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Archive through November 29, 1999

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Re: John Rambo
Really don'now how to start... Lots of amusement. Especially that weapons part of Yours. A kid in a sandbox boasting that, his/her bucket's better, shinier, blah. Your line about cruise missiles and SCUDs...:o)))) It's a weapon, really, for those, that want to render the Russian DoD HQ inoperational, - just post it to the generals and they'll blow up with laughter. It's obvious You had a look at what Blackjack recommended, but that didn't make You think, or made You jealous.
So what? Russian Army's got a real difficulty with bandits positioning civilians (of their own!) at gunpoint on rooftops and inside the buildings, making it almost impossible to level the sh*t using something heavy. And, unlike "brave" USARMY, Russians don't stay at 15.000 ft.. Kapeesh?
Obviously, the word "economics" means to You nothing. Former Eastern Block countries are "very happy" now with the status of Euro-beggars. It always happens, when politics, based on amateurish populism, wins over sober assessment of realities. BTH, those countries do not want any more valensas or ghavels. Fed up. As for Your list... Russia doesn't need war, it just needs to dump respective parts of the USSR debt (which Russia in good faith bears alone) on them, start charging them for energy with world-market prices and stop subsidies. All independent BS will be done with overnight. BTH, there are parts of that same Caucasus, that will not accept independence even if offered.

Well, if it keeps You happy ...
America's (US) got what it deserves. Through all of it's recent actions US did all to alienate Russia, China, India. Weep.
You helped them with nothing. And their "sudden" willingness to talk is nothing, but a success of Israelis, that effectively kicked the terrorist butt, leaving them with no option except... to talk.
My field day!! Now You admit, the US policy is double-faced, bears double standards and is treacherous. Just like Your Chief Red-Nose.
Do You know he'd been CIA-trained? Definitely US wasn't applying its touting of safe sex to politics.
P.S. I'm not Your "friend" and not Russian altogether. IMHO, I know a couple of things about "who's who".

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mr. russian

"To L'menexe, that is to say,"to free hundred
times not russian"
sorry, this makes no sense to me at all. maybe i'm
a hundred times less russian on account of not
being russian.
"you are the person who gave the birth to racism
and speaking of making no (expletive) sense at
i wont dignify your statement by addressing it.

in less than a week i've seen anti-russian,
anti-chechen, anti-muslim, anti-semite,
anti-hindu, anti-american trash here...not to
mention your own anti-black and latino remarks,
which prompted my response to you.

yeah, i said "take your best shot" to ALL the
low-lifes here, not just you. it seemed funny to
me that i was comprised of so many ethnic
groups...maybe they'd like talk trash to some
portion of me too.
i mean, why not, y'know? it's the common currency

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Roger WTF are you talking about??? Hindu??? I'm not, ok? Try again. But hey, now I think that hindus are way better than Jews.

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No matter what anyone says, USA still has the best quality of life in the world (regardless of color and creed). It is also the most tolerant and has the most opportunity. It has problems, they however can in no way shape or form be compared to the rest of the world. Perhaps if the rest of the world concentrated a little more on improving their own quality of life instead of passing blame and responsibility (religious or otherwise), there would not be such a long line at our borders begging for refugee status. If it was not for the USA, all you America haters would not even have a thing to type on and would still be sitting in the dark. I am amazed at how some people bite the hand that is feeding them. Bottom line is that the only way to achieve long lasting peace anywhere is to have ongoing prosperity and productivity - starting with agriculture. The USA everyone seems to complain about is still feeding many needy countries of the world.

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Re: messages from Davor, blackjack

Instead of hailing the greatness of the U.S.A. you should criticise the failure of that country to stop the brutal russian agression of this tiny country Tschchnya. In particular, the now obvious indiscriminate killing of innocent civilians should not be allowed. But what is happening: Nothing, absolutely nothing! Clinton (and of course all the other world leaders) are doing nothing. Completely innocent children are freezing to death or dying from Russion bombs - largely unreported by the Russion media: For obvious reasons.

To Unicef:
Thanks for your comments.

