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Archive through November 23, 1999

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Hunter, Omar, and other shisty haters!

All you claim to be true is a bunch of bullshit hate propaganda. Chechens are criminals and they want to establish their own state just because they do not want to be responsible for years of robberies, murders and anti-social behavior.
Do you fakers remember what happened in Waco, Texas???? A group of religious maniacs refused to
give up and the police had to bomb their asses!
Why didn't you scream "This is genocide!" and criticize your government? Ah? What is it punks?
Well, take your tongues out of your asses and tell
each other to stop being hypocrites.

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Alright! Listen you damn drunken russians. put down the freakin vodka and listen up. everyone wants peace on earth and all that bull but here you people walk in to the country killing people left and right with out a damn who you kill. Now gee I wonder who will be going to hell after this on. grow up and act your own ages. you people have a bad ecomomy so try working that out first instead of fuckin killing everyone else.

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Hehe, if Russia was indeed run by a bunch of "gangsters", Chechnya will not exist today. Literally. Chechnya would've been nuked into the prehistoric crust. The people in Moscow are restraining themselves, they're not gangsters.

Chechens should be happy Russia is so restrained after Chechens provoked things by invading Dagestain twice.

The gangsters in Chechnya cannot restrain themselves and attacked Dagestan without justification.

Russia is already restrained NOW, imagine what will happen to Chechnya if Russia really does not restrain itself....

Nukes/ chemical weapons / bio weapons on Chechnya etc. Now THAT will be a genocide no one has seen before.

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To Ivanovich n A.K.Makaveli


Abu Bakr Aqeedah. Egyptian. Killed during a military operation against the Russians in Dagestan, Russia, on 22 December 1997, Aged 36. 1st Hand Account. Not on Audio.

'One Leg is Better than Two.'

On the 22nd of December 1997, the foreign Mujahideen in Chechnya under the command of Ibn-ul-Khattab led an attack on a Russian Army Base in Dagestan. This attack was successful, Praise be to Allah and claimed the life of one brother, who to the Mujahideen was widely loved and respected. The name of this brother was Abu Bakr Aqeedah. The following article details Abu Bakr's career in Jihad and how he was killed. May Allah accept him from amongst the Shuhadaa'.

"But as for those who are killed in the Way of Allah, never will Allah allow their deeds to be lost."
[Quran, Surah Muhammad (47), Verse 4]

Abu Bakr graduated from High School in Egypt, obtaining a very high mark, and was awarded a scholarship for further education. He then commenced a five-year Batchelors Degree in Mechanical Engineering. During his studies, he became interested in working for Islam and met the likes of Dr. Sheikh Omar Abdur-Rahman, under whom he studied Islam for approximately two years. The oppressive Egyptian regime soon imprisoned him for a period sufficient to ban him from Egyptian Military Service (all Islamists are prohibited from participating in National Service in Egypt).

After he graduated, in the late 1980s, he left for the Jihad in Afghanistan, at the age of 25. He stayed there fighting the enemy and defending Muslim land, gaining military experience to add to his technical expertise. One-and-a-half years later, he lost one of his legs below the knee, when he stepped on a mine during an operation in Jalalabad. One brother who was with him when he lost his leg, describes:

"When the operation began against the Communists, we soon came under heavy fire and bombardment from the enemy forces. All of us had our heads down and we were not able to get up to even look, due to the severity of the firing. Abu Bakr, who was one of the senior commanders of the operation, then asked one of the brothers to go and get a mortar bomb. None of the brothers were able to go, so Abu Bakr went himself to get it. He returned after about half-an-hour with a mortar shell in his hand. He then asked the other brothers to load and fire it. When they asked him why he did not do it himself, he replied that he had been shot in his arm by a bullet that passed straight through the bone of his arm, when he went to get the shell. We asked him to go back to have his injury seen to, but he refused, preferring to continue fighting.

Soon afterwards, with his rifle in one hand, Abu Bakr stepped on an anti-personnel mine, that severed his leg from below the knee. I carried him back from the Front-Line to the ambulance, and accompanied him to the hospital in Peshawar. By the time we arrived at the hospital some hours later, he had lost of a lot of blood and was exhausted. Sweat was coming out of his face like water, but he was not moaning or groaning: only mentioning Allah's name. I said to him, 'Be patient my brother. This is the way to Paradise.' He nodded his head and murmured, 'I know.'"

After a temporary artificial leg was fitted to his body, he returned to Afghanistan and continued to fight and train the brothers there. He did not leave the Jihad after losing his leg, even though he now had legitimate excuse that many of us do not have, but the love of Jihad was now deeply ingrained in his heart and he wanted the rest of his body to reach where his leg had reached. Amongst other training camps, he was a military trainer in the camp of Shaheed Sheikh Abdullah Azzam (R.A.) for two years. Hundreds upon hundreds of Mujahideen received training under him. Soon after losing his leg, he was in the Central Mosque of Peshawar, to which Sheikh Abdullah Azzam was making his way to deliver the Friday sermon, before he was assassinated along the route.

