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Archive through November 27, 1999

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The Chechens have a website. Does anybody know what the address is? I read about it at:

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You see, my good man, its the libido that does it 🙂

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That Human Rights Bswatch somehow failed to report that, buses, sent to Grosny to pick and move
away from the war hazards the seniour citizens from the retirement housing, returned empty. Some
Grozny "official", that preferred to stay undisclosed (no wonder), didn't allow that. A "brave" move.
So much for that HRBsW Org.. Workplaces for weasles on a permanent basis, necessary for political purposes. Free flow of unbiased info with full disclosure is lethal for Govt. twisters, so US has been the pioneer in turning mass media into a marketing tool. If US citizens would've got real relevant info on Serbia, for instance, all the campaign would've been flopped from the start. In reality they were served a properly packaged BS. Russia's packaged same.

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great last paragraph.
isnt it awful to be so cynical and so RIGHT at the
same time.


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Russians are massacring Chechen people and the world is watching this.


What's common in all? Let me give you a clue
(Orthodox Christian vs Muslim)

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A miracle is about to unleash its fury in Chechnya.

Those who think miracle's were just biblical are wrong. Quran is a living miracle and so is the fighters in the cause of Allah. The current cowardly genocide of the decaying evil empire of Russia is having its last gasp. Even with all its arsenal in its warehouses and constant rain of missiles, Russia cannot scare the brave and fearless fighters of Allah whose only desire is for martydom in the Supreme cause. A miracle is just around the corner. It is modern day miracle of resistance by lightly armed fighters against a brutal army fed and financed by the hypocrites in the west. The only eaopon in the hands of Chechen Mujahideen is their ateadfast belief in the Almighty. The West thought that the Chechen Muslims are like the Kuwaitis and Saudis who begged the west to come to their rescue to resist the 'big power' Iraq. Half the world went to rescue those traitors who are slaves of west.
Not so with Chechens, they only appealed to west for humanitarian help for plight of refugees. Show me one other nation in the world which fought under such desparate conditions like no water, no electricity , no medicine and no food. According to Russian estimates there are 10 to 20 thousand fighters against a superior evil army of more than 100,000 with all kinds of weapons. Even the rapist Clinton has asked Russia to use proportionate force. West is covertly supporting Russia. Even if West openly supports Russia, Chechen Mujahideen will succeed.


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``Even though Chechnya was incorporated into greater Russia by the 1860s, the government has never been able to govern it,'' said Eric Lohr, a history professor at Harvard. ``And the way it was conquered was so brutal that if you scratch beneath the surface, resentment is still there.''

After a 29-year war, the Chechens were finally conquered by the czar's army by the start of this century.

In 1944, fearing another Chechen rebellion, Josef Stalin's Red Army deported hundreds of Chechens from their Caucasus Mountains homeland to Siberian gulags, where the rebels earned the reputation as being some of the hardest prisoners to crack.

Chechens retain that toughness. Fueled by their drive for independence, they continue to fight Russia's army.

Unlike Lithuania, Ukraine and Uzbekistan - which broke from the Soviet Union - Chechnya remains a part of Russia. Moscow feels it must suppress the rebels to fence off chaos, protect a key oil export route and head off a rise in Islamic fundamentalism in Russia's Muslim areas.

``The only difference in Chechnya today is that while rebels continue to wage a war with Molotov cocktails, Russian troops are backed by heavy artillery, helicopters and high-tech weaponry,'' said Paul Beaver at Jane's Information Group, the military research specialist in London.

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Someone Concerned with closed eyes or least concerned,
FYU, You twist the truth (or what's remained of it nowadays) on four counts:
1. Russian army's not massacring Chechens. If You suggest otherwise - You're tainted.
2. Bosnia - nationalistic card played by the West to destabilize SFRU.
3. Kosovo - oh, that's where the West wasn't even hiding its taking a side against Serbs by
supporting khattabs and basaews of Albania. Languages differ, though.
4. Greece and Turkey dispute shouldn't worry You in the least. Unless You want to drag Allah
into an island territorial dispute. As to Your (Orthodox Christian vs Muslim), - You damn lie. NATO didn't stop bombing Orthodox Serbia even on an Orthodox Easter, while the Desert Storm coalition did stop bombing Saddam on Ramadan!
Bosnian moslems were happy enough to lob a mortar shell at their own "brothers" and "sisters"
in the Markale market. (BTH, those are also Serbs, but "moslemized".)
Somehow I have a suspicion that, your Allah is tired already of being lied to and about by the likes
of you, pigeons.

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L'menexe, yeah, BS in a shiny package ready to make money for some uncle.
Think of that Anti-Terrorist Bill (whatever it's called), that violates the Constitution (5-th Amendment, if I'm right), hell, no, - the general public was fed scary-spooky stories by that uncle to approve of it wholesale. And now has the right of being arbitrarily eavesdropped, no court order needed. Heh.

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verses from the Quran:

Say (O Muslims), "We believe in Allâh and that which has been sent down to us and that which has been sent down to Ibrâhim (Abraham), Ismâ'il (Ishmael), Ishâque (Isaac), Ya'qûb (Jacob), and to Al-Asbât [the twelve sons of Ya'qûb (Jacob)], and that which has been given to Mûsa (Moses) and 'Iesa (Jesus), and that which has been given to the Prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and to Him we have submitted (in Islâm)."

So if they believe in the like of that which you believe, then they are rightly guided, but if they turn away, then they are only in opposition. So Allâh will suffice you against them. And He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower.

