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Archive through November 30, 1999

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20 Nov 1999: Exclusive Interview with Field Commander Ibn-ul-Khattab

Question 1: Some people are of the opinion that you are terrorists and rebels, whilst others are of the opinion that you are standing up for an Islamic and humanitarian cause. What is your reply to that?

Answer 1: These opinions and labels do not concern us one little bit. We are fully aware of our obligation and our target. We are faced with an Islamic obligation before a humanitarian concern and this obligation is to come to the support of our Muslim brothers in every place, in person and with wealth, as Allah (SWT) said: "And if they ask you for assistance in the religion, then you must go to their aid…" [Quran 8:72].

Question 2: What do you think about the rumours that the Chechen fighters and their helpers are on one side and the Chechen people on another? And why are the Chechen people looking to the Russians and the outside world to help them from this calamity?

Answer 2: Praise be to Allah that the majority are certain of the victory from Allah and yearning for martyrdom in the Path of Allah. The Caucasian people are fully aware of who the Russian forces are and who the Russian people are. As for the ordinary people, there is no doubt that they do not want war. They are either looking towards the Russians being enemies who hate them and have destroyed their houses and killed their children. Or they are looking to the West to come to their aid.

Question 3: What is your opinion about the Russian Army? What about the Russian soldier on the battlefield?

Answer 3: Perhaps this question should be asked to the Russian prisoners who surrendered themselves to us. They are present with us now and they will tell to you that the soldiers are in a very bad state and about the rough dealings of the Russian officers towards them. It is a fact that any army that fights without a target and without an ideology or belief, they will have nothing to fight for.

Question 4: How do you perceive the state of the Western and Muslim countries?

Answer 4: As for the Western countries, they do not act except when it is in their interests and neither do they condemn the Russians much during their oppression of the Muslims. The previous affairs of the Muslims (Bosnia, Kosova, etc.) bear witness to that. As for the Muslim countries, especially the Arab countries, then I am sorry to say that their stance is nothing except fighting against those Muslims who stood by their Muslim brothers in the previous calamities to befall the Muslims.

Question 5: What is the current situation from a military point of view? What is the reality of the Chechens giving up their land? And what do you think the final outcome will be?

Answer 5: The Russian forces are entering the Chechen Republic from three principal directions: West, East and North. The Russian forces have used a new strategy in their encirclement of several principal towns before they enter them. As for our expectations, then it is possible for the Russians to enter Chechnya but it is impossible for them to remain there. The end of Russia will be in the land of the Caucasus, with the Permission of Allah.

Question 6: Do you need any support? What support in particular do you need?

Answer 6: The Chechen Republic has been surrounded from all sides. However, the Russian Army is prepared to sell everything for a price. As for previous affairs of the Muslims, one would always find Islamic charities and organisations present. I am sorry to say that there is not a SINGLE Islamic charity or organisation active inside Chechnya at present. Only the Red Cross is present in the Chechen towns and cities. Therefore, we advise the Muslims and the Muslim countries to take a sincere stand with the Mujahideen in the land of the Caucasus.

The Muslim and Arab world is under the grip and influence of the deceiving and lying Western media. Therefore the Muslims are under the impression that the situation is that of an internal Russian affair. The situation demands that the sincere Muslims in the Muslim World stand by their Mujahideen brothers in the land of the Caucasus. Previously, the Muslim World, in particular the Arab countries, were not able to help the Mujahideen in the land of the Caucasus due to the difficulties in finding out the reality of the situation. As for now, however, the Muslim World and others besides them know full well what is happening in the land of the Caucasus.

Question 7: Has the cutting off of gas and electricity had an effect on the sick, wounded, children and women?

Answer 7: There is no doubt that this has affected the children and the women. However, Praise be to Allah that the land of Chechnya is a land rich in oil and mineral resources. I say that the Russians did not cut off electricity and gas in the 1994-96 war. This is evidence that the Russian Government wishes to obliterate all the Chechens as a race and not only the Mujahideen as they are claiming in the media.

Question 8: Do you have a last word or an appeal, and to whom do you direct this?

Answer 8: I direct this appeal to the Muslim World and in particular, the scholars and the generous Muslims.

"I say that the Caucasian people are honest in their religion and their return to Allah (SWT). The Western World is supporting Russia to wage war against the Muslims once again, even if they are claiming the opposite to that. The offensives that the Russian forces undertook (such as in Dagestan) were against towns that announced the implementation of the Islamic Shariah. Indeed this is Christian war and crusade against Islam and its people and it is an obligation upon the Muslims, especially the great scholars, to support their Mujahideen brothers in the land of the Caucasus."

And Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds

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Facts and Figures

Five-Point Analysis of the Current Situation in Chechnya

Five-Point Analysis of the Current Situation in Chechnya

1. Khattab and Basayev do not fear anyone except Allah. If they had carried out the explosions in Russia, they would have said so, without fear of anyone. They both consistently denied and deny any involvement with these explosions, saying that this is not their style of warfare. Their statements, together with the information given by Major-General Vladimir Victorovich, raises doubts on the credibility on some Muslim personalities in the UK who said that the Mujahideen carried out these explosions in Russia.

2. The U.S., Israel, India and other Western countries are secretly helping Russia to pay for this war and outwardly condemning it. The Russian Economy is almost non-existent, the currency has lost value and the country is in debts. How then can Russia maintain an army of over 100,000 troops, with thousands of vehicles, aircraft, food, ammunition, supplies, wages, power and fuel from existing resources? They are receiving financial and military help from the U.S. and Israel.

3. The Mujahideen and the Chechens in general are experienced, combat-hardened fighters. No experienced fighter will remain in houses, schools, mosques and hospitals during heaving shelling and bombardment. They will all take refuge in bunkers, caves, trenches and mountains. Why then are the Russians bombing houses, schools, mosques and hospitals, claiming they are fighting terrorism? What and who are they bombing? Russia is a terrorist nation, that terrorises not only the civilians of its enemy, but also its own civilians.

4. With the exception of the Taliban, NOT A SINGLE MUSLIM COUNTRY has condemned Russian actions in Chechnya. On the contrary, Muslim countries continue to support Russian trade and industry. Thousands of Russian prostitutes continue to earn millions from trade in the Middle Eastern countries such as the UAE and Bahrain. All of these countries are Russia's partners in the fight against Islam.

5. Hundreds of foreign Mujahideen have entered Chechnya to wipe out Russian terrorism and destroy Russian bandits. There are more foreign Mujahideen inside Chechnya now, than there ever were in the three years of the 1994-96 war.

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By jake berstein on Monday, November 29, 1999 - 09:52 pm:


Aaron, kissie,Blackjack and all my other Jewish brothers and sisters.

Things are going our way. This is our eternal destiny. We are the chosen people. Let the filthy Russians, Muslims, Christians and other wild beasts fight amongst themselves. Let them destroy one another, it is the right of the chosen to rule the beast. Never forget they are merely Goymeh.

Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."

Tell me who was ABRAHAM, WAS HE JEW LIKE YOU? If you know the truth and like to tell the truth.

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Aaron, kissie,Blackjack and all my other Jewish brothers and sisters.

Kissie, are you a jew, like that guy name joke?

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As a Westerner living in Russia for the last five years, I unfortunately see no future in Russia. Corruption is pervasive throughout every infrastructure - government, legal, business....etc.

I am appalled by the recent happenings in Chechnya. Russia military killing innocent women, children and men all in the name of stomping out the "bandits". What a sick, sick country......full of racism and complacent people who agree with what their government is doing in Chechnya all because they don't like "chernia" people.

Russia has lost all respect in the eyes of Western governments and intellectuals. It is too bad that your country is run by corrupt officials and people in power. Maybe in 100 years time, your country can join the others that are considered civilized.

I think that Westerners view Russia as a big, dumb bully on the world playground. It tries to fit it but just can't because it is always doing stupid things. The Russian Bully is bigger and as powerful as some of the largest kids on the playground. Therefore, the other "kids" have to put up with its actions and accept what it does.......but they will never invite the bully to join in any meaningful games until the bully learns to behave like the others.


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To Osyx:
I agree with you that the russian people know about the suffering in wars. They have suffered so much under corrupted regimes and during wars. During WWII the Russians lost more lives than any other nation. The russian people suffer now. But that's why the Russians also know that the enormous suffering of innocent civilians in Chechnya is NOT on their mind. But then it is not the people who wage this war. It is a military-backed nationalist group which started this. Due to false media-coverage and the unproven notion that Chechyans were behind the Moskow bombings, a large number of ordinary Russians back this war. My problem is: This war is completely senseless. As a results of the brutal indiscriminate bombings of civilian targets, the russian military plays into the hands of the more extremist factions of the Chechyians. Chechnya is not a part of Russia. The only solution is independence for Chechnya and the establishment of acceptable relations between both countries. The latter will take time. But this war will not achieve anything. The russian people should revolt and demand that the money be spent for more food, better pensions, etcetera. If Chechnyans were indeed involved in the terrorist bombings in Moskow, the fight against terrorists would be most effective with the help of Chechnyan authorities. But this requires a thrive for peace and not war. STOP THE WAR!!!!!!!!!!

