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Archive through November 17, 1999

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to: Kissie
re: Fanatics

I can do nothing but to agree with you. I find it rather a complete waite of time to discuss this subject in depth with Fanatics themselves as it will lead it to nowhere. In fact, 2 people with different religious views should not argue about religion at all, as they simply leave the discussion being extremely p|ssed off.

Having said that, if the racist fruit cakes are to show up here on a regular basis spreading racial cr@p all over (especially, it's off-topic) I will simply resite a few more paragraphs from their holy Talmud to make them feel even more "superiour" :-).

LMAO!!!!....a truely hilarious piece of work.


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6 Doctors Killed in Gunfire in Zakan-Yurt

Grozny, Chechnya
Source: Kavkaz-Tsentr

Kavkaz-Tsentr Agency reported that on the morning of November 2, Russian troops strafed a hospital with artillery fire in the village of Zakan-Yurt. Six doctors were killed, as well as the wife of the chief doctor at the hospital.

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Profile: Shamil Basaev//// Next russian king

Date of Birth: 1965

Place of Birth: Village Vedeno, Vedeno District, Chechen Republic

Has three brothers. One was killed during the fighting in Vedeno at the beginning of 1995. Older brother - Shirvani Basaev was a commandant of the city of Bamut

Marriage status: Married

Life path:
1987 got enrolled to Moscow Institute of Land-Tenure Regulations Engineers.
August, 1991 took action in the defence of the White House in Moscow, Russia.
1991 returned to Chechnya from Russia and joined the trrops of the Confederation of the People of the Cacasus (KHK).
1992 became a commander of the troops of the Confederation of the People of the Cacasus (KHK).
August of 1992 participated in war actions in Abkhaziya.
From April until July of 1994 he was in Afganistan in province of Host where he went through the training.
Summer of 1994 he particpated in military activities during civil war on Djovkhar Dudaev's side.
14 June, 1995 he took hospital in the city of Budenovsk, Russia in order to bring attention of the World community to the situation in Chechnya.
April of 1996 he was elected as Commander of the Armed Forces of the Chechen Republic.
December of 1996 left the post of the Commander in order to be a candidate for the President of the Chechen Republic in forthcoming elections.
27th of January, 1997 got second place, getting 23,5% of the voters loosing the Presidential seat to Aslan Maskhadov.

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To all nice human benings

"Slave, who doesn't try to escape slavery - deserves double slavery"

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The military: thugs in ragged uniforms: poverty, corruption, and brutality
By James Meek

A curious discovery awaited detectives inside the flat at 20 Rublyov Highway where the two elderly residents--Anna Ichko and her husband, Andrei--had been killed. The murderers took clothes, an old radio, some jewelry, and cash. But perhaps made careless by the vodka they had found in the fridge, they left behind two rough khaki jackets of the kind worn by soldiers in the Russian army. After killing the pensioners, the perpetrators sat down and laboriously pinned Andrei Ichko's 20 or so military decorations to one of the jackets.

Suspicion fell on two young conscripts from the Volga region who had deserted from a garrison near the Ichkos' flat five days before the murders. After an intensive manhunt, they were tracked down to a hostel in Petrozavodsk, near the Finnish border. Police say they confessed immediately.

The case has strengthened the growing association in the public mind between the armed forces and crime. The pampered military behemoth of Soviet days has sunk lower in both power and prestige than would have been thought possible five years ago. Analysts estimate that of its 78 divisions, the Russian army could now field and supply only one in full battle order. To mention the army is to conjure up an image of hunger and rags, of officers and their families struggling to survive in single dormitory rooms without being paid for months on end, of corruption, pilfering, bullying, and draft dodging on a huge scale.

At the same time as the Ichko case, two soldiers at an air-defense base on the Pacific island of Sakhalin went AWOL after gunning down four of their colleagues. The new generation of young urban Russians look on the army as a throwback to a darker age and on national service as a punishment for a crime not committed.

"The army is a mirror of the country as a whole. If there's no order in the country, how can there be in the army?" says Maria Fedulova of the Russian Committee of Soldiers' Mothers, the most active organization working to protect conscripts.

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Forgotten Chechnya:

Two Mines Per Capita

"Every 22 minutes another man, woman or child somewhere in the World becomes the victim of a landmine. There will be 70 casualties today, 500 this week, more than 2,000 this Month and over 26,000 this year." 1

An estimated 100 million landmines laid in 68 countries, mostly developing nations, kill or maim over 26,000 people a year. One of the forgotten countries and dangerously suffering from the landmines issue is the Chechen Republic of Ichkeria (CRI).

