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Archive through November 3, 2000

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...and it's a sign of intellectual coherence to be able to stumble through one entire sentence without any spelling errors.
so much for any intellectual coherence on _your_ part, FAKE.
and what you said about 'a single independent subculture' made absolutely no sense at all.

you are challenged by me to explain yourself and provide examples, you pompous ass.

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Stumps and Strips I have been in your country and have seen your democracy at work.Needless to say Iwas not impressed.Now the million dollar question ,where have you been to know anything about anything.

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Ah I see it is your mother quite the woman

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First of all I am not from Russia and I live in Canada and I will say your country is a cesspool of degenerate assholes such as yourself.Go take a cruise through East LA and tell me how it was .Have you been in Russia,so what do you know jerk.

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bear in mind that the GROSSPIGFAKE lives in the united arab emirates, not america. at best, he was only in the states when daddy sent him 'to university', as he phrased it.
but going 'to university' didnt teach him very much, judging by his inability to spell.
so, FAKE, i see you failed to meet the my challenge; guess you shouldnt talk sh*t if you cant back it up, eh?

and yeah, a few months ago _one_ post of mine was screwed up, _once_. BFD. -_-
it must have made quite an impression on you.

but seriously, you'd be much better off learning how to spell. if you did, it might take folks a little longer to realize what a FOOL you are.

hear what i say, blood?

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By Stars&Stripes ( - on Thursday, November 16, 2000 - 11:17 am:

"... Comming from Russia I could see how you wouldn't be... LMAO."

" dimi lives in Odessa"




For Jordanian Zebroid is ignorance is such a bliss..

talk to me..right into the 7" microphone..

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"have you been to university" in Moscow too, Zebroid?


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I'll spell it out for you - if I live in Odessa, and Igor is from Russia then you are one intelligent arab..


so..."""NO NO demie, Russian Universities are reserved for Ukranians.."""

let me ask you one more time, since you obvioucely too dumb to get the hint (pay attention, sheesh-kebab, it should bring the memories):


yo so't even recognize your own pearls, you "american" you?

LRAO at yo dumbass..

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Zebroid's posts are still being deleted, I see..ouch..that must hurt


..but not as much as his 7" of his Ukrainian destiny..

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Good afternoon boys and girls!

sincerely, betterthan

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you meant to say "UkraInian", ya dumb CAN'T-SPELL-4-S_H_I_T rabid yeah - and an arab..


speaking of "been to university"...

so why did Moscow suck for you so badly? Couldn't blend in to escape your, er, destiny, tan-boy? 😉

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so, blade,
actually, the correct spelling is 'orifice'. heh.

and mr FAKE....miserable puke that you are...
you must've been sniffing a little too much arabic gasoline, as you're speaking of stuff from 6 or 7 months ago.....too much brain damage for the FAKE.
you post on topic, like, every couple of months.
and you lost the challenge, too; you couldnt back up the sh*t you talked yesterday. scroll up if you have to, dumbass.
and here i saw you saying you _liked_ me, except that you come to these places to f*ck w/people. oh, the misery...i'm crushed, i tell you, _crushed_.

this whole business about spelling involves the FAKE bragging about having gone 'to university'.
well, it's hard to say what he did when he went 'to university' other than sniff glue and drink beer.
such a waste of his rich daddy's money. he cant spell his way out of a paper bag. i realize english is his second language, but....

i think you're a nerdy geek still trying to be a high school tough guy, blade. you think i take this too seriously? these matters are _supposed_ to be taken seriously.

the whole online world could pass through here, in theory, and what do they get?
a bad sitcom.

if the _best_ you can do...if the _most_ you can to call me 'tinkle cupcake' and give me
sh*t because i can write _rings_ around you, then you prove me right every time.

as for the FAKE... he's got his daddy to hide behind.

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all those supposed accomplishments
and now you're here just to provoke?
oh, what went wrong?

get a _real_ life.

f*ck you _and_ your GED bullsh*t.

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oh yeah, i feel so _liked_ by you....

defintely some psycho patterns involved with that certain sort of sh*t-obsessed homophobe who'll frequent these chat boards.

mr blade here is hardly the only one.

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Could someone post me the link to the USC, I don't have any bookmarks here.



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