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Archive through November 20, 1999

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Dobrey Dgen Comrades

Have you read our previous post about the filthy chechans

We are a group of Russian nationalists - who regret the demise of the glory of the former Soviet Union. True Communism is the only solution for the current Russian crisis. For too long,the Russian economy has been controlled by Jews, zionists and American imperialists.

To hell with Chechnya!
NO to USA!
No to foreigners!
NO to muslims!
NO to Jews and Zionism!

Comrades, in the end WE WILL BE VICTORIOUS. We have our own website (see previous post). We are proud to be funded by certain members withing Kremlin

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yes i believe here's a boy, name philp cross or something, he would love to have up in his ass - headless! ask him if he would like to visit chechnya

p.s. right on uzbek! only 130 millions to go!

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Roger Mattheson

: We Americans regard you Russians as human
: excrement.

Tune to CNN now and look at the protests in Greece - look at what many people over there regard Americans as. Go to France - see just how many Frenchmen dislike Americans. Just about anywhere in Europe the perceived image of Amercians is less than complimentary. I am not even talking about the rest of the world. Don't you think this is truly sad? You should be ashamed - this image is formed due to psychopaths like yourself. You say what you say because Russia and Russian culture is beyond the understaning of your inferior sub-human brain. You are unable to think outside your limited closed mind. And you insult all Americans by stating that they all share your deranged ideas. You have no right to do so in the first place - that is to claim to represent all of the people of United States without their conscent.

: You are godless trash, the very lowest of the
: low.

For starters, compare literacy rates among average Russian adults and average American adults. The results are saddening with regard to American public education system.

Speaking of "godless trash", I wonder if the ethnic cleansing of Native Americans was done by white settlers in the name of God? Does it make them "religious trash" or "godfull trash"?

You sicken me. Just to let you know.

Another thing: yet somehow these "subhuman scum" have managed to produce some of the greatest writers, artists, composers and scientists in the history of mankind. Tolstoy, Chekhov, Dostoevsky, Mendeleev, Chaikovsky, Rakhmaninov to name just a few. Strange, ain't it?

: We play fair, even to Russian terrorists and
: bandits.

Isn't it a great irony that the most infamous terrorists, murderers and bandits in American history happened to be not immigrants, but completely White, Anglo-Saxon, Church-Goin' Apple-Pie Americans: Timothy McVey, Charles Manson, Mark Barton, Bonnie&Clyde to name a few? Besides the fact that there are more senseless killings (of trenchcoat mafia type) and random violence in U.S. than anywhere else in the world. Makes you wonder...

: We have allowed a few of you to emigrate to USA.

What would you do without immigrants? Where would American nuclear bomb be if not for ideas of imported german and italian scientists? American space program without von Braun? If Igor Sikorsky (a Russian) did not emigrate to the U.S. where would American helicopter industry be today? You seem to take all these things for granted.

: As a noble humanitarian gesture. USA should
: drop toilet paper and stale meat and fish for
: the Russian people.

As a noble humanitarian gesture they should put you to sleep. I am being very nice and fair - it is much less than you deserve, anyway 🙂

P.S. By the way, I rather enjoy conversing with primitive subhuman barbarians like you - and blow all your weak "arguments" away with my itellectual power!

P.P.S. I know right about now you are experiencing an urge to hit your head against the monitor. Hard. Your face is now turning red and perhaps even a few of the weaker blood vessels in your brain have come to an untimely demise (no big loss). However, I implore you not to give in into that barbaric emotional outburst, to spare the monitor of your computer (for the contents of the monitor are surely worth more than the contents of your head).

Have a nice day!

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To: intellectual elite

primitive subhuman barbarians like you - and blow all your weak "arguments" away with my itellectual power!

itellectual power? Perhap my 'intellectual' friend you should invest in a dictionary (a book that defines the meaning of words - useful for spelling too)

Thank you for your response, seldom have I laughed so hard!!

Don't worry my pro-Russian friend, I am quite certain that the United States will air drop toilet paper and stale meat/fish on Moscow. It will be a wonderful treat for your Russian comrades dring the season of goodwill.

By the way, Russians are 'slavs', We all know the etymological derivation of slav, now don't we?

Lesson over.

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One more thing...

Those third world greasey Greeks demonstrating against USA! How shameful! they bite the hand that feeds them!

Facinating how the weak and insignificant tend to band together against the strong.

I only hope that the Greeks don't comming running to us to save them, if Turkey ever decides to invade!

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When the First Chechen War started in December 1994, many of my russian-speaking acquaintances , emigres from the former USSR, were telling me that Russia will smash Chechnya in the couple of days. How this finished we all know - in August 1996 humiliated Russian Army withdraw from Chechnya.

Here are many voices now who predict total defeat of Chechnya. So, I like to remind to my russian opponents one a very valuable Russian poverb -
"Do not say 'Hop', before you jump over!"

Russia will always live in constant fear of Caucasus and Chechnya.

One day in future you will see Independent Chechen Republic of Ichkeria - recognised by this Planet! Caucasus will always rule Russia.

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Alright all you fakers!

It's time for A.K.Makaveli to clarify several things for you.

1. The Brit (i.e. Wanker) who's haunting this message board is an insolent and impudent retard. He is full of envy and jealousy... as for bullshit, he's overfilled with that good. He's most likely an uneducated, unskilled loser bound to useless existence on his 10,000 pound-a-year income, whose frustrations are transformed into hatred and projected outward. There is absolutely no factual knowledge conveyed in his unwise, and extremely dangerous to his well-being, remarks.Moreover, even a first-year student would notice a range of "non sequitur"s in his senseless blabbing. Almost every single accusation is a mere projection of his (and his nation's) own shortcomings, namely illiteracy, stupidity, etc. He should have kept his trap shut because this is not about Chechnya as far as I see. He has attacked Russia as a whole, along with her people, which changes the present situation and leaves me no choice but diss that "bloody Wanker" and all adjoining jackals.

2. My advice to the Wanker, Texan, and other shisty hoez... Watch your mouths and your backs as well! Oh yeah, and forget the location of this site. Otherwise, I might resort in whooping your "arse", biiiioooootch.

3. By the way, some biotch proposed to "just nuke" Russia... Come on, sonny boy! Bring it out...What are you waiting for? HaHA..your mental capacity makes me laugh!!! You should have known, hater, that Russia has the BEST weapons in the world and it is more probable that the states will be NUKED sooner or later if stupid hoez, whom you are representative of, keep expressing similar ideas.

My best regards to playaz and real G'z, and a word of caution to fakers, haters and other excrements.

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