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Archive through November 15, 1999

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Please, please provide links to articles you want us to read. This message board is too busy for big posts. Thank you.

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Dear S.M I m Greek and 0rthodox and I saw the
effect of the disastrous western media propagnanda
on the the orthodox nation of Serbs. It seems to
that rich funded islamic institutions pay
western journalists for writing sympathetic articles also i ve heard cases in Bosnia in which
the Bosnian Muslims were killing their own people
and then called western journalists to saw them
the Serbian crime , the Chechens do something similar by using human shields and blow up cars
in the motorways.According to the fundametalist
logic everyone that is a Muslim has right while
all the rest of the world 4 billion people we are
inferior dirty infidels 'kufr' as they call us.
Fundamentalists are a eastern variation of fascism
look for example democracies like Iran or Afghanistan. My friend mr fundametalist I do
not bother with loonies like you.

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Dear S.M I m Greek and 0rthodox and I saw the
effect of the disastrous western media propagnanda
on the the orthodox nation of Serbs. It seems to
that rich funded islamic institutions pay
western journalists for writing sympathetic articles also i ve heard cases in Bosnia in which
the Bosnian Muslims were killing their own people
and then called western journalists to saw them
the Serbian crime , the Chechens do something similar by using human shields and blow up cars
in the motorways.According to the fundametalist
logic everyone that is a Muslim has right while
all the rest of the world 4 billion people we are
inferior dirty infidels 'kufr' as they call us.
Fundamentalists are a eastern variation of fascism
look for example democracies like Iran or Afghanistan. My friend mr fundametalist I do
not bother with loonies like you.

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Miliarist, I couldn't agree with you more. The current fad is to sympathize with the 'oppressed' muslims, especially now that it's financial rewarding. THe conflcit between Greece and Turkey is absurd. If it weren't for Greek influence in the region in the times of Alexander, Turkey would be... well, it wouldn't be much more than nothing. The only reason that Turkey got anywhere was through convinient Alliences with European nations.
Since Afganistan, where it was convinient for America to support fundamentalists since they opposed the USSR, America has funded and sympathized with numerous fundamentalist. I wonder how much longer the West will keep funding this rapid dog that bites back every chance it gets.
PS. Doesn't it seem that Newspapers keep quoting the same Chechen woman over and over..? 😉

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to Fenriz:

LOL.. It was amazing how quickly and idiotically these muslims assaulted you based on your name and the fact you don't support terrorists. And imagine, those racist slurs came from people who claim that their 'God' sees all men equal!!!!! LOL. Oh wait.. that all men, but no women who are MUSLIMS that are seen equal by Allah, the rest are worthless infidel... THAT makes more sense. LOL... They have a racist God! Thanks for your input on the terrorist scenario. It will certainly be interesting to see what happens AND how the US will continue supporting those same terrorists.

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Dear Neutral,

Thank you for keeping a open mind and not allowing the media to swing your sympathy towards the same terrorists how threaten 'surprises.'
It is difficult indeed to find unbiased reborting nowadays. So far, this board has been able to dig up only several wothwhile readings here they are:

Of course, the last one does seem a little bit like a conspiracy theory, but remember, it was the Western media that also claimed that the Apartment bombings were orchestrated by KGB!

Also, there is an article about a shipment of 3,000 US army uniforms being intercepted in Russia from Atlanta to Tbilisi, Georgia destined for an american atache of only 15 soldiers!!! what about the rest of the 2,985 uniforms, well rebell fighters near Gudermes were wearing some!! The article is from Inter-Fax, so unless you can read in Russian, it's not much good to you.

Additionally, you can look through older messages about the history of the region and background into the start of this conflict.

Thanks for your interest,

Sincerely, S.M.

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>> LOL.. It was amazing how quickly and idiotically these muslims assaulted you based on
your name and the fact you don't support terrorists. And imagine, those racist slurs came
from people who claim that their 'God' sees all men equal!!!!! LOL. Oh wait.. that all men,
but no women who are MUSLIMS that are seen equal by Allah, the rest are worthless
infidel... THAT makes more sense. LOL... They have a racist God! Thanks for your input on
the terrorist scenario. It will certainly be interesting to see what happens AND how the US
will continue supporting those same terrorists.


Actually I made a racist remark against Muslims in general and I apologize for that. I should have said Muslim Fundamentalists. Again I apologize for that.

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Thanks for clearing it up.

You look like a complete jackass now. I bet you're feeling ashamed and dumb about what you said. Muslims here are waiting for an apology from you.

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the reason you see big posts from Chechen supporters is that if they provide links, they loose their opportunity to 'edit' the articles. If you notice, Saladin's 'article' from today and yesterday, he has used some 'creativity.'

Also, if you are interested, here's a meadia related post I made yesterday:

"those photographed in front of the bodies of our citizens."

AFP quoting Putin

``Russia is prepared for a political settlement to the Chechen problem, but not with those who have posed (for pictures) over the corpses of our citizens,''

Reuters quoting Putin

Uhm... is this how this whole reporting thing works? The media can't even quote a conversation b/w Putin and Kofi Annan!!!!!

And you people believe everything they tell you, too. Well, what the hell, it is freedom of spee... err... bashing ... how can I put this nicely.....countries you don't like. How badly are you misquoting civillian casualties?
(I meant Collateral Damage)

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It was definitely amazing how quickly and idiotically you jumped to an inaccurate judgement on Muslims. Better think over what you've just said.

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My apologies for my son's (Wes, he posts under Texan, Malcolm X) behavior. You need to understand that in our family we don't support the views he expressed and that he is only 13. Wes is grounded and won't have internet access for a week. Once again, I am terrible sorry for any inconvenience he might of cause you.

Maria English, Wes' mother

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Dearest Muslim,

You look like a complete jackass now. I bet you're feeling ashamed and dumb about what you said. Muslims here are waiting for an apology from you. "

I'll take that bet. Not at all. My point remains. Your brothers asaulted Fenriz using racial slurs. I will not apologize to you or anyone else. perhaps it is you who should apologize for your brothers.

Oh yeah, what is it exactly that you want an apology about? I kinda missed that when I was envisioning Jackasses.

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Do you deny that a muslim on this board, whom you call 'brother' assulted Fenriz based on the fact that his name sounded Hispanic and threw racial remarks at him despite the Fact that Allah teaches that All men are equal?
PS. Why aren't women equal to men in Allah's eyes?

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LOL!!!!!!!! So that's what goes on in Texan's trailer!!!

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