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Re: davor and blackjack (2nd message):
The U.S. (together with others) could stop the Russian bombing campaign in Chechnya within a very short period. By political means of course. Military means are not needed. Political and economic pressure would work fast. It is time to challenge the so-called "none of your business - this is my country" attitude. Thanks to the internet the whole world knows about this bloody agression, which will only lead to further instability of the region - and perhaps russia itself. Ex-KGB chief Putin and the military have hijacked the moderate politicians in Russia. They need help from the West. With the present attitude, the U.S. indirectly supports the Russian military campaign. Chechnya is of course not the oil-rich Kuwait. Therefore any intervention in Chechnya is of no national or economic interest to the U.S. But, the world watches. We know that this is a completely unjust war, for the following reasons:
1)The agressor is foreign
2)The agressor tried to crush this tiny independent nation for centuries. They are at it again.
3)The military solution will not achieve peace in the region. Peace will only come through negotiations and by granting Chechnya full independance.
4)The terrorist card, which is being played by the Russian military, may only be an accuse for the military to gain an upper hand over their political rivals. As far as I am concerned, there is no prove at all that the terrorist bombings in Moskow were planted by Chechnyans. And even if so, these bombings were probably the result of extremists in the Chechnyan camp. This military intervention may eventually lead to more terrorist bombings rather than to subdue it. So why on earth is this war happening? Is Stalin re-awakening?

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SoKali on Monday, November 29, 1999 - 04:31 pm:

Roger WTF are you talking about??? Hindu??? I'm not, ok? Try again. But hey, now I think that hindus are way better than Jews.

Hree is the story of hindu god kali. Kali is a women Hindu gods, they have too many gods.
Kali is a god with big tounge comming out form her mouth and had neckless made of with chopped human heads.

She likes to kill peoples and when she found out that she is about to kill her husband, the tounge came out of shame.

They do not eat cow meat but eat cow dung, purifies with cow urine. They worship none but idols and snakes and cows and elephant head human god call gonesh. If husband dies than wife had to with her husband chita(whic is burning pit). This not a false statement. Now the goverment bannded that policy few years back.

They kill baby girls, because they do not have use for it. It will take me long time to explain about hindus belief.


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If I want to defend my country and fight for my peoples and faith I became a big TERRORIST.

Come on people, wake up, do not watch too much tv, and listen to your immoral leaders, they will take all of you to one way HELL.


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to berti,
Any war is suffering and blood.
Russians know that much better than any
nation in the world.
I dunno the solution for Chechnya problem.
People here who are screaming about the
cruelty of the war perhaps never met the real
bandits. It looks like that.
I'd like to take a look at the berti talking
to 5 enourmous afro-americans who is gonna rob
and kill his/her and trying to persuade them to
be the friends.
Most people here can't understand the simple thing
it's IMPOSSIBLE to come to the consent with the
murderers and bandits. I hate those words
rebels, guerillas applied to Chechens. There is just one word - bandits.
Children who are suffering are the not the Russian
pride of course. It's a usual way to do the things "via ass". But the strategy is right.
As for appeal to Mr. Clinton and others it's
silly again. Where were your screams when
US bombed Kosovo? People are dying in Kosovo
at ABSOLUTELY the same rate as they were doing
before this brutal aggression against independent
nation. It's some kinda different approach to
the same problem. (so called double standard).
And then Mr. Clinton will never try to anything
cause it's powerful Russia, it's not Yugoslavia
where he could act with impunity. Typical american

to davor c.

I am not going to comment on all that bullshit
you are talking about.
First off , you and me know US exists for 200 yrs.
How did people live before that ??? I really
dunno, they suffered a lot. :((( crying.
If there were no computers the world would be
cleaner ... really. πŸ™‚ (I am a programmer btw).
Why US so rich ?????
All their powers they aim at creating the comfortable, material world and they succeeded but
as a result turning into pitiful sight.
I know for sure that the world would be much cleaner w/o United States of America since
not everything in our world is defined by the
size of hamburger and the quantity of the fat
on someone's ass.

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Learn the true message from chechnya:

23 Nov 1999 Russian Prisoner No. 1: Alex Calcun, ID No. 466-1571, First Officer in Intelligence and Reconnaissance, 92-154 Division

From Grozny, Chechnya, 23 November 1999.

