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Archive through November 3, 2000

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Honorable Member
Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 548

Oh yes, starman, Happy Ramadan!!!

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Posts: 117

Kim I thought u said you were leaving these boards for good. isn't that what u said?

So the question is - why are you posting again?

As usuall my theories prove correct on these boards.

Maybe we should send in the MARINES to teach you to speak english;. lol

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correct theories, huh?

yeah, sure...


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Posts: 548

no, i said "i'm done with these assholes",if I remember rightly.

And I am even more so ,its just on bad days, when I need a punchbag, you always seem to oblige, darling.

As far as leaving the "bored", well it seems I'm not the only one.
Are you missing Dimitri's special attention?
you were meant for each other.....

Hi L'menexe! Are you home again?

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No need of condom: It was not a virus. Just a mish-mash in the connection properties.
I was afraid, you know, with all these pictures of naked women on its hard disk, that my PC would catch something.

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lets let bygones be bygones...

I need a favor...

I have a car that's in a garage somewhere in Zurich which has a parking fee of about 23,000 francs and counting. I would like to sell the car... it's in perfect condition last time I saw it and it's worth well over 40,000 U.S.. If u know anyone who would be interested in owning it let me know, and I could give u the address of the garage. And don't worry i will take care of u $$$.

youre a sweety kim...

let me know.

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Posts: 548

Just like that......huh!Its OK I trust you...LMAO.

Are you sure its still there?
Just errr, send me the keys, I'll reduce your parking bill....LOL.

(BTW-how fast could I drive it out of the parking lot????)

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Posts: 548

"I was afraid, you know, with all these pictures of naked women on its hard disk",

FRED's been exchanging errr "views" with URN again!

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It's still there bec. they billed me. If u don't believe me just tell me ur interested & Ill tell u which parking lot its at... and u could check it out for urself.

If u have to know, this is what happened; quickly...

parked the car in the garage, walked to one of Zuric's famous midnight movie matinees... not knowing that the garage closes it's gates at 1 am??????? walked back to the garage and waited with about 20 other people who were in the same predicament. had a flight early in the morning and had no time to pick it up . That's it.

This car is not for free - there is the outstanding parking balance + whatever teh care is worth... which i can give a sweet discount on.

know anyone interested.

Honorable Member
Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 548

maybe I do...

What make, age is it? Is it Swiss reg.?

I know someone in Zurich who knows a thing or two about selling cars.

Why the hell would you trust me anymore than I trust you? Must be costing you...When was it you left it there?

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