Some months later, he got married. He telephoned his family back in Egypt and told them of his desire to get married. His family searched, and found an Egyptian sister willing to marry him, so they sent her to Afghanistan to join him, bearing in mind that this was AFTER he had lost his leg. How many 'sisters' in the West would refuse a marriage proposal from a Mujahid, just because their hearts have become attached to the love of material things. So this sister arrived in Afghanistan, and they married there.

Abu Bakr continued to fight in Afghanistan until the Soviets were expelled in 1989.When the Communists were defeated as well, he proceeded with Ibn-ul-Khattab and a handful of other brothers, to Tadjikistan, and fought there for some time. When activities in Tadjikistan subsided, he finally proceeded to Chechnya to join Ibn-ul-Khattab, who had arrived there a little earlier. Two years he stayed in Chechnya, participating in all the numerous military operations with Ibn-ul-Khattab, including those which earned Khattab the nickname, 'The Lion of Chechnya.'

After the temporary peace deal was signed in Chechnya in the Autumn of 1996, Abu Bakr continued to learn and to train Mujahideen. Ibn-ul-Khattab offered to pay for Abu Bakr to travel to the West to have a quality artificial leg fitted, as his present one was now many years ago and giving him inconvenience. Abu Bakr, however, refused, saying that it was not worth spending the money of the Muslims on someone like him, when other people and other causes were more worthy of being spent upon.

In the early hours of Monday morning, 22 December 1997, Abu Bakr Aqeedah participated in an attack on a Russian Army Base in Buinaksk, Dagestan with his artificial leg. He was killed during the first few minutes of the operation, whilst he was facing the enemy, not fleeing from them. He was aged 36. He had attained the prize of Shahadah (martyrdom) after spending eleven years (one third of his life) in Jihad for the Pleasure of Allah. We ask Allah (SWT) to reward him for his efforts and to enter him into the highest part of His Paradise.

If you ever met Abu Bakr, you would be impressed by his character immediately without even knowing who he was. His residence was simple and sparsely furnished, his manner was humble and he spoke dignified Arabic, not gutter slang, and was very hospitable.

The aspect of this brother which was most impressive was his vast knowledge coupled with his humility. He was chosen out of ALL the Mujahideen in Afghanistan to write the sections on explosives in the famous Arabic nine-volume Afghanistan 'Encyclopaedia of Jihad'. He was once jokingly referred to as the 'most wanted and dangerous man in Chechnya' by commanders like Ibn-ul-Khattab, Shamil Basayev and Salman Raduyev. He lived in the same village, possibly next door, to Abu Talal Qasimi (an Egyptian Islamic scholar who was kidnapped by the Croats on route to Bosnia in 1995 and sent to Egypt, where he was probably tortured to death). As for his family, he had about 5-6 brothers, all of whom were either killed in Jihad or imprisoned by the tyrannical Egyptian regime.

Even though Abu Bakr was known and regarded by the Mujahideen as one of the most knowledgeable and experienced commanders in the world, his skills and expertise did not leave with him. In addition to the Encyclopaedia of Jihad, Abu Bakr also completed a thesis on 'Operational Tactics and their Effectiveness' based on all the military operations undertaken by the foreign Mujahideen in Chechnya, a few weeks before he was killed. All his writings now circulate amongst Mujahideen commanders all over the world.

His modesty was such that this little information was gleaned from hours of conversation, but mainly conversations with other Mujahideen. His name as Abu Bakr Aqeedah was unusual. When asked, "Why Aqeedah?", he replied, "Why 'Egyptian' or 'Syrian', etc? I am a Muslim first and foremost so I want to be known as Abu Bakr Aqeedah, not by any other name."

It is difficult to write this article on Abu Bakr: mere words cannot describe him. Unless one actually sat with him, talked to him, asked him about his dreams, ate with him and lived with him, it is not possible to truly understand his character, or the significance of his loss to the Mujahideen all over the world, as a brother and a friend.

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Korobochka ! Name given to a terrorist!= butchers
This is high time to learn Manners,U have wasted all ur Valuable time by going to the University,
There is a wall between you and me, And you will never understand the TRUTH.
Think before you act.
This apply to those who have any brain.

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You ffucks are pathetic!
Yes, I killed Chechen terrorists, yes blood of those bandits on my hands. Yet, I sleep like a baby without a worry on my mind. And what are your pathetic hiding somewhere far far away ass is going to do about it?
Don't give me "I'm going to kill you!". Bah, don't make me laugh. If you want to kill me, you would have to come to chechnya first, and I don't see your scared lil ass doing that.

