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Archive through November 22, 1999

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russian man you made a good point . it is not anyone's business but russian; we need a strong russian country to counter those ••••• british and rude yankees . i mean it is rude to go 10,000miles to kill people as the usa dide in serbia is it not; if we don,t support the russian gov,t ; one day we, all have the half baked , countries with a bunch of fools screaming holy war running around makeing usa dominance a cake walk. let the russian handle their problem, the usa needs to clean up its own backyard, before jumping the fence to hoe someone else

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russian man you made a good point . it is not anyone's business but russian; we need a strong russian country to counter those ••••• british and rude yankees . i mean it is rude to go 10,000miles to kill people as the usa dide in serbia is it not; if we don,t support the russian gov,t ; one day we, all have the half baked , countries with a bunch of fools screaming holy war running around makeing usa dominance a cake walk. let the russian handle their problem, the usa needs to clean up its own backyard, before jumping the fence to hoe someone else

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Kingdom of Hawai'i must seceed from the U.S.A. In 1898 it was illegaly annexed while 99% of population didn't want it! Our queen, on numerous ocations, asked American president to respect our rights and not to make our country as one of their states. Freedom to Kingom of Hawai'i!

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Nice coomment, ALOHA!

Let's proclaim independency of People's Republic of California! The Mexican territory was invaded and consequently acquired after numerous casualties on both sides.
Why don't you stupid hoez realize that a country is a country -- it cannot be divided! And the present policy of the West suggest they follow a nice strategy invented thousands of years ago: DIVIDE AND CONQUER! It is in their immediate interest to promote decomposition of Russia, since they want to see it paralized and stripped of its power. However, it's not going to happen! NEVER!
Federal Troops are doing the most appropriate thing right now -- they are eliminating a bunch of
CRIMINALS who wanted to circumvent all the applicable laws in order to enrich their own selves. Read about numerous small refineries clustered in Chechnya, whose operations were illegal, for the oil refined on their premises was
stolen from the Russian pipeline system. And that's only one example of Chechens' insolence.
One more point to be made...
If a group of criminals committed a series of grave crimes including such violations as extortion, drug trafficking, false arrest (hostage-taking), terrorism, etc. and upon detention they declare their need for independence from the country where the illegal activities have been conducted, there is no other resolution but coercion to conformity!!!!!!!!! Think about this Chechnya situation again and open your eyes!

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Why should we help Chechnya?

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A.K.Makaveli (the hungry terrorist)

"If a group of criminals committed a series of grave crimes including such violations as extortion, drug trafficking, false arrest (hostage-taking), terrorism, etc."

Are you refering to the average Russian terrorist?

What chechens possibly may have been doing in chechnya, RUSSIANS DO ALL OVER THE WORLD

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When refugees reach the Chechen border, they can face demands for money from Russian soldiers, Human Rights Watch said.

How disgusting! only Russian people would be so low as to take money from cold hungry women and children. You Russians really are the absolute filth of humanity. I hope many of us in the West will still be around when the Caucaus regions finally destroy Russia.

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The report quoted Kharon Askhabov, 35. He was trying to leave Chechnya on Monday in a three-car convoy packed with civilians when one vehicle was hit by a shell, killing seven people, including two women and four children, the report said.

``Thousands of displaced persons flee each day'' on this highway, Human Rights Watch noted. ``Any firing on this road, which, according to witness testimony, is frequent, runs the risk of striking civilian vehicles.''

When refugees reach the Chechen border, they can face demands for money from Russian soldiers, Human Rights Watch said.

Askhabov said the Russian troops swore at him and the other survivors in his group. They rummaged through their pockets and handed over about $12 before they were allowed out of Chechnya, he said in the report.

Russia was once a great country, now Russia is a country governed by terrorists and full of beggers

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Phillipok Crossik, say something new.

You are boring me to death.

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You can b*tch and moan and babble all your extremist muslim rhetoric until the cows come home. The reality is Chechnya's warlords (who provoked Russia by their attack on Dagestan) are getting their a$$e$$ royally smacked. Good 🙂

Action always was one hell of a lot better than words.

The point is, you provoke Russia and you're asking for BIG trouble. There are many brainwashed pple who believe everthing that Chechnya says or every report badmouthing Russian actions regardless of proof. I don't believe Moscow, I don't believe Chechens, I don't believe CNN, I don't believe anyone on face value. You have to think for yourself and question everything. Russian actions are not perfect or saintly, but on balance they are fairly justified given the practical circumstances on the ground. This is a fight against complete warlord Anarchy in Chechnya and surrounding regions.

All your whinning will not change the fact on the ground in Chechnya. Which is the destruction of chaotic, illegal gangster warlords in Chechnya. Period.


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Over 500 U.S. MIAs Were Saved by the Serbian People During WW II
By Major Richard Felman, USAF (Ret.)
"To this day, I can smell the terrible stench of their burning flesh" (as 200 Serbian women and children died to protect American flyers)

TUCSON - During World War II, we were in the Army Air Corps list as "Missing in Action" in the very same area you are now serving. If we may, we would like to relay to you a frank, soldier-to-soldier message about our personal experience while there - something which politicians who sent you there have not told you and something which you have not read or seen in the anti-Serb media.
In 1944, the members of our committee were flying bombing missions out of Italy over Southern Europe. During that time over 500 of us were shot down over enemy-occupied Yugoslavia and saved from certain death by the Serbian people. Ours was the greatest rescue of American lives from behind enemy lines in history but has been kept under wraps all these years because of pressure from foreign sources.