Transcripts of video-filmed nterviews with captured Russian soldiers, amongst them officers and amongst them ordinary soldiers. Some of them gave themselves up whilst others were captured. The video of the interviews will be released on this web-site very soon insha-Allah. These prisoners are from different military sections stationed both inside Chechnya and outside it along its borders.

Amongst them are those that work for External Military Intelligence and amongst them are those that work for the Special Air Forces. All of their interviews were carried out by the Mujahideen leadership, amongst them Field Commander Khattab, Commander Abu Zar and Commander Ismail. We have disclosed the Military Number of the prisoner at the start, for credibility of these reports only, so that anyone can independently verify this information.

Question 1: Identify yourself

Answer 1: First Officer in the Russian Military Intelligence. Originally Russian. I was born in Ukraine. My age is 49 years old, married, with one son. I am an assistant to a Corps Commander in Reconnaissance Forces in the 92-154 Brigade. My name is Alex Calcun and my identification number is 466-1571.

Question 2: How were you captured?

Answer 2: I was captured inside the Chechen Republic in the Tereek Province, near to the city of Banibort, by the Chechen Border Patrol. There were three of us who left in three military trucks to the Chechen border. There was our head, who was a Corps Commander, myself and my friend, a First Officer. We were met by a civilian car driven by a Chechen named Abdul-Laeef, one of the agents of the Russian Intelligence. We entered Chechnya and on the way we were stopped by armed Chechens. They questioned us in the Chechen language and as we were unable to reply to them, they took us out of the car and we were placed in captivity.

Question 3: What were the operations or targets that you were tasked with?

Answer 3: Our target was to establish a base in this border town of Banibort in order to get to know the roads and the area in general. We had sub-machine-guns in our cases and handguns fitted with silencers. We had to prepare a reconnaissance position for another group comprising seven men equipped with everything from explosives materials, directional mines and range-finding equipment. Our objective was to distribute mines on the roads used by the Mujahideen and the roads used by the refugee convoys. The reason behind these actions was to instil fear and terror into the people prior to the invasion of the Russian forces. (When asked about the reason behind hitting the refugee convoys, he replied that they would blame the Mujahideen for that. This in turn would create problems between the Mujahideen and the common people, helping the Russian Media to portray the Mujahideen as killers and bandits.) After that we were to return by car, or if we had any problems, to meet up at a rendez-vous point and then to radio for a helicopter to pick us up.

Question 4: Is there a new strategy of the Russian forces in their second war against the Mujahideen after the first war? What are the objectives of the Russian forces in this war?

Answer 4: I do not know but I do know that we have failed so far.

Question 5: What is your opinion on the state of the Russian Army?

Answer 5: The morale of the Russian Army is very low indeed because most of the people know that it is an unjust war and they know what the outcome of this war will be. The majority have seen that the ones worse affected by this war are the children, women, old men and ordinary people. The evidence for this is that hitting refugee convoys is one of our objectives. The politics in Moscow behind this war is not just. It is the Russians who are fighting inside Chechnya, not the Chechens who are fighting inside Russia.

Question 6: What is your opinion about the morale of the Mujahideen in Chechnya?

Answer 6: These people are the ones who will win this war, because they are defending their belief, their religion, their honour and their homeland. As for us, we do not have a cause to fight for.

Question 7: What are the reasons behind this war against the Chechen Republic?

Answer 7: The reasons are clear: the Generals and the politicians are struggling for rank, status and money and they do not see the poor state of the soldiers with their lack of food supplies and in the extreme cold. This war has no meaning to it at all.

Question 8: Who do you think will be victorious or gain the upper hand in this war?

Answer 8: We will leave Chechnya quickly and soon.

Question 9: What do you wish to say to the Russian Government and to the Russian Military Leadership?

Answer 9: To Russia I say that it must end this war before it leads to the disintegration of Russia and solve the problem of Chechnya. Or it must grant independence to Chechnya because the Mujahideen and the Chechen people are well-versed and experienced in warfare and they are intent on fighting to the very end.

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21 Nov 1999: Exclusive Interview with Field Commander Shamil Basayev

Question 1: What is the current situation with respect to the Chechen Mujahideen forces in the wake of the Russian offensives in the area?

