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Archive through November 16, 1999

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Where is •••• Richard Holbrooke, Madeline Albright, James Rubin, General Clark, Jamie Shea, Toni Blair, Robin Cook, Josker Fischer???Where iS NATO!!!?????

What a disgrace they are. Kosovo was a picnic compared to Chechnya. Yet the above criminals with a combined population of almost 1 billion took on a a country of 9 million to show how tough they are. Well lets see how tough NATO is now.

Russia must do to Chechnya what NATO did to Yugoslavia. They must make war in the name of peace!

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US doesn't give crap about Chechnya. Let Chechen fight for themselves. There are not enough US troops already, too many of them are in Bosnia, Kosovo, E.Timor, Japan, Turkey, Italy, Germany and the list goes on and on! Why would US care about Osama bin Laden's puppets in Chechnya? Die muslim bastards!

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Chechen "war": I would prefer to call Russian terrorism. How can the Russians talk about "War" when 200000 people have been displaced and thousands of civilians have been killed, homes and entire villages were destroyed.

Russians can't fool the world with their stupid propaganda. Their agenda is crystal clear one is Military revenge and the other one is political power. Putin and his military gang used this anti-terrorist campaign to protect their hatred and ugly faces and show the world their muscles.
In realty Russians are much frustrated then the Americans, at least the American are more secure in their criminal operations (I would prefer not compare the two, it’s not appropriate).
I hope the Chechens will hit the Russians back and hard.

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to Aaron
Do you know that you described yourself as a vermin. Ask your mother she will tell you the truth about your identity.
Please stop your crap and keep your religious hatred nonsense for yourself.

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to blackjack,

Interesting. I especially like the part where the article says "Russian troops invaded Dagestan."

Tbilisi, eh? Isn't that where they tried to send 3,000 US army uniforms? Are the scientist beeing freed in exchange for military supplies? Is it the Russians freeing them or the Chechens themselvs (seems like the Chechens)? I dunno, could be rotten.

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The release of the hostages at this time is ample proof of Russian war criminal's tactics of blaming the Chechens of kidnappings and other crimes.
The Kremlin mafia barons are invlolved in all criminal acts in Russia and Chechnya.

The appointment of known criminal Beslan Gentimorov as the official representative of Chechnya is also a link in the same direction. He was released from prison recently in Moscow. This criminal who happens to be a Chechen was handpicked by Russia after last week's resignation of another hand picked Chechen, Saidullavev, who resigned in protest over continued genocidal bombings.

All thugs involved in crime and terrorism are
in payroll of Kremlin mobsters.

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To Aaron

Aaron, you are right about what you say, but please phrase your words carefully, as we should not alienate ourselves.

To Fernez
You are an ignorant animal who attempts to distort the Talmud. Showa is the hebrew word for hell, and that is where exactly you are going.

Accept the fact that, Jews are the chosen people, only gods true name has been revealed to the Jews.

Muslims and christians are like beasts who roam the earth, what is the value of the life of a beast?

To S.M.

You are a jew and a brother. Why are you athiest now? ethnically you are a Jew and you will always remain so. Please rejoin your Jewish brothers, so that we will create a world according to our one true law and the pure ideals of Zionism. Do not bother with muslims,christians, and other inferior people. Our time is precious and we have much to do.

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The release of the hostages at this time is ample proof of Russian war criminal's tactics of blaming the Chechens of kidnappings and other crimes.

Oh really? Poor hostages. They are surely extremely grateful to chechens for being such humanitarians.

The Kremlin mafia barons are invlolved in all criminal acts in Russia and Chechnya.
Do you have a proof to support the accusaton?

All thugs involved in crime and terrorism are
in payroll of Kremlin mobsters.

Wow! So, how much mr Basaev and Co. gets from kremlin? Hmmm...I thought that chechen mafia was in control of Moscow and •••• Petersbourg (since 1991) for a long time (seizing control of casinos, prostitution and being a major heroine supplier). Maybe if you replace "kremlin" with "chechen mafia" it would sound much more appropriate, look:
All thugs involved in crime and terrorism are
in payroll of chechen mafia mobsters


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Interesting. I especially like the part where the article says "Russian troops invaded Dagestan"

S.N., blackjack:
That's because the article being written by AFP, a french pro-arab agency. Comparing to Reuters, Ass.Press, CNN and even to BBC and NY Times, it can be easily observed that most of their articles are of provocative nature towards Russia.

to bershtein:
You basically confirmed what I have said earlier about Talmud and you are living proof of this.

13. Baba Necia 114, 6: "The Jews are human beings, but the nations of
the world are not human beings but beasts."

and you said: Muslims and christians are like beasts who roam the earth, what is the value of the life of a beast?. I don't feel to talk anymore with/about freaking "supermen" and their books, but once again, you are living proof why the orthodox jews are racists and should be instigated.


PS: I heard that in hell you can get a lot of chicks >:-)

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240,000 Serbs, gypsies and other nationalities are displaced due to Albanians' attack on them in Kosovo. Since NATO refuses to pay Yugoslavia untill S.M. is in power, all those people receive no humanitarian help what-so-ever. Their living conditions are ten times worse than Chechen refugees.

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KABUL, Afghanistan (AP) - Taliban-controlled radio on Monday broadcast a song calling on Afghans to wreak revenge on the United States. It was the first music allowed on the air since the ultra-religious army stormed into the Afghan capital three years ago.

The tirade against the United States was prompted by United Nations sanctions imposed Sunday to press the Taliban to hand over suspected terrorist Osama bin Laden.

