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Archive through November 17, 1999

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Maybe the name of the MB should be changed to "Islam In A Nutshell" or "Islam Crash-Course";o))

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Ashkenazi people are descendants of Germans tribes who converted to
Judaism about two thousands years ago. That is why they spoke Idish – a German dialect, not Hebrew.
Liebson, Berstein – even your last names are German. So genetically you are Gentiles.

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We appeal to UN Chief , Yetsin and Putin to take our boys out of Caucasus. There is impending massacre looming in the horizon. Lebed is not on the scene this time. He was instrumental in bringing back our boys alive last time.

Some of us are still searching for our loved ones in the Caucasus. Come and see for yourselves the mortuary in Mosdok, where hundreds of rotten human bones and skeletons testify to the fact of the brutality of last war.

We hope sanity will prevail and our boys are back home.

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There is one thing I understand is true about Russia that nobody can stop its process of self-destruction even Russians themselves. It is just matter of time. US have to sit patiently and wait. The only thing is important that anti-missile defense. It would be silly to rely on old treaties with country that doesn’t exit any more (USSR). Especially if we take into consideration, that non-proliferation is out of control as government of Russia itself is.

About Chechnya: Let Russia face Muslim world with all consequences. Let them drain their resources until they understand what is more important: declining population and crippling economy or loosing of the region that never was actually conquered ultimately.

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Russian soldiers in Bamut wonder about cost of offensive

BAMUT, Russia, Nov 16 (AFP) -
Days after entering Bamut, Russian troops have so far failed to win decisive control of the rebel stronghold in Chechnya and many ground troops now wonder whether the operation is worth the bloodshed.

It took Russia 18 months during the 1994-96 war with the breakaway republic to capture the fortress-like village that once housed a Soviet rocket base.

In that battle, Russia finally and at great cost stormed the stronghold, only to receive orders to retreat a few weeks later as demoralized Russian commanders sued Chechnya for peace.

This time federal troops entered the settlement Saturday after shelling it for more than a month from the air. As of Tuesday evening Russia had about 40 percent of the village under control.

But few troops here on the ground are convinced that the entire village can be taken any time soon.

Most Russian interior ministry troops are currently stationed outside the stronghold awaiting orders to conduct house-to-house "mopping up" operations similar to the one now being waged in Chechnya's second city of Gudermes, in the east of the republic.

"We came here three weeks go to mop up, but the village has still not been properly stormed," said an interior ministry officer named Sergei.

"Many of our troops have been stationed here for six weeks. They were expecting to receive orders to enter Bamut even then, but as you can see we are still standing here."

Usually defense and interior ministry soldiers view each other with suspicion. Each side accuses the other of either getting the plum assignments or getting better equipment from their generals in Moscow.

But here the two groups exchange hidden supplies of vodka and swap battle stories as they nervously ponder the Bamut offensive.

Leonid reports that five defense ministry soldiers from his division died in two days in surprise ambushes.

"We are not prepared to fight in these conditions. The army is not equipped to battle guerrillas who are hiding under bushes. You can't go running after a bandit in a tank," Leonid exclaimed. "They just move around too quickly.

Another of Leonid's companions agreed. "The artillery and aviation try to clear out an area where our troops are supposed to move in," he said.

"But by the time we actually get there, the rebels greet us with bullets again. It's very difficult."

The general feeling among soldiers here is that the likely casualty losses involved in an attack on Bamut outweigh the strategic benefits.

"The most interesting thing is that no one really needs this Bamut. It has no strategic significance, only a matter of principle," interior ministry commander Konstantin said.

"Everyone here thinks that if we take Bamut, the rest should be a cake walk in comparison," he said. "Only it's too bad that soldiers get killed."

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Dear Mr.Sokolov,

Chechnya was left alone for two years. Then, they [terroristical warlords] have invaded Russia. So, as much as we would like to leave Chechnya alone, this is not POSSIBLE. Because of this, no peace is possible this time. Terrorists will be brought to trial.

