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Archive through November 2, 1999

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THEY set up bombs to blow up some buildings and blamed its to CHECCHEN REBELS and they start the war for dodging questions from IMF about where the money gone...they also solved their internal problems by that dirty war and PUTIN can win the president election by killing CHECHEN PEOPLES...

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Moscow bombings were done by Yeltsin and his terrorist thugs, to focus attention away from his theft of IMF money. This is all about the terrorist communist corrupt govt of Russia wanting to remain in power. Only the simple minded Russian people will suffer. Russia lacks respect and credibility in the World. If you are Russian try getting a visa to USA or Europe - you will be denied. 1959 - Hungary, 1968 - czechosvolakia -1999 - Chechnya -THIS IS THE TRUTH ABOUT RUSSIAN EXPANSION

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To Blackjack.
You sound like Nazi. If people like you will be given free hand, then you will exterminate all Chechen nation just because you hate them for your own reason. If you can - you will probably not hesitate to use Nuclear weapons against Chechens. Do not try to say that Chechen is equal criminal. There are criminals in every nation and in every country around the world, including Russian and USA. Please - have some sense, and do not sound like faschist.
The reason why there is so much crime in Chechnya is that Kremlin is blocking recognition of Chechen independence and because of that the Chechen government is powerless to fight criminals in Chechnya. Chechen nation is not criminal. It is denied chance to live normal life by Kremlin (note here that I do not say by Russia, because there are Russians who are critical of their government). Chechnya will be independent. I was in Chechnya in 1989-1991 and I can say that those people will fight to the end. They are a very proud nation who will fight for their independence. I came across Chechen criminals and I also came across Chechens who were fighting their own criminals. Once again I like to say here that Chechens are not criminals. I hope that one day in Russian society will appear healthy forces, those who will be able to look without hate on the mountaineers of Caucasus. What is hapenning today in Russia, is that the former colonial system does not work anymore at the end of second millenium. Russia much re-think itself and its policy towards non-russian people. And I like to say to everyone on this site - IF YOU WANT RESPECT, THEN DO NOT BE BLINDED BY HATE. YOU CAN EXPRESS YOU OPINION, BUT DO NOT USE HATRED AND DIRTY WORDS.

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The only terrorists are the russians who are targetting innoccent civilians ,what a shameful act..against humanity..let all freedom fighters join hands with the peoples of Chechenya and Caucasus against oppression and manipulation and let the international community wake up and say a word of conscience..

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Jack, seems you've been drunk lately, so You threw up on this board as well.

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To: John Dove


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Russian are filthy terrorists who have bombed pregnant women in maternity hospitals in chechnya. Russians are a disgrace to mankind, the lowest form of human there is. The hungry Russian nation with its begging bowl out to the West makes me sick. This mafia controlled terrorist nation must NOT recieve one dollar of IMF money.

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A word of advice to Russians, If you ever manage to leave your begger nation. Please don't mention that you are of Russian background. People will regard you with disgust. Most people do not like smelly alcoholic Russian terrorists

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How many of you are actually posting these messages from Russia or Chechnya? How many of you are basing your hate-filled messages on nothing more on news reports and you won personal prejudices? Do any of you have heard perspectives from both sides of the conflict? Not from media - from real people. I am sure they would tell stories not too different from each other. Chechen Warlords are killing innocent Russian civilians and Russian troops are killing innocent Chechens. So who is right? And who are YOU to decide? To all of you civilized Westerners out there: who is shaping your opinions? Were you rooting for NATO as it bobmbed the evil serbs, were you cheering on the US when it fought in Vietnam? What is it that makes you so disgusted at a stronger force (Russia) fighting a smaller force (Chechnya)when you were not so opposed to the idea a short while ago? Perhaps if you leave hate and your Cold War fears out of the messages maybe we could all hear valid perspectives from which we could all learn.

To all freedom fihgters: freedom is a virtous cause. But freedom from what? Just because you fought to achieve freedom for your life (I know Russians as well as numerous other peoples have given their lives so that their children would not live in oppression. But please, use the term freedom fighter with some discretion. I am sure we can all list terrorist who label themselves 'freedom fighters.'

To Philip Cross:
I am not taking sides. But as a human being, you disgust me. It does not matter which side a person is on, it is not hard to tell that you are an ignorant, closed minded pig. I am sorry, but you have no input other than racist slurs. Here in the US, yes I am a Russian who resides in the United States, things are a little different from what you suggest. A hard-working Russian, Arab, Jew, Chechen, anybody, is valued more than a racist Brit (by the way, hard working Englishmen are respected just as much as Russian over here). Life is a bitch, huh?

Anyway, all of you, please open your eyes. I will not take sides here. I am nobody to decide. All I know is that my cusin is fighting somewhere in southern Russia and i would be too if we had not moved to the US. But, I am not and I don't think any of you are either. So if you need a seventeen-year old to tell this. I am sorry for you.

i look forward to all the racial slurs addressed towards me as more proof of my point.

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God is the only peace for mankind through His Son Jesus the Messiah for man.

I pray for God's will to be done and that all injustices in the world; Sudan to China, will end.


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To S.M

You may call me names, but i have been to USA several times. People in good neighborhoods DO NOT want russians as neighbours. Can you blame them? having Russians in the area means dealing with crime, drugs, prostitution etc. Russian are famous for counterfeting currency and money laundering in USA. My friend is VP of a major bank in Los Angeles,he tells me that the bank checks all transactions by people with slavic russian names. FBI monitors Russians In USA.Frankly I do not think that the Uk and USA should allow terrorist, criminal Russians into the country

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Philip Cross is a rather entertaining individual. His vlind insults rivals those of kindergardners (by the Philip, my daddy can still beat up your daddy)and yet he wishes to be taken seriously. Although I know nothing about you, and you seem to know a lot about me, my family lives in the one of the best neighborehood in the area and all I can generalize about my knowledge of people from the UK is that when we have them over tea (they seem to like some of the Russian teas) we share some funny Cold War experiences. Were you scared of the USSER during the Cold War, Philip? Please tell me why you hate Russians so much? And please gather some maturity notto reply with more ethnic slurs.

Anyway, it seems to me that this a British message board. So I have a question for all you citizens of the Great British Empire:

When Britain conquered numerous indeginous peoples during your quest of Iperialism Dover the past couple of centries, were you ancestors proud of their actions?
More over, are you just as repulsed at the numerous rebellions that YOU the British quelled by raping and pillaging defenseless natives as you are at Russia right now?
Can you barely stand caring this burden of your'proud' British heritage?

It is wonderful to sit on your 'WESTERN' throne of rightiousness and critique those worse of than you in your glass castle of Hipocracy. Isn't it?

PS. (Mr?) Cross, I will respond to your insults as soon as I have a chance to consult my 13 year-old brother on an appropriate come-back.

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Some queer typing You do ... - You're not English. And all that blah of Yours! No thinking, just motorloudmouthing.

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Joined: 17 years ago
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To: Philip Cross
Some queer typing You do ... - You're not, probably, English. And all that blah of Yours! No thinking, just motorloudmouthing.

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Kissie does your pimp know that you are not presently working?

Beside I believe that females and politics are an unhealthy combination

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