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Archive through November 2, 1999

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Women and children have died from being cut open on barbed wire fences trying to escape Chechnya. May these begger bowl Russian terrorists burn in hell.

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Once we are rid of Russain Terrorism, the world will be a better place. I hope I see the day when the begger nation of Russia implodes from within

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Some background for all you on Russia relationship with Chechnya.

The war began in 1827 when Russia, allied with Britain and France, intervened in the Greek struggle for independence from the Ottoman Empire, which had started in 1821.

The crisis engendered by the Greek struggle for independence ultimately drew Russia into war with Turkey (1828-1829). After a slow start, Russian forces crossed the Balkan Mountains in 1829, captured Adrianople (now Edirne), and were advancing on Constantinople (present-day Istanbul), when the Turks sued for peace. The Treaty of Adrianople (1829) granted Russia territory at the mouth of the Danube and in the Caucasus and a virtual protectorate over an autonomous Moldavia and Walachia; autonomy for Greece and to a lesser extent Serbia was also guaranteed.

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"No one can deny that both sides are commiting atrocities. "

What rot! I don't think the chechens have jet fighters and tanks! Russia is the largest terrorist nation in the world today. As well the the nation with the biggest begging bowl.

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Blackjack - another meagre slavic mind

I guess you will be honored to participate in International Red Cross Workers' Beheading Ceremony. OR kidnap little kids for randsom.

Ok so the chechens kidnap little kids? THE RUSSIAN TERRORISTS BLOW THEM UP AND LET THEM GET CUT TO PIECES ON BARBED WIRE when the kids try to escape chechnya from Russian bombing.
Dam russian savages!

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It is stupidity of humans to suppress other humans.The people of former USSR know the horrors
of Russians. Now or later Russians will have to pay the price. Today it is Chechens who are standing upto Russian criminals tommorow it could be stronger Ukranians or Kazak. World has a destiny and no one can change it. For deeds of Russians attrocities in ex USSR, god has already punished them with poverty and loss of status. It will bite dust sooner or later.

If Russia call chechenia as its territory and its people as its citizens it is utter nonsense that any country will use war machinery like this disproportionate to unarmed chechen civilian. Bandits can be punished separetly but annihilating entire population is bad and Russians will pay the Price.Time will speak for all are creations of same god and these communist who do not beleive in god will see his final punishment soon.


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The Chechens were part of the multiethnic Alan state from the 8th century until its destruction by the Mongols in the 13th century. A mountain-dwelling people organized in clans, the Chechens first descended to the plains in the 15th and 16th centuries. There they both fought against and traded with the Russians and the Georgians. Beginning in the 16th century, Caucasia became the focus of political and military competition between Safavid Persia, the Ottoman Empire, and tsarist Russia.

Well, it seems that Chechens were the first to instigate conflict with Russia

Dudayev set up a government in Groznyy but was unable to persuade any countries to recognize Chechnya's independence or invest in its economy.

Why didn't the West support bandits?

In May 1997 Maskhadov and Yeltsin signed a peace treaty that formalized the terms of the earlier truce. Both sides pledged to forever reject the use of force or threat of force. Separate preliminary agreements were signed regarding economic aid from Russia to help rebuild Chechnya's ravaged infrastructure, industry, and housing.

Chechen Warlords attacked Russian towns and thus violated this treaty.

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To: S.M.

It is claimed that Western society is leading the world because of the Freeflow of information and knowldege. This is your strong asset, not money, or weapons. Use this to help the rest of the world to come to their senses instead of policing sense into them.
That's real great in theory, but, unimplementable, because that same freeflow will undermine the crawling of the "West" for world domination - it doesn't need reality checks and thinking - it needs Philip Crosses.
P.S. Yes, that mental case still talkin'

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I salute the people of chechnya for standing up to Russian terrorism, just as the Hugarians and the Czechs did in the past.

For Kissie, call me a mental case if you will, but I would be that, than a Russian terrorist oving whore like you

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Philip- I bet you are a Soviet if not a Russian emigrant, you seem to know the russians too weel(not that i disagree with you). come on admit it!

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To: Texan

So, You put Your rusty guns into a rust remover in the end? Good. Go back to school - somehow, it's a missed chapter in Your life - and don't return, untill You get A in history.
P.S. But go get Viagra first. You can order it, he-he, online to support what's, he-he left... Be careful, - I heard, that those overzealous sometimes die and have a very stupid looks posmortem, but, ah, that shouldn't bother You - You're stupid while still alive. One more thing, if after a couple of pills You still doesn't get a hard-on, - don a hat and fire a couple of shots, and not at Your "9-inch pride", stupid - in the air. Still wondering, why I made this last warning?

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I salute the people of Chechnya for standing up to Russian terrorism, like the hungarians and czechs did in the past.

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To: Philip Cross

Re: Kissie, call me a mental case if you will...
Damn sure I will.

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To Ricky

No, i am not a former soviet, god perish the thought! However, we mave a problem in london with illegal Russians coming into the country.

The problem is that once Russians move into an area, property values drop like a stone. This is understandable as many of them deal in drugs, weapons and counterfeit currency. I am really sorry for some of these Russian girls I see near the tube stations, many end up in prostitution. My heart goes out to them.
I think Russia should not have STOLEN the IMF, funds but used it re-build a decent future for themselves. Instead terrorist yeltsin (he will be dead soon anyway) and putin engineered this massacre of Chechnya to divert attention away from their corrupt terrorist regime. Anywhere in the world people regard Russians as beggers and terrorists - and its understandable why.

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