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Archive through November 26, 1999

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Yea, shut yer mouth Kissie!

All, and I can't stress it enough, all people captured by Chechen bandits were spies. All those foreign workers, citizens of Russian Federation, and let's not forget all those little sneaky kids! Damn kids, they stole the most of Chechen "Top Secret" information on atomic bombs and new missle designs. All those spies were so sneaky that Chechen, members of Chechen secret police had to cross the border and capture them from Ingushetia, Dagestan, etc. They had to do it before they cross the border and steal all those secrets! And those old Polish grammas, man, they were the worst spies!

So shut yer mouth, Kissie!

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According to Albert Digaev, webmaster of "Caucasus Center", on 25th at 22:00 Moscow times, Yeltsin was pronounced dead. So if you see Yeltsin on TV after 25th, it's not him, it's just a zombie. Or ressurected Yeltsin, you know, FrankenYeltsin. And yes, you should believe Albert Digaev, he is the same person who provides numbers for

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You will never get Russia on it's knees!
because it's already on it's belly!

In other words, F U C K O F F!

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Bismillah hirrahman Niiraheem
Assalamu Alaikum Muslim brothers

To All Muslims
If any evil comes to you ,it is because of what
your evil deeds is the rough meaning of a quranic verse.Through out the world we are being persecuted & oppressed.people are trying to fight
this oppression but they are plunging into the
depth of suffering more than they rise.The reason
for this is that we had given up the truth
of the Quran & Sunnah and have taken up anti-
islamic ideologies and practices. we had accepted
baatil as our way of life.Unless we return to the
Sunnah and mend our lives according to the Deen
there is no success.You certainly hava to change yourselves if Allah(swt) has to give you victory.

"And the Party of Allah is victorious"

"Neither lose hope ,Nor Fall into despair,For
you will succeed if you are true in faith"


There is a Quranic verse whose rough meaning is
Let there be 20 men among you true in faith,Allah
will grant them victory over 200

You can see Allah equates the might of a mujahideen to 10 individuals.So there is no need
to worry at the enemies might.It is Taqwaa that leads to ultimate victory

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>> Why in the hell did those '50 Westerners' went to "bandit" country?

Let me guess, they went there to spy! Am I right?
What did I win, what did I win? And before, silly me thought that those Westerners were there to help Chechnya to rebuild itself. As I remember most of those foreigners called themselves members of non-profit organizations like Red Cross, etc. But they were all spies! You should know better! They were just trying to steal the secrets of good kidnapping and extortion!

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I think it's ok for Turkey to kill kurds and Americans to kill serbs and albanians but it's not ok for Russia to kill chechen terrorists.

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chechen bandits will beat the sh|t out of russian people! russia will be part of chechnya! bwuahahahahaha! please send money and/or weapons to

Vostochnaya st. #15, flat #5
Grozny, Chechnya, Russia

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I hope one day Russia by only in history. End Russian empire only was in remembrance...
One man from Baltic State.

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this new war will finish with Chechnya taking over all russian possesions!!!!

Wa haha haha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ...!!!!!

F*ck Russian army!!!!!!!!!

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To L'mnexe

Wonderful Barbie idea! Should I put as a reference soure Addams Family and Bluebeard? Or International women rights magasins?


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Russia wages war without end in Chechnya
The czars sent the Cossacks, Lenin used modern artillery,
Stalin tried to starve them out, but the mountain warriors fight on
Moscow Bureau
Friday, November 26, 1999

Moscow -- More than 150 years ago, Russian soldiers began dragging heavy cannons up and down the steep forested trails of the Caucasus Mountains.

They were locked in a ceaseless war against a fearless mountain people who fought one of the longest guerrilla campaigns in history. It took 40 years and a massive army of 250,000 men before Russia could defeat the horse-riding tribesmen.

The mountaineers were led by the legendary Shamil, a black-bearded religious and military commander who united the Caucasus tribes in an Islamic ministate. At the core of his army were the fiercest fighters of the region: the warriors known as the Chechens.

Since the 18th century, Russian and Soviet regimes have fought dozens of unsuccessful campaigns to subdue the Chechens. Today, as the snow descends on the Caucasus Mountains for another winter, Moscow is once again mobilizing its latest military technology for a new effort to finish the job.

Every generation of Russian rulers has attempted the task. The czars sent thousands of Cossacks to sack the Chechen villages and destroy the forests. Lenin deployed modern artillery and airplanes in attacks against the warriors. Joseph Stalin ordered the slaughter of thousands of Chechens, deported the rest of them to the steppes of Central Asia and adjusted his maps to eliminate any trace of them.

In the Kremlin's latest campaign, President Boris Yeltsin is ordering his troops to blast the Chechens with helicopter gunships, fighter jets, battle tanks and tactical missiles. But history suggests that the new campaign will meet the same doomed fate as all the earlier ones.

The Chechens, according to British strategic analyst Anatol Lieven, are "one of the great martial peoples of modern history." Without any formal training, without any military hierarchy or tactical doctrine, without any airplanes or heavy armour, the Chechens still maintain a "formidable capacity for national armed resistance," Mr. Lieven wrote in a book on the 1994-96 Chechnya war.

"The entire period from 1785 to the present in the Eastern Caucasus has been essentially one long struggle by the Chechens against Russian domination, interspersed with unstable truces and periods of sullen and unwilling submission. . . . Regularly suppressed, the Chechens just as regularly rose up again, whenever Russian or Soviet power faltered or oppression became too acute to bear."