The Republic of Chechnya is located in the southern border of Russia, in the North Caucasus. Before the war, the population of Chechnya was 1,250,000; 200,000 of them Russians and 50,000 from the surrounding republics. After the war, hundreds of thousands of Chechens were killed and 350,000 of them sought sanctuary in nearby republics. Many Russians and other minorities left the country.

Nowadays, there are no more than 600,000 people in Chechnya living side by side to around 1.2 million landmines, according to Jane's report 2, planted carefully and thoughtfully by the Russian army in inhabited, agricultural, animal grazing areas and near vital water resources. The main objective is not military but rather to harm civilian population. Consequently, the Chechens have been sleeping outdoors, with scarce food and limited water supply and with no means of heat normally provided by firewood from forests.

And the worst part is that the mines were deviously designed in the forms of toys and household tools so as to make the children the largest portion of victims.

A typical example is the Amirova family. Aimani Amirova, a mother in her forties, her 12 year-old son Zaurbek, 10 year-old daughter Mariam, and 9 year-old Issa, were from the Prigorodny village on the outskirts of Grozny. During the war they fled to khazav-yurt in Daghestan. The Amirova family returned home in early August 96. The Russian authorities had reassured the family that their house and garden had been demined. On august 10, while Aimani was at the market, the children had seen a colorful object and tried to handle it.

Zaurbek's left leg below the knee and left forearm was blown off, right leg fractured, and face maimed with the right eye possibly blinded. Zaurbek also suffered serious abdominal injures with a surgical opening in the abdomen to drain body wastes. He was still hospitalized, extremely emaciated looking and shell shocked. Mariam's lower right leg was injured with compound fractures. She was hospitalized as well. Issa's left hand was amputated at the wrist. The Amirova family had not received any assistance for the physical or psychological rehabilitation of traumatized children just like all the other mine victims in Chechnya that only get preliminary medical assistance. 3

The situation in Chechnya is very difficult because of the following: 4

1. No demining specialists and technical resources are available.
2. Social and economical problems, i.e. there is no financial resources to obtain special equipment.
3. There is no support from other countries for demining or rehabilitation of the victims of landmines.
4. There is an information blockade in effect, meaning Communication is difficult (no phone lines, email, etc)
5. Russian forces did not leave maps indicating where the mines are located.

The situation becomes even harder with the absence of the international and humanitarian organizations. The Chechen children feel puzzled when they hear that there are governments and international organizations that hold conferences and send relief funds and missions and spend millions of dollars to help landmine victims around the world; and they wonder "Aren't we also living on the same planet? Why doesn't anyone remember us? When will this assistance reach us?".

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Russian enemy units were forced to retreat from main Chechnyan cities due to heavy continuous night attacks by Mujahideen. Russian enemy soldiers are not used to the area, and are usually holed up in their armor and trenches at night. Mujahideen tactics include slipping among Russian units, then starting up an attack between the units, in the confusion, the terrorized enemy soldiers start hitting each others with heavy machine gun fire, rockets and artillery, Mujahideen meanwhile withdraw, and Russians continue attacking each others units for several hours, All grace be to Allah.

Enemy units have withdrawn to more protected open areas outside the cities of Schali and Gudermes. Enemy units in the plain regions of Chechnya are attacked by special Mujahideen units.

We have just learned that in the last 48 hours, two Russian planes (Identity was not known yet) were downed in central Chechnya. Russian enemy has lost many jet and helicopter planes in the last two months. Also reported was the destruction of 4 enemy tanks.

Brave Muslim fighters launched a daring operation behind enemy lines in neighboring Muslim Ingushetia on an elite Russian Marines unit, the result was 50 enemy elite personnel dead and 4 tanks destroyed.

Due to extreme miserable conditions, weakness, dispair, more than 120 Russian enemy soldiers and officers committed suicide in the last month (in bothe Chechnya and Tajikstan). Russian troops in Chechnya are suffering from shortage of men, and many soldiers have been in the area since last October. Over 10,000 Russian enemy soldiers and officers deserted their duty in Chechnya, many never reported to their basis in Russia.

Russian enemy troops are trying aimlessly to isolate Mujahideen in central Chechnya, by pushing them south towards the Georgian and Daghestani borders (Mountain areas) however Muslim troops were able to lure them into many death traps, and the Russian backs were broken on the banks of the river Argun. Many enemy units were under seige, many prisoners were taken, and alot of equipment was gained by Mujahideen. They were hit in Chiri Jurt and Urus Martan among other places.

