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Archive through November 25, 1999

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and that would appear to be my cue. thanks, luv.

rog' my man, ah guess ah'm 'a gonna haveta go back and check yew out in the archives...but it do appear to me that among the primary progenitors of chickensh*t round these parts is yo own danged self.

you're just jealous that you didnt think of TALIBAN BURQA BARBIE. and if that's the best you can do, with that white-trash trailer park stereotype imagery....better luck next time.

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You rednecks are pathetic, shame you are not related otherwise you could have got married.

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and once again to misterrogers i say "if that's the best you can do, better luck next time".
my friends who know me as an unrepentant, stoned rock musician of decades standing would be amused at your characterization of me as a "redneck".
but then, your only ammo comes from stereotypical imagery gleaned from american more "dukes of hazzard" for you, comrade...(laughs out loud).

but twould seem you're smoking better stuff than i am; it makes you LAME.

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It is very sad to see the gruesome brutality and carnage carried out by the russian forces under the disguise of combating terrorism.They have bombed Chechniya beyond recognition and created a massive reffuge crisis causing irreparable damage to innocent women,children and the old.Still USA and the europe is is supporting this carnage both directly by suppling Russia with money and weapons and ammunition and indirectly by passive soft talk.even the media is playing a very passive tone in portraying this issue as an appeasment to the west and russia."thanks for honest and unbiased journalism"!!!1???.However people are not as blind and stupied and do sympathise with the people of chechniya our prayers and sincere wishes are with them.Truth and decency will ultimately prevail.Time will show who the real terrorist and cimiminals are.

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Russian Forces Looting Homes In Chechnya

MOSCOW, Nov 25, 1999 -- (Agence France Presse) Russian forces have looted homes in several Chechen villages that they have captured, Human Rights Watch (HRW) said in a report Wednesday based on interviews with refugees.

The report said looting had been recorded in the Naurskaya district north of the Terek River, as well as the western village of Sernovodsk and the southwestern settlement of Yermolosky.

It said soldiers stripped houses of food and valuables -- even floorboards for fire-wood to help against the cold.

One villager, Markha Isayeva, was quoted as saying her home in the Naurskaya district was looted shortly after she returned there on the heels of the Russian advance.

When she asked a soldier why he was removing the floor, he replied: "We've got to have fuel for our stoves...we have to build shields for our positions." A villager from Sernovodsk told HRW: "My own cow, they killed it before my very eyes and hauled it away."

Dagman Agmanova, another native of Sernovodsk, reported that soldiers took the coat off the back of a friend.

The report pointed out that pillage is prohibited by Protocol II of the 1949 Geneva Conventions.

Russia is currently encouraging more than 220,000 Chechens who have fled the fighting to return to parts of the breakaway republic under federal control. ((c) 1999 Agence France Presse)

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Uzbek, you sure found a good trusty source to quote here. Everyone knows AFP is paid by Muslims like Osama bin Laden.

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Truth and decency will ultimately prevail.Time
will show who the real terrorist and cimiminals are.

Tell that to the families of those poor Granger Tel engineers. Don't forget to tell the families of another 50-something westerners, who are lucky to be still alive, and don't forget to tell the families of kidnapped russians, no, better tell nothing to the last ones on this list, - I heard they are so-o tired of that brazen banditism, that Abdul Cader might be be the only thing remained of You. BTH, Russia doesn't need or get any weapons or ammo from the US or Europe.

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The British Telecom Engineers who were beheaded were in fact spies and later confessed their crime. Even the British Foreign Ministry agreed about the spying. Now what makes you think that spies should be let free.

Why in the hell did those '50 Westerners' went to "bandit" country? With Russia cutting electricity and heat, the Chechens have a moral right to take the hostages. The West is partner in the genocide underway in Chechnya. Once the Chechens smash the Rusian army, the West better bankroll and pay the Chechens to rebuild the country otherwise Russia will never be safe. The Chechens will make sure that war reparations are extracted from Russia and its supporters like Kissie.

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