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Archive through November 15, 1999

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Shut up Texan you betrayed us
you said you were Malcolm X
because you lie
USA will be destroyed
Osana bin Laden trains great army right now
wait for surprises soon white american trash

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To Afghan Man:

Thank you for your interest in my lack of religious stance. i understand that you, like all others who have offered religion to me, are try to save me, make my life better. I appreciate that.
My purpose on Earth: to live a decent life and be happy and pass on my genetic info so that the human species live on as well as help fellow people.

Also, why IS IT NECESSARY for me, or ANYONE ELSE to have a PURPOSE HERE? Why can't our lives here be relatively MEANINGLESS? Aren't they ALREADY?

Yes. If you could PROVE SCIENTIFICALLY that there is a GOD, I would believe in him.
If you could PROVE SCIENTIFICALLY that if I follow his teachings I would be rewarded (heaven, etc.) I would even follow His/Her teachings.

Waiting to be 'saved,'
- S.M.

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to OMAR:

how does Allah distinguish b/w men and women? why do women have to wear veils and are not allowed to be in the presence of men in certain scenarios. I agree that ALL MEN are created equal, BUT ARE MEN AND WOMEN CREATED EQUAL UNDER ISLAM???

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to all Muslims here on this board:

Under what conditions does Allah say Man can kill fellow Man?

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to OMAR:

What is the basic concept of Islam?:

Islam teaches us that this life is a life of worship. We are placed on this earth in order to worship Allah and obey His command.

We are told that God has no need of our worship.

Uhm... I am confused

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to Blackjack, Kissie:

Texan's role here kinda reminds me of something... US's role in world affairs. 😉

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Excellent article on Chechnya


NEW YORK - Hundreds of `Islamic terrorists’ were killed in the Chechnya this week by `precision-guided’ Russian artillery and bombing, the Kremlin proudly announced.

Russian spokesmen claimed that `surgical strikes’ by long-ranged 240mm `Uragan’ and 300mm `Smerch’ unguided rockets, fired from 30 kms outside Grozny, delivering clouds of anti-personnel bomblets, were apparently able to pick off Chechen `terrorists.’ The heaps ensuing of shredded bodies of women and children produced by the rocket barrages were actually Chechen `terrorists’ in disguise, Moscow suggested.

Russian aircraft and heavy artillery pounded other `nests of Islamic terrorists:’ Chechen farm villages and residential parts of Grozny, which were being rebuilt after Russia virtually razed Chechnya in 1994-1996, killing 100,000 civilians.

As Russia intensified its savagery against tiny Chechnya, Madeleine Albright and Canada’s Lloyd Axworthy, who had previously backed Russia’s so-called campaign against `terrorism’ in the Caucasus, were left looking, as the KGB used to call western toadies, like useful fools.

And even more foolish and shamefaced when Moscow news sources revealed that undercover Russian security agents had been caught red-handed planting explosives in an apartment building. A wave of explosions in apartment buildings in Moscow and southern Russia that killed 300 people, blamed by the Russian government on `Islamic terrorists,’ was the justification cited by Moscow for its third invasion of the defiant Chechen Republic.

It’s clear the explosions were a classic Russian `provocation’ designed to justify a new war against the 1.5 million Chechen, a nation that has battled Russian colonial rule for 250 years. Hardliners in Moscow, led by Prime Minister Vladimir Putin, an ex-KGB man, cooked up this war to help win upcoming December elections and keep the Yeltsin faction in power. Predictably, Russians, who hate all Muslims and especially Chechen, rallied behind the government and, just as important, lost interest in the enormous series of money-laundering and theft scandals that have rocked the cosmically corrupt Yeltsin regime. Moscow’s red herring of an alleged Islamic terrorist threat, amplified by its KGB-controlled news agencies, also neatly silenced calls by the US Congress to cut off billions in American aid to the Yeltsin government.
Russian invasion forces in Chechnya have adopted a cautious strategy. Unlike 1994, when Russian mechanized troops and armor rushed headlong into Grozny and were slaughtered in ferocious close quarters combat, this time the Russians are using their enormous air and ground firepower to besiege the battered capital and numerous Chechen villages and pound them into rubble. Over 180,000 Chechen refugees have fled to neighboring Ingushetia, but now Russia, breaking all norms of international law and human decency, has closed Chechnya’s borders, blocking escape for any more civilian refugees and forcing them to return to the war zones.

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Russia’s ferocity and massive violations of human rights in Chechnya come against a background of growing instability in the ethnically and tribally complex Caucasus, which is rightly called `Russia’s Mideast.’ This week, assassins murdered Armenia’s prime minister and shot up parliament. Armenia is on the verge of economic collapse after its long, stalemated war against Azerbaijan over disputed Nagorno-Karabakh.

Georgia’s leader, Eduard Shevardnadze, has survived two recent assassination attempts, which he blamed on Russian agents. His unstable nation is being fought over by tribal gangs and continues to battle separatists in Abkhazia. Oil-rich Azerbaijan’s ailing leader, Gaider Aliev, is losing his grip on power. An anti-Russian uprising in Dagestan, aided by a handful of Chechen fighters, which Moscow’s disinformers convinced the western media was the work of `Islamic terrorists,’ was recently suppressed by massive Russian military intervention.

