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Archive through November 4, 1999

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Russians are hating people from Caucasus because russians are not able to subdue them. Next 10-20 years we will witness the rise of fashizm in Russia, the movement which will hate everyone who is not russian.
Russians are not able to build normal state,
it will take time until Russia will desintegrate.

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Russian policy toward Caucasus was always one of war and destruction. Caucasus will be steping stone to Russian desintegration.

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I like to see Russian state after say 50 years...
Poor and hungry peasants, and Chechens as their overlords, very much like Mongols during the time of Chingiz-khan. Hey, russian fugs!!!! You forgot already how Mongols rape your ancestors for 300 years?????

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Russia today looks like dirty and cheap prostitute, who came to Caucasus, hoping Chechen wolf will rape her.
Russia - do not forget to wash you ass!!!!!

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Lev Tolstoy

Thank you for a most perceptive and educated account of this situation. It is a pleasure to listen to somebody so knowledgeable.
Especially after being subject to pro russian garbage by terrorist sympathisers like Blackjackack and S.M.

You are correct the Russian mentality is that of serfdom. They are a truely inferior people. This incident will prove to be a phyrric victory for them. Russia has no credibility in the world whatsoever. What I find so amusing about the inferior slavic mind is that they claim bandits rule Chechnya! WHAT A JOKE -The BIGGEST BANDITS are in mother Russia, Russia is controlled and run by mafia, terrorists and bandits.

Already there is talk of IMF withholding funds to this terrorist nation, Thanks to american pressure. Thank God for this.

Czar Yeltsin and loyal dog Putin know that this campaign of genocide against Chechyans makes the poor, hungry, begger people of Russia feel good.
Inferior slavs must have something to feel happy about too? and why not massacre old women and children.. Against true opposition (like Afganistan) russians would be wiped out. I wonder how popular the terorist russian regime will be this winter. No money for food, heating..wages etc. Russians do not need to go to hell. They are already living in it

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God Bless the people of the Caucasuses. I hope I live to see the day when they destroy inhuman Russian animals

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Can you blame S.M. and Blackjack for wanting to live in the west. Would anyone want to live in hell / russia (same thing)

S.M. & Blackjack should get on their knees and lick the boots of Western Governemnts for being allowed to live in a civilized country

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Human Rights Watch today condemned the Russian government for closing one of its borders with Chechnya to ethnic Chechen civilians. For at least a week, police posts at the administrative border between Chechnya and the republic of North Ossetia have turned back ethnic Chechen civilians fleeing air strikes and fighting, but allowed ethnic Russians to cross the border.

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Human Rights Watch, probably, the most hypocritical of all orgs, can take its condemnation to the League of Sexual Reforms.

A couple of stray ^#92;^#92; // ++ dogs barking/whimpering (chose the appropriate) don't count. Next.

To any stupid (especially our Prima Donna Philip Cross), wishing to raise the "stolen" IMF funds issue, - those can't be stolen technically or otherwise. If they were stolen, Philly, bo-o-o-o, Russia secretly runs the World already!;;-))

Lev Tolstoy managed to get something from War & Peace. Is it a history book or a great piece of literature? Did You find that out?

Personal to Philip Cross
Dear stupid Philly, Russia in good faith honours the debt of the defunct USSR, meaning consolidated debt of all former USSR subjects, including Chechnya (that should be thankful for it, BTH). The rabid dog bites the feeding hand.

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To Philip Cross
Thank you, my friend. Give us time and Caucasus will be independent. The problem with the russian nation is that they blame everyone but not themselves. In their mind everyone is guilty of problems in Russia - West, Caucasians, foreigners, CIA, USA, Islam, you name it,..but not russians themselves.
There is no healthy force today in russia, only hate to non-russians and apathy to their own fate. Russian state will slowly melt down.

I want to say here few words about great russian writer - Leo Tolstoy. When he was young, he took part in military compaign in Caucasus - actually in Chechnya. He witnessed destruction and mass killings of local people by Russian army. This influenced him very much. That is why he became pacifist and hated war so much. His best work was not the "Peace and War" (for this work the whole world knows him) , but "Cossacs" ("Kazaki"). This novel describes how russian army conquered Caucasus. It was never published in full in the former USSR, because it describes russian atrocites.
I read it in full in english when I left my home land. Exactly the same picture what we all see today in Chechnya. Russian policy toward Caucasus did not change at all for the last 150 years, from the time of colonisation. Russians today became very much racists, they are not able to build normal state with normal government system, and because of that they are filling with hate to everything which is not russian. They consider themselves to be a god's chosen nation. They consider themselves to be civilized, you can see now what kind of civilization is that.
Russians say that we Caucasians commited crimes in Moscow, that we bombed buildings with sleeping civilians. This is lie. It was done by russian secret services with the purpose to blame Chechens and muslims of Caucasus. Russian state is very cruel and russian system is very cruel. They will not hesitate to kill their own people to achive their ends.
Although I have every reason to hate Russia and russians (they apparantly bombed part of my homeland in Caucasus last August), but I do not. I only feel very sorry for them. Russia gave to world Rahmaninov, Mussorgsky, Leo Tolstoy, Prokofiev. And at the same time they show such barbarity, despite their claim for civilization.

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To Blackjack
Darling do not worry so much, I am homosexual myself.

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To Kissie and Blackjack
Hey fellas, what about forming homo-cock-sucking club on this website. I will join with you..

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Agh-hah! Funny. A classic clinical case of pro-bandits suffering from violent psychopathy. But nothing to worry about, doctor Putin is around with guided and unguided enemae, he-he.

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And who invaded Dagestan? Little green men from Mars? Who declared war on Russia? Darth Wader?

nice ideas for a hollywood movie..

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