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Archive through November 14, 1999

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speaking of drugs, the only reason Chechen clans are currently united is that Chechnya's #1 industry is being sufficated by Russian troops.

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tsk. tsk.

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"Russian military sources also reported Saturday they had fought off an attack by 400 rebel fighters to the south of the capital. Most of the fighters were mercenaries, they added."

Maybe the rebells lost because they weren't muslims (since the muslims here are convinced of their Holy campaign). Yeah, that kinda makes sense since American dollars are NEVER used to support muslim terrorists.

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"those photographed in front of the bodies of our citizens."

AFP quoting Putin

``Russia is prepared for a political settlement to the Chechen problem, but not with those who have posed (for pictures) over the corpses of our citizens,''

Reuters quoting Putin

Uhm... is this how this whole reporting thing works? The media can't even quote a conversation b/w Putin and Kofi Annan!!!!!

And you people believe everything they tell you, too. Well, what the hell, it is freedom of spee... err... bashing ... how can I put this nicely.....countries you don't like. How badly are you misquoting civillian casualties?

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Dear moron Ken,

I don't know what "moran" means so I take it as a compliment.

P.S. I yet to see you express any opinion.

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Attention Everyone

New information on S.M., Kissie and Blackjack.

Their main purpose on this board is to build pro-Russian sympathy. They are actually working for Russia.

Do not get involved into arguments with them. We are in the state of war. This board is arena of war. S.M. , Kissie and Blackjack will use any opportunity to spread anti-Chechen sentiments.

To friends of Caucasus -

Post materials about Russian genocide against Chechnya. Post materials, which support Chechnya and Caucasus.

Long live Independent Chechen Republic!
Long live free Caucasus!!!

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To Fenriz Cult?
It is you who afraid of muslims, because you have disease in your heart and you are blind and deaf like bllllack joke, s.m( sons of enemy of God).

Enjoy your brief life, soon God will sink you in swers.


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To black JOKE!

If you want to fight, stop hiding behind the backs of women and children in cities and villages and come out into the open. How about that? 😉

Did you see muslims are hidding under your sisters dress? You comie, atheisss, come to afghan i will show you, what the mujahidden can do.

Wake up from hang o veer all vodka looovers. you will die as drunk, which you will die like animals.

you can run but can not hide from your death, it will meet you soon. so my advice to all anti God to believe in God and Obey, not like saitan.

You want to be soilders of saitain, choice is yours boys.


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Where are all the cult?
I do not see any one here, probably to much booz, it is the normal think for you comies.

for your information,
russian comies sold theier arms for booz during 1995 war b/w chechian.

ask your dead comrade in hell

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How big is the russian army in chechnya?
What and how many types of tanks and APCs they use? Do the russians test Ka50 and other modern
weapons in chechnya? Do the chechens posess
any armoured vehicles or tanks?
I think the conflict will involve in to
a long time guerrila war and will depend
on the quality of russian weaponry and
how much military help the chechens can get.
They definetely need more stingers since the
russians use their airpower much more than the
previous time infact the artillery and aviation
are the primary means of this operations Moscow
tries to minimize its infantry casualties.
thank you very much

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The World doesn't know much about the Russian Genocide of the Chechen people in 1944. The details of this monstrosity is contained in a book written in 1970 by Robert Conquest and titled "Nation Killers." Other North Caucasian people exiled were the Ingush, Karachay & Balkar.
In some villages where transportation to the deportation depots were not available the people were herded into barns, doused with gasoline and burned alive. In one town called KHAYBAKH 700 people including men, women and children were burned alive, and this heineous act was repeated in twelve other villages in Chechenia.

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To curious militarist
Why donot you sell some stingers to chechian fighters, they will kick comis ass.


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The deportation process itself was so cruel and not worthy of human beings. Hundreds of people were packed into each wagon. I have talked to some survivors and they said that they had to stand up in the wagons packed like sardines with the windows of the trains boarded up and with no stops for food and hygiene. Many people suffocated and died and their bodies stayed in vertical positions until the train stopped at its predetermined intervals and then and only then were the bodies taken out and dumped on the side of the railway with no permission to bury any of the dead. The deportation process included truck and train transportation and walking to reach the designated areas of banishment. Thousands died from lack of food and medicine

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Attention Everyone!

New information on AFGHAN MAN, Omar and Saladin.

Their main purpose on this board is to build islamic terrorist sympathy. They are actually working for Shamil Basayev, Khattab and the Taliban.

Do not get involved into arguments with them (besides, they cannot prove any of their propaganda anyway). We are in the state of war. This board is arena of war. AFGHAN MAN, Omar and Saladin will use any opportunity to spread anti-Russian sentiments and propaganda.

To all sensible people -

Post materials about the true nature of these islamic terrorists (that Western media does not want us to know)! Post materials, which support Russia and Russian war effort.

God bless Russian army in their fight against terrorism and islamic fundamentalism!

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The elders tell us that when people died in the winter time they couldn't dig the graves for them because the ground was frozen solid. They used to lay the dead in the snow and when spring came they would bury them again in the ground. In many cases members of the same family, fathers, mothers and children were separated from each other and the majority never saw each other again. This is a sample of what the Chechen people went through from 1944-1957.

What did the Chechen people do to deserve such inhuman treatment

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