Answer 1: Today, the situation of the Mujahideen is excellent. The Russians are present in the open areas of Chechnya and they have suffered devastating losses. They have lost about 155 military vehicles, about 2000 dead, 12 fighter jets and 7 helicopters have been shot down. However, we believe that the real fighting has yet to begin as there has not yet been any face-to-face battles. We are allowing the Russians to enter deeper and deeper and deeper into Chechnya, and then we will cut off all avenues of escape for them and finish off their military sections in Chechnya, one by one, insha-Allah.

Question 2: Looking at your withdrawal from Dagestan into Chechnya, it seems like the reason was to draw Chechnya into a new war. Therefore, what is the nature of the relationship between you and the Government in Dagestan? Did you receive any help from the Chechen President Aslan Mashkadov?

Answer 2: We did not invade Dagestan. Rather, we went there in order to help our Muslim brothers in Dagestan whilst the Russians were killing them mercilessly. Dagestan is our nation and it belongs to both the Chechens and the Dagestanis. Russian separated us by force and we will unite by force insha-Allah. Our relationship with the puppet Government in Dagestan is that we consider them as our enemies. We never received any help from Aslan Mashkadov, but neither did he ever make obstacles in our path.

Question 3: What do you have to say about the silence and inaction of the Arab and Muslim countries regarding the crimes that are being committed against Chechnya?

Answer 3: The leaders of the Muslim and Arab countries have either forgotten or they are unaware that all power and strength lies in the Hands of Allah (SWT). For this reason, they are afraid of Russia. Rather, some of them are even hoping and wishing to get closer to Russia. We only feel sorry for them as insha-Allah we will destroy Russia and free them from this fear. However, we do acknowledge and realise the help that the Muslims are giving us, and we say to them, "May Allah reward you with the best reward." We respect their support for us, and the biggest help that they can give us is with their prayers and supplications.

Question 4: What are the sources of your supplies and weapons? How do arms and ammunition reach you? And what is your opinion about the rumours that the Saudi exile Usama bin Ladin is one of your financial sponsors?

Answer 4: Our sources of arms and supplies are all from the Russian Army. Most of them are previously captured spoils of war and others we bought from them. Even now, we are buying arms and supplies from them if we find the resources and the funds to do so. As for Usama bin Ladin, he is not one of our financial sponsors and neither do I know him. However, I would love to meet him especially after all this propaganda about him.

Question 5: Are there any fighters with you from outside the Caucasus region? What do you say about the reports that indicate the presence of volunteers from Muslim nations, especially from Jordanian-Chechens?

Answer 5: Yes, we do have Mujahideen, but not from outside, because the Islamic nation is one nation that belongs to all the Muslims. We have one common purpose, which is to expel the Russian forces and to create an Islamic State for all our brothers insha-Allah.

Question 6: You are labelled with spreading the Wahabi thought in the Caucasus region. What do you have to say about that?

Answer 6: Our Deen (way of life) is Islam. We follow the Quran and the Sunnah and we try to flee from division and dissension. We do not differentiate between the Muslims according to the nicknames and labels that the disbelievers have placed on them. There are four standard Islamic schools of thought in the Chechen Republic, much the same as the rest of the Muslim world. However, the term 'Wahabis' was introduced by the Russians in order to divide the Muslims who live according to the Shariah of Allah. The most important thing is that the term 'Wahabi' does not concern any of the Muslims; it is only a matter of concern to the Russians.

Question 7: Do you think that your power matches that of the Russian military machine?

Answer 7: Yes, with the Permission of Allah. Had it not been for our trust and Iman (faith) in Allah, we would never have been able to undertake Jihad. Allah says in the Quran "And do not despair and call to peace when you are in a more superior position…" [Quran 47:35]

Question 8: What are your thoughts at present? Do you see any short-term solution to solve the crisis of the War in Chechnya?

Answer 8: We only see the solution to the crisis of Chechnya with what agrees with the Islamic Shariah. In 1996, a solution to the problem was found not in accordance with the Shariah, which is why the war began a second time.

Question 9: With regards to the Chechen refugees, what is their present state? Do you not think that your actions went over the top and led to the worsening of the plight of the refugees, until it became an Islamic catastrophe?

Answer 9: Ordinary people are always the worst hit by War. The Chechens know that Allah is testing them. We will continue to struggle as we strengthen our Iman and know that our killed ones are in Paradise and the future is for Islam. And peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah.

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