Denis A.Vassiltchev

Dear Muslims,

I don't know why you are continuing to support terrorists in Chechnya. You seem like reasonable men/women. The war in Chechnya is not about religion or nationalities. And the "freedom fighters" there are as much freedom fighters as Germans were in 1945. Islam was recognised as one of the state religions of Russia in the 18th century. Muftii of Russia is also voicing his support to the Federation government actions, the war there is about crimes and atrocities committed against citizens of Russian Federation (no matter the nationality).

Denis A. Vassiltchev

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We are going to Chechnya, very soon.

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Mufti of Russia is on the payroll by Russian Federal Government, basicaly he is serving Moscow to keep muslims obedient to Kremlin's power.
Piece of sh*t, I do not recognise him.

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Russian Army will be beaten. Chechens are the best fighters in the world.
Shamanov is piece of Sh*t, he will be executed.
RUS(sian)-Putin and his gang will be executed.

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We are going to Chechnya, very soon.
We are going there to put some bullets into the Russian soldiers heads. For every word against Chechen fighters on this web site I will put one bullet into Russian head.

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To Jake:

You are right, ethnically I am a jew, and will remain so. I support the Jewish people, but I don't believe in God. Once again, your claims to superiority are absurd, if you TRULY believe in God, then you know that only God can decide who is better after people die. Religion doesn't make anyone superior or inferior. They are merely unjustified claims to self-glorification. We are all human, but some of us loose that humanity based on our actions.

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Ismael: I got your e-mail. So did Yahoo administration and they promised to give it to the proper authorities.

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To Light and religious advocates:

People claim that many of Nausterdaumus's predictions came true. Is he also your God? Then again people say that he wasn't specific enough and any interpritation can be made from his writings. But then again, isn't that what all religious writings are?

PS: What is something that Allah has enlighted us about, but science hasn't showed us yet? Or is it only a one way street?

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Salman Raduev's International Brigade will be beaten. They will be slaughtered like pigs. They are all filthy pigs - scum from all around the world, stinking muslim terrorists without any heritage or soul. Khattab is a filthy muslim fundamentalist pig, he will have his beard cut off and staffed up his a**. Shamil Basayev will crawl to beg for his life, or run to his buddies in Afghanistan. Shamil Basayev will die like the other Shamil before him. He will have his **** cut off and stuffed in his throat. Russian troops will parade through Grozny, they will take down that dirty green piece of cloth which Chechen terrorists call their "flag" and burn it in the middle of Grozny's main square.

People like Ismail are going to Chechnya to become Khattab's personal bachas, that is pleasure-boys to relieve him from stress and fear of Russian bombs falling. By the time war in Chechnya is over, you will be able to walk through their a**holes.

You are all going to Chechnya to die. You will die like dogs on the street, your bodies will be left unburied to rot and feed the ravens. Your remains will be spat upon and run over by Russian tanks. You will drown in your own blood and pi**. Your Allah will not help you this time. You are all going to die for nothing.

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Alex Sokolov:

Russia indeed thoughout the centuries went through ups and downs. A lot of people before you claimed for centuries that Russia is going nowhere, yet it expanded and even after fall of communisim represents significant power.

Russia will self destruct if it would blindly follow what USA points it to. THIS is the path of self destruction - a path of a puppet. Yet at present, on the contrary to your statement, it might indeed benefit a lot from this war.

What could the winning of chechen war might bring:

1)If Russia would have done nothing against subhumans to the south, it would have indicated its increased weakness which would eventually result the country falling into pieces (just like Germany was few centuries ago). Not good.

2) This war, given that it will flow in a proper direction, will restore, at least partially, Russia's power worldwide again, thus counterweighting USA's world domination for greater stability in the political arena.

3) Hopefully it might lead to restructuring russian army, which would be benefitical, as the army now in the most catastrophic financial situation.

4) Self-proclaimed local "kings" within Russia will think twice before creating the havoc locally, terrorizing the local/passing-by population and proclaiming "independence".

5) It will help weed away chechen mafia from major cities that are pestered with them.

6) The world would be more active dealing with "muslim freedom fighters"

7) Ismail, Muslim and others alike will stop from appearing on this board for one or the other reasons 🙂

Lastly, I'm sure most russians would agree that they would GLADLY let the subhumans separate IFFFF in exchange All chechen mafia/militants/rapists/scum would be thrown out from the rest of Russia to where sun does not shine


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