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Archive through November 19, 1999

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I shall post some more news stories highlighting Russian terrorism in Chechnya, soon

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to roger matheson, you moron, S D is totally correct, why is it Russia is always being judged by American Judge. Who says what they did in yugoslavia as collateral damage and ww2 hiroshima saving american lives. Well let me tell you something you american bastard! we are saving Russian lives. and to those of you who dont like this Russian page then leave!

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philip cross, what terrorism, we arent a terrorist organization, we are waging a war with an official army under an official flag against chechen bandits who arent even recognized as a nation. They are the terrorists. Your mind is cluttered with sympathy to the weaker foe but the weaker foe in this case is the enemy, you just dont realize it because you are an ignorant american.You americans were terrorist in Yugoslavia. You just pay people money to keep them from taking stance against you, thats how everyone wants to be allied to you, you have the money, but some of us still have our wisdom and morales.

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wow. nice work with the IP Number...

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Dear Yevgeniy,

Mr.Cross is not American, he is British. As with practically all British people, due to the centuries long incest taking place there, he is unable to understand anything you write him. So, don't spend your words on him.

Yours faithfully,
Denis A. Vassiltchev

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so philip cross likes to f uck his mom, eh?

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Russians and morals!! please! I don't know whether to laugh or cry!


* Russia is a terrorist nation
* Russia is a begger bowl nation
* Russia is a corrupt nation
* Russia is run by various mafia's
* Half of Russian banks are owned by mafias
* Russian politicians are corrupt bandits
* Drunk Begger Yeltsin and little begger Putin
will be tried as war criminals

IMF funding was designed to assist the Russian economy not aid Russian terrorism in this genocidal campaign.
This is a short term political terrorist tactic, long term, Russian will be begging and starving.

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Smoke rises from the ruins of a Chechen village. More evidence of the indiscriminate nature of Russian bombing.

Locals cower in a cellar as the shelling continues non-stop. But now it is the old and the infirm who are trapped here.

Most of those who can escape already have done.

Only a trickle of refugees crossed the border recently, with the floods of people already having passed through here to the overcrowded camps.

Yet people still wait here, anxiously hoping for news of relatives, and friends, still inside Chechnya.

when old people and little children suffer. Russian terrorists smile with glee

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I do not mean to sound prejudiced, but I really wish Russians would go back to Russia. I guess they don't care that nobody likes them here.

Russians come here because they know that Russia is a crap country. I live in Los Angeles and most of the russians here are jews. I guess they must have fiddled the system somehow to get into California.

Americans don't want godless terrorists in heart of this nation.
By the way to that jerk, Bernstein F**K OFF! who the hell are you to call me a beast that roams the planet. Why don't you go back to Israel, or Russia with that other assh*le Blackjack - and ROAM AROUND with the other "chosen people"

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One more thing..

Last night there was a program on NBC showing all those sad refugees being bombed out of chechnya, I saw this kid, he must have been 3 or 4, he was miserable in the freezing cold. Maybe, I can't do much execept donate to charity to help these people. But my father owns a compay that employs over 150 people. I can sure as hell make sure we NEVER hire Russians for any vacant positions

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Exceptionally good page you posted the link for.
The same guy (Venik) on one of his pages used to post unbiased information about Yugoslavia's bombing during Cli(n)torus/Blair campain and most of the events came up exactly as he said, unlike J.Shea's utter load of garbage


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to philipp cross

I believe we havn't spoken before 🙂
well, assuming for the time being that you indeed english and not one of those muslim fundamentalist in London, here is a small reminder what your small island called UK is about:

* after english (or saxons) occupied the islands, they forsed other population of completely different decent (welsh, scottish, irish) into brutal submission for centuries that still lasts nowadays. just look at N.Ireland

* in medieval times english were unsuccessfully
trying to pick a fight with every nation in europe imaginable; realising that their ground troops are sh|t, they made a smart move and built impressive sea force. That sea force soon became dominant in 15 century and english were able to demolish completely spanish sea armada of Philip the Second

* After assuming the most impressive for that time sea force, english ruthlessly concurred and put into submission almost whole Africa, some Asia (incl. HongKong), Australia and, of course America by whiping out local population. This is when english gave the rise of local seatrash called Pirats.

* England was the most bloodthirsty non-barbarian nation known to mankind. In 1800's they occupied South Crimea and, of course, India (english tea, anyone?); how SPLENDID, ehh?

*in 20th century english luck started running out as they lost all their colonies, latest being HongKong, as England was becomming less and less insignificant and useless country. not good.

*yet, english didn't want to go away so easily; they were the last european country to assault a soverein country (Argentina in 1980s)

* now england shall lose any relationship with australia as far as their sh|tty kingdom is concerned and soon canada will follow

now..let's get more "personnal"

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* never before uk was so pathetic and laughable as nowadays. that's why homosexual Blair and his butt-boy R.Cook (robin's co*k) suddenly decided to become WORLDS GREATEST HUMANITARIANS while activewly licking Clinton's....cigar. of course there are a lot of loosers like mr p.cross who are more than ready to join the crowd of choirboys
* english homosexual choirboys are quite known around....since in typical english schools boys don't see woman's skirts untill they are 20, giving them a lot of time to jack off
* as far russia is concerned, blair and co. must be very dissapointed about recent summit in Turkey since the only thing they've got was big russian D|CK in their face. i imagine blair/cook romance this night to "remove negative energy" while former hippie J.Shea with his sadistic smile standing by and holding candle :-). world domination my ass

* england is going down in history and nothing will stop it. it will soon beat France in the amount of muslim population. they will built local harems and mr.cross wcan very be one of the "women in there"; but that's ok, mr. cross has been openly asking other male board members to suck his co*k because he likes it
*mr putin will not be tried as war criminal. instead he will drop the bomb in the atlantic ocean and the wave it would generate will wash the pathetic island will all his moronic inhabitants


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I can't wait to see Great Britain to become just a lonely ENGLAND. I'll see for how long they will feed their queen. They'll probably eat her in a year or two.

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Texan, you better have a lok at your own parasites...

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