil-producing nations in the region. The one non-friendly country, Iraq, was not allowed to export it's oil.
Do you remember the recent bombings of Iraq? Which nations opposed the bombings? Russia and France. Why did France, a western country was agiainst the bombing? France had signed a multi-billion contract with Irag for Iraqi oil development when the sanctions were lifted. It seems that the West will do ANYTHING for oil which is so vital to it's economy.

Corollary to Chechnya
Reports indicate that the Oil fields below the Caspian sea could rival those of the middle East. US has recently signed a contract for oil rights with Azerbaijan. What are some of the logical oil pipe routes from the Caspian sea to the Black Sea so that the oil can be shipped out? Through Azerbaijan and then Georgia. However, those of you who have claimed to geography experts will note that thos regions are very Mountainous. To the South is the unfriendly state of Iran. So, any cost-efficient pipeline would have to go North of the Caucas mounatiain: ie. Dagestan, Chechnya. The West has already destabilized Chechnya. Chechnya invaded Dagestan. What evidence is there of US involvement? Neglecting the contracts w/Georgia and Azerbaijan, recently a shipment of 3,000 US Army uniforms to Georgia was intercpeted and rebell fighter under Gudermes were clothed in US army attire? Once again, the US is funding rebells to destabilize oil-rich regions. Well, I guess that's the power of the dollar. For how long will the US get away with this? What's even worth is that US is turning this into a religious conflict as well as draining much need money from the already weak US economy. This sucks.

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i meant russian economy.

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To Saladin.

You said a Chechen banner would be flying over Kremlin. Which Chachen Clan banner were you reffering to?

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To Saladin:

They defended the legendary Brest Garrison outside of Stalingrad during WWII

Woah!!! i am confused. Isn't Brest in Belarus? And didn't 99% of Brest's defenders perish? How did they get to Stalingrad? And how the hell did chechens defend them? Damn.. very confusing. I have another great wartime story: it's about about RAF airplanes defending American submarines at Okinawa. C'mon people, wheren't those RAF jets amazing?

And uhm, oh yeah... The US put Japanese-Americans in concentration camps during WWII, but then I don't hear about the Japanese freedome fighters (who are muslim, of course) trying to create an independ republic of Rhode Island.

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You are still under illusion of clans in Chechnya. When it comes to Russia or their supporters there are no clans just one green banner.

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To Saladin:

Please do tell me about Chechen unity. Was it a Govmn't order to attack Dagestan?

I do want to hear your reply

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Gudermes was won by Russian troops in the last war. It was re- taken by Chechen fighters. It changed hand several times. No big deal.

Are you out of your mind to think that Civilians will welcome the vodka drugged Russian brutes. I am sure there is some kind of agreement between the fighters and civilians. Just wait. The Russians will either withdraw or will be taken as POW's sooner or later.

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"vodka drugged Russian brutes"

Uhm, I belive the term is 'drunk' not 'vodka drugged'

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