Sorry, got to go, I think I hear another bandit just asking to have my bullet between his eyes. I must not disappoint him.

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To All Silent Spectators

World is laughing at you, What a human tragedy?
You all are deaf and dump,---please stay like that and Watch beautiful misery film of Chechenia at your TV screen.

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Lont live Independent Chechnya!

Russian Military criminals and Putin with his gang will be executed for their crimes against humanity!

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Long live Independent Chechnya and long live Independent Caucasus!!!!!!!!

We will chop Russian soldiers into the pieces!!!

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And after we will chop Russian army into the pieces, then we will cut balls to all pro-russian supporters!!!!! Just keep this in your mind!

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Hey, Mudjahedin,
I see, you smoked hashish a lot recently.

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Topic starter  

golly, kissie, pretty bloody 'discussion' going on
in here...
too bad you religious xtremists, whatever shade
you may be, cant just WAKE UP a little bit to all
the DEATH rendered in the name of this god, that
god, any ol' god.
these gods, if they existed, would not approve of
all this DEATH. and if you think otherwise you
insult your so-called god by presuming to speak
for he/she/it to further your own ends.

spare me your stupid holy wars.
did you understand that part?

....and a happy new century to you too.

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Chechnya Rebel Says 200 Russians Killed In Ambush, Has Video Proof

NEAR ACHKHOI-MARTAN, Russia, Nov 23, 1999 -- (Agence France Presse) A rebel Chechen officer said Monday that some 200 Russians were killed in an ambush last week and showed AFP a video of at least 43 bodies in Russian military uniforms.

The 32-year-old unit commander, who gave his name as Rustam, told AFP his troops ambushed a group of Russian soldiers conducting a reconnaissance mission in the hills of Chechnya's Makajoi region, near the Chechen-Dagestani border.

"We tried to capture them by ordering them to throw down their weapons, but they opened fire on us and we killed them, taking two hostages," Rustam said.

The officer, who reports to Chechen field commander Shirvany Basayev, brother of Islamist rebel leader Shamil Basayev, said Chechen fighters killed almost all the Russian troops in the raid and took a total of 12 prisoners. In the video seen by AFP, the faces of the Russian bodies were of men aged 20 to 25.

Chechen military sources said the dead Russian soldiers pictured were only some of the approximately 200 men killed in the raid.

Two Russian hostages were shown in the video recording, saying they entered the Makajoi region to destroy Chechen arms and ammunition storehouses. ((c) 1999 Agence France Presse)

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Russians have slowly started to admit casualties.

Russia loses five helicopters in three months

By Michael Steen

MOSCOW, 23 Nov (Reuters) - The head of the Russian army's air wing said on Tuesday it had lost five helicopters in three months of battling Chechen rebels and his men were constantly aware of the danger of being blown out of the sky by missiles.

Chechen-led Islamic rebels stormed into the neighbouring region of Dagestan in August. Russia pushed them out and then launched an attack on Chechnya itself to finally destroy them.

Colonel-General Vitaly Pavlov said his pilots could either fly very low or very high to avoid Chechen shoulder-fired Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, but the North Caucasus' mountainous terrain increased the risks.

``Of course it's dangerous, it's indisputably dangerous. We have to fly at heights of over four kilometres to be relatively safe from Stinger operators,'' he told a news conference.

It was also difficult to keep the helicopters low.

``In the mountains there are the added dangers at low altitudes of powerful and rapidly changing gusts of winds which force pilots to make errors,'' he said.

Stinger missiles were the scourge of the Soviet airforce during the Afghan campaign and were used by separatists during the 1994-96 Chechen war which ended in a Russian retreat.

Pavlov said Mi-26 and Mi-8 transport helicopters as well as Mi-24 attack helicopters had flown more than 5,000 hours of missions in air and land strikes in Chechnya and Dagestan.

Of the five which had gone down, one was lost during a flight over Dagestan and two were destroyed on the ground in Dagestan. Two others had been lost for ``non-combat'' reasons.

Pavlov could not comment on an incident last Wednesday when Georgian border guards said three Mi-8 helicopters dropped bombs on an area of Georgia bordering Chechnya.

At the time Russia's air force denied involvement but did not rule out that the helicopters belonged to the army.

``I cannot tell you exactly (what happened) because I do not have the conclusions of our experts and our commission which has been working with the head of the Georgian air force and the Georgian security minister,'' Pavlov said.

He said the commission was due to report by the end of week.

The army air wing operates along the Chechnya-Georgia border to ensure Chechen rebel supply lines remain cut, he said.

Pavlov said army helicopters had destroyed one Chechen tank, an armoured personnel carrier, 10 fuel trucks, and 100 other vehicles. Many missions consisted of transporting troops, provisions, weapons and carrying out reconaissance.

09:12 11-23-99

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