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Archive through November 26, 1999

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Those people who called themselves 'Jews' were nothing but traitors to the zionist cause


When will he die?

He is sick and has not long to go!

Will the fat pig be dead before the years end?

Russian terrorist trash has killed Jews for hundreds of years in pogroms.

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In the next 5 days, my friends and I will have finnished a website. Where good people can make bets on how long the fat bastard Yeltsin has to live! What a great idea! and a nice money maker!

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Yelstins last dying words.....
Ugggg....u.......aaaaah uuuugggh VODKA!

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Ok, today I blew up and killed myself on my own bomb with which I was going to kill some Russian soldiers. So the lesson of today is: don't play with bombs!

Chechen Field Commander Ramdan Tsakaev

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YELTSIN ALREADY DEAD! YOU LOST! HE DIED ON 25TH at 22:00 (10 P.M. since you are too dumb to know european time) Moscow time.

Details at

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The Chechens will never be completely defeated by the foreign powerhouse Russia. As a result of the brutal war, the Chechens will eventually regroup and fight back, probably also with terrorist attacks in Russia. The military solution will not work to pacify the region. Instead the whole Kaukasus region will become more and more opposed to the foreigm Russion occupation. Stalin is dead, but the Chechens and other will never forget. The only solution is a political one. It is a shame that the world looks on and lets this barbaric action, reminiscent of Stalin and past Western or Russian Imperialistic Colonialism continue. It would be of interest to everybody to let this insanity halt immediately. This century commenced with the creation of modern concentration camps by the British during the Bur War in South Africa (27 000 innocent people, mainly women and children, died). Genocides of the Kurds and Armenians followed. The culmination was the killing of Jews and others by the Nazis during WWII. Then, Cambodia's killing fields, the genocide by the Hutus in Burundi, Serb attrocities in Srebenica etc. in Bosnia and then Kosovo. Now Chechnya. The worst is that many of the past crimes against humanity and genocides have hardly been properly acknowledged by their present leaders, including Turkey, and even the Queen of Enland, who -during her recent visit to South Africa- refused to publically apologize for the attempted genocide of the Burs. WELCOME TO THE NEXT CENTURY!!!!!!!!!

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I just let you know my muslims "fellows" that all your terrorist threats are pathetic. One more teract from your side and whole your Chechnya will flatten by the Russian nukes. I do not care that it is our territory but it seems to me the best way to do so. If I were the President of Russian Federation I would already be terminated your ••••••• nation like dogs, O sorry, in your case like woolfs.

Some predictions:
The compaign will finish at the end of this year. Or, at least in the begining of the next year.

Chechens will give up.

Russia will be much stronger.

The next President gonna be Putin. This man know what to do. He is very interesting person with a lot of useful experiences.

The economy will expand. Thus Russia will reach it's economic boom. Russian people gonna live much better and everything gnna be all right.

In the next century Russia gonna be the most powerful nation in the world.(it is right now but not so powerful as we would like.)

Hey, this is the message to all Russians. It's gonna be 21 century really son. How we gonna live? What we gonna do? I want that all you Russian people think about this. We have to step to the new century with new ideology and strategy. "We are the best, and let's everybody shakes when they hear the word RUSSIAN.

What about Chechens? They gonna die soon, or gonna be our slaves.

Chechens without ponytiy. Their worldview are stupid. And all, because of stupid Islam.

One more terrorist action and all your, so called, civilians will experience real genocide. Don't give us to do this. Don't threat us with your faggot's action.

Russians are fighting against terrorism. And, we will win 100% sure. These Chechens are really •••••• up by blowing our appartments. What were they thinking? It seems to me that they have no brains by doing this. It was so chip. Russian women and children are died durng your terrorism actions. And you will fuckers answer for this.

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Jake you are ••••••• whore. Your mother is whore too. I •••••• her in the ass. You PETUH I HUESOS. I POGONYLO U TEBE KAK U PEDERASTA> ZAKROI SVOI VONUCHII ROT, PADLA. Ty poskuda i shalava otsosesh moi chlen. Pider tvoi papa. Tvoi deti tvari tuporulue, Zhena ovca ohuevshay, Da i voobshe ty ne- pazan. Idi na hui otsuda a to pizdy poluchish.

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Posts: 21

It would be great to see the dead body of the fat pig Yeltsin, surrounded by thousands of body bags containing decaying Russian soldiers!

But first we all have to guess when the fat bastard yeltsin will die?!

The name of the website will be:


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