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Archive through November 28, 1999

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Gene, I'm cool. From now on, I am good boy. Love you, your Russian pal, Valdemar. By the way, how can I sneak to this wonderful country. I tryied through Mexico, but you know American secret services, they caught me and send me to Russia. You know I've been thinking maybe we could meet each other. I want marry you. For the reason, to become american with capital A. We can work it together. What do you think, gene? Sounds good?

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I am not gay. I am not gonna marry you.

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You know, I don't like the local weather eather. You see, we have a lot of common. That's why we should meet. When you gonna be in Moscow next time? Just let me know. I'll meet you in our woderful Sheremetevo with flowers. Sounds like great idea. Your Russian friend, Valdemar.

By the way, I live in Pechatniki. I hope you heard about this wonderful neignborhood. It's really beutiful. I hope, one day, I'll be able to visit me.

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To gene:

You are woman or who??? By the way, in America it's very common. You know what I am talking about.

I thought you are female.

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To gene:

You wanted to say GEY?

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To Russian:

Man, you must be on a dial-up?
What is GEY?


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Gene, why you are remain silence? Write me something.

O, I absolutely forgot. DIE MUSLIMS MOTHERFUCKERS.

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Rabbis ``Waging War'' On Immigrants
In Bet Shemesh, local heads of the ultra-Orthodox Shas party enraged Russian-born Israelis by publicly dismissing them as ''hundreds of thousands of Russian Jews flooding the land with pork, prostitution, impurity and filth.''
``Perhaps we must build special cities just for them within the land of Israel,'' Moshe Abutbol of Shas, deputy mayor of Bet Shemesh, told Israel Radio.

Could all you filthy Russians keep OUT OF ISRAEL. The head Rabbi of the Shas does not want you. Most Israeli jews do not want you. I do not want you. Stay in hungry dirty Russia. You are filth, You are Goyim, nothing more than wild animals.

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GEY or gay, I don't know how to correct to say this, is the person who sucks penis. I think I did spelling mistake. What do you think?

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Girls suck penis all the time, but that does not make them gay, unless they are lesbian, of course (but that should already go to a different chat)

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To AAAAron.

Hey you, who give you the right to insalt Russain people. You are very impolite. It seems to me that you are not Jew. Usually they are very polite people.

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Gene, you probably right. However, we have a very big dilema with Aron. What do you think about his message.

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Shalom to all my good Jewish brothers and sisters

We are the chosen people. Russian immigrant trash are destroying the pure state of Israel, and the great ideals of zionism.NO MORE Do not mess with us, or we will slaughter you Russians like the filthy pigs you are.

Down with Russians
Down with Muslims
Down with Christians
Down with Palestinians


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13. Baba Necia 114, 6: "The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts."

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Do you really think this is the answer to this war? Fighting? Putting people down? Torturing? and killing? How much long is this going to have to last?

Generations and generations full of hate teaching our children to hate so that in the generations to come we shall all hate and want to kill.

This is so sad. I wonder if any religion, Christian, Jewish or Muslim teaches to kill. None of them do.

The killers are fanatics and mistaken about their religion. They are brain washed.

Somehow we must show peace if at least without fighting on the internet and producing more hate.

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