While we were there, those of us who were wounded were given whatever medical supplies they had even at the deprivation of their own troops. If there was one piece of bread in the house, or one egg, it went to the American airmen while the Serb went hungry. If there was one bed or one blanket, it went to us while the Serb slept on the bare ground. No risk of sacrifice was too great to insure our safety and well being.

One experience which is forever seared in my memory is the time a village with 200 women and children was burned to the ground by the Germans because the Serbs would not tell them where they were hiding us. To this day, I can smell the terrible stench of their burning flesh. One does not forget such things.

The most incredible part of our rescue was that before each mission, our bomber crews were briefed by the highest levels of American intelligence that, if shot down over Yugoslavia, we were to stay away from the Serbian people as they were collaborating with the Germans and "cutting off the ears of American airmen" before turning them over. Only after we were shot down did we find out the amazing thoroughness with which the truth about the Serbs was being distorted.

Further compounding this deception is the fact that while the Serbs were our allies in WW II, Croatians and Muslims (who we are favoring today) were allies of the Nazis, shooting at us and responsible for killing many of our fellow American fliers. In view of the lies we were told about the Serbs during World War II, we could not help but wonder if our foreign policy there today is the same anti-Serb bias we encountered 50+ years ago.

Could our career diplomats sacrifice former friends and reward former enemies in the name of political expediency? Could it be because in the world community there are over one billion Muslims and only 9 million Serbian Orthodox Christians with the same proportionate power in the global economy? Could it be because the Serbs have no oil wells and no unlimited oil money? Could it be because the Croatians and Muslims outspend the Serbs 50-to-one on lobbyists, media firms and campaign contributions? Could this be why, "atrocities" are manufactured to make the Serbs look bad while gaining sympathy for their opponents? Could this be why the Serbs are branded "aggressors" in land they have lived on for over 600 years? Could the State Department's bitter bias, against General Draza Mihailovich, the anti-Communist guerrilla leader who saved us, be based on the fact he was a Serb?

Could these be the reasons the State Department has covered up the truth of our rescue all these years and opposed our petition to express gratitude for saving over 500 American lives? (a petition which is supported by the 8 million veterans of the American Legion, the Veterans of Foreign Wars and the Air Force Association and which has been approved by the United States Senate.) Could it be these are the reasons the Chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee has also denied our petition by saying to us there are "ethnic groups in Yugoslavia" who oppose it?

Are we mad? You can bet your next month's paycheck that we are mad! We did not leave our families, risk our lives and watch our buddies get their arms, legs and heads blown off so that "ethnic groups in Yugoslavia" could tell us what we could or could not do in our own country.

By speaking out now we have nothing to gain except a burning moral passion to tell the truth, a sworn duty to protect our national honor, a patriotic desire to express heart felt gratitude to those on foreign soil who save American lives while they are fighting in defense of our glorious country.

Now that you have been sent to foreign soil, and asked to risk your lives we feel you should know the truth and not be "suckered in" by the rhetoric of highly paid public relations firms, foreign lobbyists and self-serving politicians who know absolutely nothing of the region's history.

We might also add that had it not been for the Serbian people, Air Force General Donald J. Smith, our chairman and one our rescued airmen, would not have survived the war and been able to dedicate 40 years of honorable service to his country.

Had it not been for the Serbian people, technical Sgt. Curtis "Bud" Diles, another of our airmen, would not be alive today in Dayton, Ohio, enjoying retirement with his 4 children and 12 grandchildren... There are hundreds of us with stories just like those.

Some of the greatest testimony to the many sacrifices made on our behalf is the many thousands of American children who are alive today solely because the Serbian people saved over 500 of their grandfathers during World War II. Some of them could very well be serving with you today in Bosnia.

As American military men, we have a proud tradition of "duty, honor and country" to uphold and a fierce sense of loyalty to those with whom we fought side by side in combat. We never forget their kindness, nor do we return their battlefield sacrifices for us by bombing their women and children.

The Serbian people helped us when we were desperate and in trouble. Now that the situation is reversed we can do no less.

Please keep these untarnished truths in mind as you now serve our country and all it stands for, and may God bless you all as we pray for your safe return.

Richard L. Felman
Major USAF (Ret)
National Committee of American Airmen Rescued by General Mihailovich, Inc.
P.O. Box 17478
Tucson, Arizona 85731

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Idiot calling himself Philip Cross,

----Are you refering to the average Russian terrorist?
----What chechens possibly may have been doing in chechnya, RUSSIANS DO ALL OVER THE WORLD.

What are Russians doing around the world?
Just look at those lame attempts to retaliate...
Don't you think that by having posted such bull$hit you proved your inferiority and, in essence, inability to hold civilized debate.
UUUU I'm rubber you're glue... Pathetic!
Once again, go back to the elementary school, because you seem to have missed about 90% of the truth about literacy in Russia (whose rate is one of the world's highest). And brush up on your history and politics as well.

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why doesn't Islamic countries help?

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