It was Peter the Great who first sent Russia's armies into the Caucasus region in 1722. Within a few years, the Cossacks were helping build a chain of forts along the Terek River (in the northern half of what is now Chechnya), and by 1785 the Chechens were counterattacking in their first "holy war" against the Russian invaders.

The Chechens, under the command of a Sufi religious chief known as Sheik Mansur, trapped a Russian military force in a dense forest and killed more than 600 soldiers. It was one of the worst military disasters suffered by Russia in the era of Catherine the Great.

The Russians eventually captured Sheik Mansur, and in 1817 they launched a new campaign against the Chechens -- a campaign that continued for more than 40 years. It had some remarkable similarities to today's campaign.

Afraid to engage the Chechens directly in close-range fighting, the czarist armies used their superior artillery weaponry to bombard the Chechens from a distance -- just as the Russian army is doing with its warplanes and tank shelling today. The Russians also exploited their overpowering advantage in troop numbers.

Back then, like today, the Russians were denouncing the Chechens as bandits and kidnappers. The Chechens were notorious for their bold and daring raids, in which a group of horsemen would swoop into a village, kill soldiers, loot as much booty as they could carry, seize hostages and disappear back into the mountains as suddenly as they had arrived.

The Chechens have used the same tactic of ambushes and raids to demoralize their Russian enemies in the wars of the 1990s.

"This is the centuries-old tactic of the mountain people," the former Chechen president, Dzhokhar Dudayev, boasted in 1994. "Strike and withdraw, strike and withdraw . . . to exhaust them until they die of fear and horror."

In the 19th century, the Chechens became legendary for their passion for fighting. One Russian officer, General Tornau, praised them as a "ferocious, tireless enemy." Russian writers such as Leo Tolstoy and Mikhail Lermontov waxed eloquent about the courage of the Chechens and the other Caucasus tribesmen. "They don't seem to know when they ought to die -- indeed these villains can hardly ever be killed," Lermontov wrote.

The Russians finally crushed the revolt and captured Shamil in 1859. (Karl Marx later described Shamil as a "great democrat" and an inspiration to the oppressed people of Europe.)

But the Chechen rebellions continued for the rest of the 19th century and most of the 20th century. Every few years, another mutiny erupted, including several during the Russian Revolution.

In 1937, Stalin ordered the arrest of 14,000 Chechens and their ethnic cousins, the Ingush. They were executed and their bodies were dumped in a mass grave.

Despite this slaughter, the Chechens continued to resist Soviet rule, fighting back again in rebellions in 1940 and 1942. Two years later, Stalin decided to impose a final solution. He ordered the roundup and exile of the entire Chechen and Ingush population -- more than 600,000 people. Arrested at gunpoint, they were crammed into railway boxcars and sent to Kazakstan in Central Asia. Thousands died in the railway cars on the way, and another 100,000 died of sickness and hunger in their first two years in the empty steppes of Kazakstan.

After the deportation, Stalin fiddled with the ethnic boundaries to wipe out the Chechen-Ingush region. Only in 1957, four years after Stalin's death, were the Chechens finally allowed to return to their homeland in Chechnya.

Russia's leaders have sometimes acknowledged that their tough military tactics have never succeeded in crushing the Chechens -- and are unlikely to succeed in the future. "If we use force in Chechnya, it would spark an uprising in the Caucasus and lead to such turmoil, so much bloodshed, that no one would forgive us afterwards," Mr. Yeltsin warned in the summer of 1994.

Four months later, despite his earlier warning, Mr. Yeltsin authorized his troops to invade Chechnya.

Mr. Yeltsin declared victory in the war in early 1995. But within two years, as Russia suffered mounting losses in the war, the President had changed his tune again and signed a peace agreement.

The peace treaty was clear. Both sides renounced the use of military force in Chechnya.

By this summer, however, Mr. Yeltsin had apparently forgotten that he had signed the treaty. The latest war is highly popular, and nobody is looking too closely at whether it violates a Kremlin treaty.

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"By this summer, however, Mr. Yeltsin had apparently forgotten that he had signed the treaty."

Strangely you forgot to mention that it happened, after Basaev broke the treaty first and invaded Dagestan.

And The Truth Shall Set You Free!

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Lets have a contest! lets all guess how long before the fat bastard Yeltson dies!!

He is really sick! but will he be dead before years end?!

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Hey Jake! Being a zealous Zionist that you are, you might be interested in the following little factoid:
Among the dozens of Jews who have been kidnapped in the past few years in and around Chechnya are:

Victor Shvarts, a Jewish dentist from the city of Makhachkala, who has just been released after being held hostage since last November. But his father, who was kidnapped earlier last year, was later killed by the kidnappers.

Abram Ilyaguyev, 59, who was kidnapped in February on a street in Makhachkala. He has just been released.

Roman Ashurov, 60, kidnapped in the city of Nalchik two years ago. His daughter lives in Israel. His fate is unknown.

Volodya Fayil, 14, kidnapped this May in the street in Makhachkala. He is still being held hostage in Chechnya. The kidnappers demand a ransom of $100,000. Fayil's father lives in Israel; his mother remains in Makhachkala.

Laura Likhtman, 18, an Israeli citizen, who was kidnapped in Nalchik this July. Her whereabouts are unknown."

Think about the people, whom you might be supporting before taking sides 🙂

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