``Oh America you are an enemy of Islam ... but you haven't heard the roar of Islam,'' chanted a male singer in a traditional melody accompanied by instruments. The song was broadcast on Radio Shariat.

The song called on Muslims worldwide to rise up against Washington. It also extolled the courage of Afghans who ``are a proud people.''

The Taliban control 90 percent of Afghanistan and consider music anathema to Islamic teachings. The religious militia espouses a strict brand of Islamic law that bans women from work and school and outlaws most forms of light entertainment.

It requires men to wear beards and pray five times a day. Harsh punishments are publicly administered, including amputation of limbs for theft.

The Radio Shariat broadcast also warned the United States that the memory of Afghans are long and if ``it takes 100 years'' an Afghan does not forget his enemy and will take his revenge.

The broadcast said the Taliban would never surrender bin Laden because Afghan tradition and culture forbid the handing over of a guest to his enemies.

The U.N. resolution that imposed sanctions demands the Taliban hand over bin Laden to stand trial either in the United States or a third country on charges of terrorism.

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GO - GO - SHAMANOV !!!!!!!!!

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By pretty white girl on Tuesday, November 16, 1999 - 07:03 am:
Angel Gabriel visited Muhammed eh?
So like Islam is rip off of christianity eh?
And christianity is a rip off of jews' religion eh?


I fail to find humor in this?

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Àìèð Îáúåäèíåííîãî Êîìàíäîâàíèÿ Èñëàìñêèõ Ïðàâèòåëüñòâåííûõ Ñèë Øàìèëü Áàñàåâ ïðèâåë â ñâîé äîì âòîðóþ æåíó. Áðàê áûë îôîðìëåí ïî âñåì çàêîíàì Øàðèàòà. Òåïåðü ó Øàìèëÿ Áàñàåâà 2 æåíû. Îò ïåðâîãî áðàêà ÷å÷åíñêèé ãåíåðàë èìååò òðîèõ äåòåé.

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Professor Yoshihide Kozai: I say, I am very much impressed by finding true astronomical facts in the Qur’an.

Dr. Kozai is Professor Emeritus at Tokyo University, Hongo, Tokyo, Japan, and was the Director of the National Astronomical Observatory, Mikata, Tokyo Japan. We presented to him a number of Qur’anic verses describing the beginning of creation and the heavens, and which deal with the relationship of the earth to the heavens. After
studying these verses, Professor Kozai asked us about the Qur’an and about the time when the Qur’an was revealed. We informed him that it was revealed 1400 years ago, and then we asked him about the facts which these verses contained. After each answer we would show him the Qur’anic text. He expressed his astonishment, saying that this Qur’an describes the universe as seen from the highest point, everything seen is distinct and clear.
He who said this sees everything in existence. Seen from such a point, there is nothing which can be unseen.

We asked him whether at some point in time the firmament was in a form of smoke. He stated that all signs and indications are converging to prove that at one point in time the whole firmament was nothing but a cloud of smoke. This has come to be established as a proven visible fact. Scientists now can observe new stars forming up out of that smoke, which is the origin of our universe.

We presented to him the Qur’anic verse saying:
Then he turned to the sky, and it had been (as) smoke (dukhaan): He said to it and to the earth: come you together, willingly or unwillingly.
They said: we do come (together) in willing obedience. (Qur’an 41:11).

Some scientists describe this dukhaan or smoke “mist”. But Professor Kozaipointed out that the term “mist” does not correspond to the description of this smoke, because mist is characteristically cold, whereas this cosmic smoke is somewhat hot. Dukhaan indeed is made up of diffused gases to which solid substances are attached, and this is
the exact description of the smoke from which the universe emerged even before the stars were formed. Professor Kozai said that because that smoke was hot, we cannot describe it as “mist”. Dukhaan is the best descriptive word that can ever be. In this way Professor Kozai continued to scrutinize each Qur’anic verse we presented to him.

Finally we asked him: ‘What do you think of this phenomenon which you have seen for yourself, namely, that science is beginning to discover the secrets of the universe, whereas many of these secrets have already been revealed in the Qur’an or in the Sunnah? Do you think that the Qur’an was given to the Prophet Muhammad (sallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam) from a human source?’

Professor Kozai replied: I say, I am very much impressed by finding true astronomical facts in
Qur’an, and for us modern astronomers have been studying a very small piece of the universe. We
have concentrated our efforts for understanding of a very small part. Because by using telescopes,
we can see only very few parts of the sky without thinking about the whole universe. So, by
reading Qur’an and by answering to the questions, I think I can find my future way for
investigation of the universe.

Professor Kozai believes it is impossible that the Qur’an was from a human source. He further stated that we scientists in our studies concentrated only on a small area, but if we read the Qur’an, then we will see a much larger picture of this universe. Scientists have to look at it in a panorama, not within limited and narrow perspectives. Professor Kozai acknowledges relating to the Cosmos, he is now able to define his way in the future. He states that, from now on, he will plan his research guided by the comprehensive Qur’anic view of the universe.

Glory to You O Lord, may You be exalted! This is the ever-lasting miracle which renews itself. This is a miracle which gives life and which convinces Muslims and Non-Muslims, and which will convince all generations until the Day of Judgment. Allah said in the Qur’an:

But Allah bears witness that what He has sent unto thee He has sent with His (own) knowledge. (Qur’an 4:166).

And say: Praise be to Allah, Who will soon show you His signs, so that you shall know
them. (Qur’an 27:93).

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