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O mankind! We have created you from a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know one another. Verily, the most honourable of you with Allâh is that (believer) who has At-Taqwa [i.e. one of the Muttaqûn (pious - see V.2:2). Verily, Allâh is All-Knowing, All-Aware. (QURAN 49;13)

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55. No doubt, surely, all that is in the heavens and the earth belongs to Allâh. No doubt, surely, Allâh's Promise is true. But most of them know not.

56. It is He Who gives life, and causes death, and to Him you (all) shall return.

57. O mankind! There has come to you a good advice from your Lord (i.e. the Qur'an, ordering all that is good and forbidding all that is evil), and a healing for that (disease of ignorance, doubt, hypocrisy and differences, etc.) in your breasts, - a guidance and a mercy (explaining lawful and unlawful things, etc.) for the believers.

58. Say: "In the Bounty of Allâh, and in His Mercy (i.e. Islâm and the Qur'ân); -therein let them rejoice." That is better than what (the wealth) they amass. (QURAN 10:55-58)

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October 6, 1999
By Tomas Valasek

Russian bombing and the entry of troops into the breakaway republic of Chechnya threatens to restart the Chechen war that raged from 1994 to1996.

Shamil Basayev, a Chechen military leader recently appointed commander of the eastern section of the Chechen front, warns Moscow not to repeat the mistakes of the previous war, which ended in Russia's withdrawal.

"Chechnya is different now; we have an even better-trained army and militia. All Chechens realise that Russians will be killing Chechens indiscriminately, so we are preparing for war and we have learned from our own bitter experience not to expect outside help. The most important thing is that we are unified in the face of the common danger."

Basayev admits that the small republic cannot stop the Russian air campaign. "We lack weapons to defend ourselves against Russian air attacks. Our best weapon is the high morale of the Chechen population."

Since the end of the last war with Russia, Chechnya has suffered from internal divisions. One of the most publicised disputes involved tensions between Basayev and Aslan Maskhadov, the president of the unrecognised Chechen republic. Basayev says that while differences remain, the two men are co-operating. "My relationship with Maskhadov is tolerable, although he was unhappy with my going to Dagestan. Maskhadov and I agree on some things and disagree on many others but the unity among the Chechen commanders is strong. There was a meeting of field commanders with Maskhadov [on 29 September] where I was appointed commander of part of the defence front encompassing half of Chechnya," Basayev adds.

The latest fighting in Chechnya grew out of the conflict in Dagestan. In August and September, pro-independence Dagestani militants, including Basayev followers, twice clashed with Russian and Dagestani government forces. Basayev denies starting the conflict: "There were two operations in Dagestan. The first one started when Russians with helicopters began bombing [radical Islamic] villages in Dagestan. We demanded that the Russians let the Dagestanis through to Chechnya but that only emboldened them. So in two days, we worked out a plan and entered into the Botlikh district and sent one battalion to the Tsumadinsky district; we surrounded the Russians and allowed the residents of three villages to break out of the circle."

The goal of the second incursion in September, Basayev says, was to relieve the radical Islamic villages of Karamakhi and Chabanmakhi. "When Russian forces started to bomb two villages, Karamakhi and Chabanmakhi, we again appealed to the Dagestani and the local Russian government to solve the problem peacefully. When that failed, we entered the Novolakskoye region and that lured some of the Russian forces away from Karamakhi and Chabanmakhi."

Amid that conflict, a series of bomb explosions in Moscow and Dagestan killed more than 300 people. Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin blamed Chechen guerrillas for the attacks, and demanded that President Maskhadov turn over some guerrillas, including Basayev. But Basayev denies any connection to the bombings. "[It is the work of] Russian intelligence. The responsibility for the blasts was taken officially by some Dagestanis but Chechens are still blamed," he says.

Basayev suggests that the bombings may have been a smokescreen to deflect attention away from Russia's domestic difficulties. "We are the scapegoats for all the problems. A new war would distract people's attention from the scandal involving corruption in the government because if [the truth] came out in full, it would upset the existing system. A new war in Chechnya is also an opportunity to embezzle and pocket a lot of money for the elections. Many corrupt Russians and even Chechens make money from the instability and from the war."

Allegations in the Russian press have also blamed Russian oligarchs, especially Boris Berezovsky, who reportedly financed the terrorist acts. Chechen President Maskhadov seemed to have concurred in an interview last week when he accused Basayev of taking bribes from Berezovsky. Basayev defended his dealings with Berezovsky, saying they were in no way connected with any terrorist activities.

"When I was the prime minister of Chechnya, I met with Berezovsky in [Ingushetian President Ruslan] Aushev's headquarters in Nazran," Basayev said. "I was at that time in charge of economic reconstruction. Berezovsky gave the Chechen government money for restoration of a cement factory in Chechnya and the funds were used entirely to have this factory rebuilt. Later, when I had problems with Maskhadov, he accused me of taking bribes from Berezovsky. But the truth is, it was used for economic reconstruction."

Following the previous war in Chechnya and the latest fighting, Basayev sees little possibility of a compromise with Russia. "At this moment, I do not see a future for the Russians [in Caucasus]. Specific Russian groups have caused the latest problems in the Caucasus. If things remain the way they are now, ... I envision continued instability and problems."

Basayev argues for the right of all nationalities in the Caucasus to decide on their political status. "I see the Caucasus as a free confederation state, which would include the [ethnic Russian] Cossacks, too; if that is the will of the people. Basic human rights, the right to self-determination, must be allowed as well as the right to vote about our future under the eyes of the world. We already know our status and future. But the world must also know."

-- Tomas Valasek, JDW Special Correspondent

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