Russian troops and agents based in the Caucasus are stirring the pot, so preparing the way for Russia to reassert its domination of this strategic region which it lost when the Soviet Union collapsed in 1991. Russia has secretly armed Armenia in its struggle against Azerbaijan, while aiding Muslim rebels in Abkhazia in order to pressure Georgia into rejoining the Russian Federation. Once the Chechen are eradicated, Russia will turn its attention on Azerbaijan and attempt to put its own men in power to succeed the ailing leader, Aliev.

The Chechen, however, may not cooperate with Moscow’s final solution. Though lightly armed and almost totally isolated from outside support and communications, they are probably the world’s most valiant fighters and certainly among the most skilled. The Russian Army may find itself bogged down in a long, debilitating guerrilla war in the mountainous south of Chechnya. Chechen commandos may be counted on to stage devastating raids against southern Russia, and even in Moscow. If the third Russian war against Chechnya fails, Yeltsin will again deny responsibility, lay the blame on Putin, and sack him.

But for now, the Kremlin believes it can commit any sort of crime in the Caucasus and still cash in on western aid by raising alarms about menacing Muslims. The notion that 1.5 million Chechen threaten 146 million Russians is a arrant, cruel nonsense only gullible, uninformed westerners believe.

What should the west do? Cut aid to Russia, which it is using our money to complete Stalin’s 1940’s genocide of the Chechen people. Cease helping Russia restore its rule over the Caucasus, whose people overwhelmingly want independence and reject return to Russian rule. Stop helping Russia reassemble the old Soviet Empire.

Hungary’s prime minister, Viktor Orban, told me last Friday that watching Russian forces shell Chechen urban areas, and Russian tanks move in for the kill, vividly reminded him of the Hungarian uprising of 1956 in Budapest. Once again, the world watches and does nothing while the Russians crush the life out of a small, valiant people.

Copyright: Eric Margolis, 1999

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Saladin that's total propaganda bull*** and you know it.

Where is all the evidence so substantiate all your feverishly ridiculous allegations?

Chechen apologists always seem to conveniently forget that Chechnya's warlords Basayev etc invaded Russia (Dagestan) twice this year and this Russian counter-invasion followed that.

If Chechnya cannot control it's illegal warlords who go out attacking neigboring borders with no provocation, then Chechnya shall suffer the consequences and it has.

I don't believe everything that Moscow says. I don't believe everything that Chechnya says or that CNN or anybody else says. No side is completely innocent or truthfull in any war, but most of the blame rests on Chechnya and it's invasion of Dagestan twice, which triggered the war.

Negotiations are currently impossible, no one controls the warlords, and warlords themselves cannot be trusted in any kind of signed agreement.

Pulling back Russian forces will leave warlords intact and ready to attack Dagestan again later on.

Hence only one choice: a military operation to take out the warlord forces.

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Terror Comes Without Warning in Chechnya
By Daniel Williams
Washington Post Foreign Service
Sunday, November 14, 1999; Page A01

EKAZHEVO, Russia, Nov. 13—At least they could have given warning, thought Lena Baisayev as the windows of her kitchen blew in, the plaster cracked all around and shrapnel crashed through the wall in the room where her 4-year-old usually sleeps.

It was Oct. 26 in Samashki, a town in western Chechnya. For three weeks, it had been battered by Russian artillery, tanks and jet bombers. Most of the time, Baisayev and her extended family of 23 men, women and children counted on the whisper of a jet or the distant booming of artillery to give them a few seconds head start on descending to the basement. But not this time. The thunderous explosion from a rocket shook Cooperative Street before anyone had a chance to move.

Down the road, the town soccer team's goaltender and an old man named Ramzan were dead. Baisayev's family survived, but it was time to leave. They fled by bus to Ekazhevo, a small town here in Ingushetia, the slender Russian region west of Chechnya where about 200,000 Chechens have taken refuge.

"We had been bombed before, but we saw [now] there was not even the illusion of safety. The basement was not a choice," said Baisayev, a Russian woman who married into a Chechen family.

The war in Chechnya as seen through the eyes of refugees from Samashki is a daily horror of sudden attacks from unseen artillery and tanks, jets dropping bombs and rockets launched from afar.

Dozens of civilians in the town have been killed or wounded. Residents spend days and nights in basements. Commerce is at a standstill. Even tending cows, which often grazed in the hills above the town, has become prohibitively dangerous.

The refugees' stories match those from towns and hamlets across Chechnya, few of which seem to be spared bombardments. Residents say damage in this war is worse than during the first conflict over Chechnya, which lasted from 1994 to 1996 and ended with the separatist region effectively independent from Moscow.

Russian are the lowest form of human (no, inhuman) species that exists on this planet

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Zionism is the greatest and purest creed that exists in the world today. "If you will it, it will be" These are the greatest words spoken by the founders of the Mighty state of Israel.

We Jews are truely the chosen ones. Non jews must accept their inevitable fate.

Death to all muslims, christians and non jews.

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🙂 I was complimented by Texan (crafty is a compliment isn't it?), every Jew boy's dream.

ha... Aaron Liebson is a nut

🙂 wonderful piece of ficion from our brother Saladin...
To Saladin: shhh.. They may actually believe you.

To Cross: It is interestning that you no longer scream your anti-russian slogans. What happened? your friend Texan hasn't let up

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Texan's fantasies are pretty interesting, he is willing to sleep with the enemy.

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