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Archive through November 4, 1999

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Thousands of frightened civilians mobbed a key border crossing today, pleading to escape from Chechnya as Russian jets and artillery hammered the breakaway republic.

A.P Press Report

This is a fine example of Russian humanity!

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In case anybody is interested, there is going to be fundraiser in the Los Angeles area for the victims of Chechnya. I will post my e-mail address, as soon as a date is finalized.

Our prayers for the suffering.

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Thousands of frightened civilians mobbed a key border crossing today, pleading to escape from Chechnya as Russian jets and artillery hammered the breakaway republic.

A.P. Press Report

I hope and pray that this genocidal campaign by godless Russian terrorists against Chechnya bankrupts the corrupt Russian Economy

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To S.M

"A Russian officer loaded about 40 women and children into a minibus designed for half as many. ``Please, make room for just one more little kid,'' he said, hoisting a child into the bus. ''He's just a tiny little guy.''"

Russians don't send children to concentration camps, they just blow them to bits.

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Here's food for your thought.. (if any)

Russians pilots jubilant as Chechnya toll mounts
Boston Globe: (11/03) By Dmitry Shalganov

''If you're asking whether I wasted any Chechens, yeah, I blew away a lot of them,'' Major P. said in an interview just after landing from his sortie Sunday. Like all Russian pilots flying in the Caucasus war zone, he spoke on the grounds that his full name not be published, to prevent some victim's vengeful relatives from tracking him down later.

The whole report on

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Maybe the Chechen refugees should try to cross the border of their fellow islamic brother - Turkey. Why don't they do that? I don't see Turkey opening its borders to welcome these refugees.

Weak Geography..

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Yes Marco, weak geography indeed

but what cold you expect from Blackjack, a slav.. the most inferior form of human existence. In London, Russians and blacks are regarded in the same light - Inferior

Backjack is a pathetic man whose pleasure comes from seeing women and children massacred by his godless Russian terrorist brothers

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Oh Blackjack?

How big will the BEGGING BOWL be that your fellow slav Russians will be holding out to us ?

(after this politically inspired genocide campaign becomes no longer affordable)

Hungry, bankrupt.. scummy Russians.. what a joke!

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these third world countries....

What a disgrace they are!

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"Hey, Chechnya is a third world country. Actually, more like fifth."

ironic, but seems like you do acknowledge Chechnya to be a "country".

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To Kerim: (and others, BJ, and Kissie)

In response to your quote saying that the pilot was happy to kill Chechens, here is rest of his quotes:

Major P., the jet fighter pilot, has no regrets about what he does. He knows that Chechen separatists have already brought down at least two heavily armored attack planes like his own. He knows he is fighting the ''bandits'' and ''terrorists'' Moscow has vowed to wipe out in Chechnya. His job is to kill as many of them as he can.

''The Chechen fighters call themselves wolves, but they call the Russian pilots flying wolves,'' Major P. said, ''because they kill so many Chechens.''

KIND OF changes the whol meaning of your post doesn't it?

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TO CROSS, TEXAN, KERIM, AND other pro-Chechens

What kind of sense is it for civilians to flee into the country that's attacking them?
(especially since according to Texan and Philip they will starving during winter)

BJ, Kissie, - we already know the answer.

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· The International Monetary Fund takes very seriously the recent allegations in the press

that funds advanced to Russia may have been diverted from their intended purpose and included in the flows of capital that left the country illegally. The IMF has no evidence of such diversion. The U.S. authorities - including Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers - have also stated that no evidence has been found that IMF funds were misappropriated, although their investigations of Bank of New York and other commercial banking operations continue.

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Outstanding debt to the UN (1997)

US - 312,050,284 %total debt 49%
Russia - 45,478,867 %total debt 4%
UK - 33,195,354 %total debt 3%

Most of the money USA has given to US was done on loan. Notice the similarity b/w UK and Russia.

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Until 1861 absolute majority of Russian nation were serfs, which is very much like slaves. Russian national mentality is formed by the history of serfdom. This is one of the reasons why russians hate so much Chechens and other people from Caucasus. Caucasians (mountaineers of Caucasus) always were free and always fought for their freedom. They fought against Czarist Russia for 50 years in the last century. In Dagestan and in Chechnya every square of land is covered by russian soldier's blood. Russia is self-destroing itself now.
O'key. Let say Russia will win now this new Chechen war. And so what after??? How many russian soldiers must be there to keep Chechnya subdued. And for what reason??? For keeping Russia from desintegration???? Russian future is very bleak. Russia is not able to build democracy, instead what we see is criminal oligopoly. To all those who hate Chechens and other Caucasians. Some of you live in West, as I understand from this site. So, if you love Russia so much , why do you left it in the first place??? All your pro-Moscow propoganda is just demonstration of hate to Caucasus - land of free-minded peoople.
All, russian state has now is - weapons from the former USSR. Russia lost its position in this world and is trying to show its power. Doing what?? Killing people, same people it claims to be its citizens...

You hate Caucasians because you are scared of them.

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