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By Fenriz Culto on Saturday, November 27, 1999 - 04:23 am:

I've got a better idea for Jacka$$:

Create a site where folks can guess how long E.Barak would live before a necro-orthodox mental jew (not unlike yourself) assasinates him, like they've done with former Israel PM.

BTW, Soon you shall see futher racial comments from subhuman Talmud if you continue to disbehave.


Jake is not behaving at all, he is posting hate message all the time, we need your help man, because the talmud master. Please do somethings.


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What Bin Laden Did on His Summer Vacation

TIME Notebook: The CIA thinks he could have been helping to spark the latest conflict in Chechnya

Evidence is piling up that Osama bin Laden, the Islamic terror leader Washington considers International Enemy No. 1, may have helped spark Russia's latest brutal war in Chechnya. Behind the scenes, U.S. and Russian counterterrorism officials have been sharing intelligence that points to Bin Laden's having an indirect hand in some of the five bombings in Moscow and other Russian cities last August and September. Moscow launched its military offensive to crush Chechen terrorists after those attacks.

The CIA has intelligence that Bin Laden operatives have been in Chechnya training Muslim fighters in guerrilla tactics. And the mixture of chemicals that Russian investigators found in some of the blasts matches the brew mixed by bombers-in-training at his camp in Afghanistan. "There are some strings that connect here," a U.S. intelligence official tells TIME. "Some of the bombs in Russia were consistent with what Bin Laden bombers use."

-TIME magazine article by Douglas Waller


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I think RUSSIA should bomb the •••• out of those chechen bastards. And for all you hick cowboys who think that america is so powerful join reality it may be powerful but they do not want to fight russia same with russian they dont want to fight the US they both know that they can both destroy each other

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Russian Finance Minister Mikhail Kasyanov reacted angrily to remarks by Michel Camdessus, head of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), that negative world reaction to the Chechen campaign could affect the release of the Fund's next loan tranche to Moscow.

"We do not quite understand Saturday's statement by Michel Camdessus linking the IMF's financial support and the anti-terrorist operation which is being carried out," he said.

Russia hopes to receive the $640 million portion of a $4.5 billion loan package in December.

It is imperative that all Western aid be stopped to Begger Russian terrorists. This filthy corrupt country has nothing but misery to look forward to, after this politically inspired campaign of genocide against Chechnya has concluded. Our deepest condolencies to the innocent men, women and children who have suffered at the hands of Russian terrorists and gangsters. Winning a battle is not the same as winning a war. Eventually, begger bowl Russia will sink in its own terrorism and corruption

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thanks for all the help my russian brothers and all other orthodox brothers who helped us serbs kill croats and muslims

f uck amercians

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To Arkan:
Hate propaganda of the worst kind.

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There is a foul stench that is comming to the United States. This is no ordinary stench. This is the smell of faeces mixed with vomit and urine. This is the putrid and disgusting smell of the average Russian.

Russians are threat to us, not only from a hygene perpective, but also from the terrorism and corruption they bring with them. WE MUST HAVE AN IMMEDIATE STOP TO ALL RUSSIAN IMMIGRATION TO USA We do not want these fowl smelling terrorists on our beautiful soil. I am wrting to my congressman today. I urge all decent, democracy loving Americans to do the same

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I would like to answer the main question today on this board - "Would Chechnya be able to survive as Independent country??"
Yes, of course!!!
As an Independent country, recognised by UN, by world community, and not isoleted, bombed and attacked by criminal Russian government, Chechnya will develop itself to highest level.
It will be a free democratic society, based on principles of free market and enterprise.
Islam will serve as an unti-corruption medicine.
Do not forget - Chechens survived under russian and soviet rule, and their presence in the organised crime is the result of Moscow oppresion.
To be crime free, to be developed - Chechnya needs POLITICAL INDEPENDENCE as fish needs water.
Long live Independent Chechnya.

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To all those smart a$$es who think that SoKali has to do anything with Hindu Gods. SoKali=Southern California. Poor nerdy Roger spent hours to put me in shame thinking I'm Hindu! HAHAHAHAHA........What else are you gonna come up with?

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