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Archive through November 28, 1999

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To a Russian:

I think you guys should just cool down. We, Russians, will do what we have to do: drive the terrorists into the mountains and bomb them from time to time.

Civilians will come back and hopefully find nes sources for income other that kidnapping.

I know one Chechen who was a trader: good for him.

I am not against the Chechens and really do not like what is going on. But the civilians in Chechnya should have not created the atmoshere of tolerance for all kinds of things that were going on there. Halo! If you neigbor keeps a prisoner in his basement for randson, and you keep quite - something is whong about it.

Chechen have to realize they can not live off other people.

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To gene:

Trust me it's easy. The reason why we didn't do it before because Russian people were very peaceful.

The last invasion in Dagestan and terrorist acts against innocent Russian people were the serious reasons for taking action.

I must admit that Russians are very serios against Chechens right now. We can see it from daily news. And we will finish this mission by complete determination of Chechens. They deserve this. Russians didn't touch them after 1994-96, that is to say, left them alone. But stupid Chechens thought that they so cool that can go further. And you see all consequences right now. This time Russians are very serious about them.

To all pathetic people which against Russian actions. Your arguments won't stop Russian military machine. To late for Chechens to beg for help. By the way, I am pretty sure that Chechens milititians use their civilians to stop the attacks. But it won't help eather.

People trust me Chechens are pigs, I mean, real pigs that must be shoot. They use their women and children as shelter.

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To Anna:

Here is the simple response from Russian.

Go fu-k yourself, you f-cking whore. And let your fu-king West burn in flame. You guys do not respect for what we have done for you. If we haven't done this, you would all speek German.

Shut up, you ••••••• whore.

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To gene:

Trust me, I am not gonna cool down untill every last muslim motherfucker will die.

Don't you think that we were too cool down. And you can see the consequences of this tolerance. Nobody think about Russia as great country.

The only way to show this by fighting and bigining the cold war.

The cold war will bigin really soon. The 21 century will be the last century for the whole humankind. And you know why? Because all of Americans. They do everything to destabilizise our country. They became so cool that they can do what they want to do. And we will do whatever we want to do.

The only way for Russia to become a world's leader is by fighting, taht is to say, by the gun.

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To Russian:

Hei, Man!

Take it easy!. Russia is no longer a superpower. We are bancrupt. Just face it.

That does not mean that we can get screwed by anybody. Chechen commanders attacked Dagestan because they thought we are weak. But we are not. I bet Shamil is biting his elbows right now.

And I am sure the right thing for us to do is just to explain everybody waht we do and what we try to achieve.

You right about German language though.

Be good



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To Russian

Here in the United States, Russian terrorists like yourself are closely monitored, by our secret services. Stay in your own third world bankrupt terrorist nation. I do not care what happens in your third world country. If you Russians need food, we will be happy to feed you, just Stay out of the west okay.

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You do not own the West. Right? Same way we do not own Chechnya. We just want peace.

By everybody. I need to do some work

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To Anna T.

You are very kind whore. Feed yourself first.If something will happen in so called third world country it will be the end to your f-cking west. We will blow up your west by millions of our nukes. That's what I see will happen.

We will nuke West!!! And that's for sure. One day I'll do it by myself or somebody will do it for me. And you know why. Because you guys always trying to feed us. Feed your country first.

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By the way,

I live in the US and see a lot of people who are just a big bigger that htey should be. It is a bif problem in here.

So, may be Americans are dumping all these food to Russia becasue they do not want to be even bigger.

Statistically, chances are that Anna might be one of those 100 kilo "babes" that I see here every day. No offence, Anna.


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To gene:

I don't think so gene. I really don't think so. Who told you that we are bunkrupt. One day we will buy whole America. And you'll be bought as ••••••• immigrant. It's all because of you immigrants we have financial problems. You probably jew who permanently lives in U.S.

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To Russian:

Man, you are just sick! Go to church, it's Sunday morning out there and ask for forgivness!


Be good

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To gene:

Who are you? Jew? Probably yes. Because U.S. don't give visa to Russians.

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Dear Russian:

Even if I were a Jew: see nothing wrong in it. But I am really not. I said I was Russian. I am a programmer. Work in California.

In Chechnya we have to be really careful about this nationality issue. We are really not fighting Chechens, but rarther we are fighting a bunch of really bad guys who tried to f**k us.

Be good!

Be good

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Tell me gene, how is there in the country of opportunity? Are you happy? Where do you live? What city? May be it's better to come to Mother Russia and spend couple bucks there. A? What do you think? Reply.

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To Russian:

I live in San Diego. I really do not want to live in Russia. Mainly because it is so cold. My relatives live in Moscow. What about you? I went to Moscow 4 weeks ago: very cold.

Be good

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