It is estimated that over 100,000 Muslim civilians were killed by the continuous viscious artillery and aireal bombardment of the Russian enemy. Tens of cities and villages were destroyed, and over 1 Million Muslims were displaced without shelter or relief. Most relief and medical supplies by the Russian enemy go to their soldiers or Russian residents of the Caucasus area. Many Muslim children have died due to lack of food, medicine and good water.

Most recently another massacre was carried out by the hating Russian crusades when the city of Bamut was emptied of its residents and 1500 Muslims (mostly women and children) were slaughtered. Mujahideen attacked enemy formations their destroying 100 tanks of T-80 type and armored vehicles of the BMP and BTR types, in the areas between Samaschka-Bamut-Archi. 10 Mujahideen were Martyred InshaAllah.

Russian enemy forces have been using chemical weapons to bombard Mujahideen command and control positions in Chatoi, Vidno and Njy Jurt. Two Mujahideen were killed as a result of these poisonous gases which attack the nervous and respiratory systems. Previously the enemy used phosphorous bombs and napalm.

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"They are not fighting terrorists but women and children,"  said Liza Kulayeva, 26 in Gekhi. She said her 11-month-old baby  had died of cold as she waited in vain to cross the border.  

Refugees who did make it across bore tales of deaths and  horror from intensive bombardment. Russian troops fired  short-range rockets at villages not far from regional capital  Grozny late Tuesday.  

From this village, shells and rockets could be heard  exploding across the fertile valley south of Grozny where most  Chechens were living day and night in their cellars.  

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To all you filthy anti-semitic sub human filth out there ( Fernez etc.)

(This does not apply to S.M and Blackjack, kissis - you are my brothers and sisters)

You may "try" to mock the supremacy of the Jews, but take a look around. If we Jews were not the chosen people, then try to explain how so many of us occupy such great positions of power in politics. We are most often the top doctors and lawyers in society. Look at all the finest educational institutions, We run the best departments. Most of the greatest scientists and writers in history were Jews.

I was not deliberately being insulting by saying that christians, muslims and other inferior people are like mere beasts roaming the earth. Just stating a fact.

The fact that we are the chosen ones, has nothing to do WITH US - this has been pre-ordained.

S.M., Black jack and Kissie, you are ethnically jewish now please accept and practice the religon of your fathers. Kissie, you have an obligation and duty to bear as many good Jewish children as possible to help fight terrorist arab scum and their traitorous christian allies in the future.

ABOVE ALL our alliegence to Zionism and the mighty state of israel must surpass personal feelings.

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Looks like you guys wanna start a bigger war(which is possible). If there will be World War 3, it wont be between US and Russia, or China or whoever else down for war. This will be war based on religion. It must happen someday and we all know that its inevitable. If our "dear" muslim friends could just stop saying bullshit about how Allah gives birth and instead of this, tell us about Jehad and what it means. "Holy war against unfaithful(which is us - christians)" How can God, or Allah, whatever you call it, bless the war? Im christian and I refuse to understand that. Almost all of the recent local wars were based on religion.(Kosovo, Chechnya, Nagorno-karabakh, etc.) I keep wondering how NATO including USA most of the time supports muslim side. hmmm....Turkey is the answer? I guess Russia is one of the first countries that begin to understand that, Greece is next. I'm armenian and we have our own conflict with muslims. Throughout history my ancestors were protecting their country from muslim barbarians. 1915 is one of the darkest moments in that history. I wonder that neither Turkey or USA wont admit armenian genocide in Turkey 1915 which caused 1.5 millions of armenians dead. Who now gives a * about that??? Probably thats why I dont give a * when 20.000 people die in Turkey's earthquake. If we dont look back into history we can make even worse mistakes in future. So let Russians finish what they started. peace.

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to LoKo (Armenian)

Armenians I know support Caucasus (Chechnya) in its strugle for Independence.

to S.M.

I got your e-mail address and your co-ordinats.
I sent them to my friends who are going to fix you up.

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To jake berstein
Are you a doctor or an idiot?
If you are an idiot then you are not Jewish.

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Russian death toll nearing 5000.

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To Loko,

There is a huge Armenien population in Glendale, California. Frankly Armenians in California are regraded as trash - low life, out to milk the system. They have no respect whatsoever. Many americans fear armenians as they look like terrorists. Actually Armenians are simply babarians.

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