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Archive through November 7, 1999

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Demented pig,

you said:
Russian organized crime has laundered billions of dollars throughout the USA.

True but how can you blame the russians for that you pig! the banks in US are making money you fool understand its all business logic no emotion

Russian prostitution

What about Brit women serving sheikhs and others in Dubai and the middle east or are they exempt since they are whores anyway born in the greatest whore country of all times England!

Once again understand its the economics not emotion or politics...people will sell themselves for money if necessary rather than becoming a diseased homeless they will become whores and the stomach is at play you fool not policy.


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I think, Scottish, Irish and Welsh people are enslaved by Englishmen as anyone else.
The political strategy of jackals for years have been:
First they start howling about violation of human rights. Any lie , any unconfirmed facts are presented as 'true accounts of genocide and mass killings'. At the same time they play on imperial feelings of big but brainless American tiger. Americans go into the fight, spend billions of taxpayer's money and do all the job. Then Englishmen hail themselves as 'pioneers of human cause'.

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Way to go Shiva and Lego..! The sad thing is that Philip and Texan are so fu@kin ignorant that they'll never realize just how pathetic they and their believes are (as well as those of the majority of the 'western' population).

to Philip:
"Jeffrey Robinson" sounds like a good western name. How can a westerner write anything about Russia? His western mindset would be enough to skew any valid perspective even if he did spend some time researching what he wrote.
Is there any other ethnicity that you hate? How about the Irish, Scotts maybe? Asians? we know you hate slavs, blacks, Jews, any whose opinion differs from yours...

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Pioneers of the Human race! ha.. it wasn't too long ago when they were licking the boots of the Roman Empire. But then again, that was when they were considered mere savage terrorists.

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Hi folks:

I came to this site by accident, and Since I don't belong to either side (Russia vs. Chechanya), don't call me names if I say some thing wrong.

O.K. ! Having said the above disclamier. Here is my few cents worth.

The root of all conflicts is due to any one or combination of the following reasons. Economic bacwardness, illiteracy, civilisational faults.

Now in the case of Chechneya, the problem is simple.

1) Russia being a weak economically, and run by thugs (borrowed from above posts), who want to make themselves and its "poor" people relive of long gone "Soviet" superiorty have to control Chechneya.

2) The wave of Islamic fundamentalism is sweeping the central asia and has just surfaced in Chechnaya. They have utilised the reason 1above + the traditional hatred towards russians to spark trouble.

Now, is this true or not I don't know.

But what is needed now is tolerance, religious, ethinic, and the ability to look towards the future .
What Russians and Checheyans (pardon my spelling), are doing is using the past to justify "Present". The world has had enough blood shed over wars, conflicts, I feel sorry for that Russian men, women and children who got killed in that apartment complex bombing in Moscow, I feel sorry for Innocent civilians in Chechniya who have been killed.

The solution:
Look towards the future, do you want your children to live in a world divided on the lines of religion, ethinicity, and hatred. You don't have to go to war or show your superority through bombings. Seek out the real evil. Poverty, Corruption of State institutions,& feeling of hopelessness. No country is perfect and no country has not had a bloody past, but that should not be the basis of our future.

Envision a day that one day this world will be a friendly place. A place where no women or children have to sell themselves to live, where men can live with dignity and not resort to bribes to feed his family. and all this means work, real hard work. But the place to start is in everyones heart, once the heart is cleared of hatred, mind can work wonders, root out corrpution, make each region in this area a economic miracle.

When the mouths are feed, the mind can go in to real works of science, art, literature, andthat will form the basis of a new civilisation, a new future.

Thanks for reading


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Dear Kissie, S.M., Killer Shiva

As a citizen of Russian Federation, I would like to thank you for defending Russia on this message board.
Of course, I support my government's position in the issue of Chechnya. The reason for this is pure logic. There was an invasion into Dagestan. It was defeated. But there was no guarantee that it would not be repeated. So the only way to insure this fact was to destroy the source of the invasion. The source was terrorism on the territory of de-facto independent Chechen republic. Government of Chechnya was unable and unwilling to do anything about the situation. Furthermore, President Maskhadov sided himself with this murderers by giving them official posts in the government of the Republic. Also, the life of de-uro citizens of Russian Federation in Chechnya, even by Russian standards was unbearable, schools & health care not working, pensions are not beign paid. (By the way, money for this activities were trasferred from the Federation budget to Chechen republic (Chechnya is a donated region of RF (meaning, we were sending them money, they were sending us back terrorist groups trained for this money))). So, the Federation government eventually was forced to send the troups to stabilize the situation. I look forward to the moment when the terrorists will be exterminated or put to the fair trial by the laws of Russian Federation for the crimes of mass murders (Russia no longer practice death sentenses, so they won't be exterminated in this case). Up to this point, I'm with my government. All who has blood on their hands should be punished, they can't be negotiated with. THEY ARE NOT HUMANS THEY ARE TERRORISTS (I am not specifying any nationality or religion here).
As for refugees and deaths among the civilian population, I'm concerned with the fellow Russian citizens being forced to leave their homes or even being killed. But unfortunately, those are the realities of war. I can only hope that refugees would be able to return to their homes soon and will find them in good condition. As for military and civilian loses, I and all my friends are in great sorrow for them, and we again can only hope that the government can find the way to, at least partialy, compensate the loss to relatives.

To Mr.Cross:
Dear Mr.Cross, Russia is not terrorist state. At least not to the extent of NATO countries, who attaked another independent country on this country's purely internal affair. By the way, did you know that the reports of mass murders and genocide in Yugo were largely exaggerated? (Actually, there were all fake!) The US government needed this conflict to distract attention from Mr.Clinton love affair, and all other NATO countries complied (speaking about strong and weak countries). As for IMF money beign stolen, for several years already we receive only promises, not money. How can promises be stolen? I can not understand this with my "inferior slavic mind". If you can, please explain it to me. I would be very grateful.
And there is another question about good weapons that terrorists have. The RF budget money is not enough for it. Where was the rest taken? Let's think about it! O'k, who started the cold war? (Answer: Mr.Churchill , Fulton Speach). Whose military programs regard Russia as the most probable enemy? (Answer: NATO countries) Who has been supporting terroristical separatism around the world (except NATO countries, of course)? (Answer: NATO countries) Who is rich enough to do this? (Answer: NATO countries) So, who is behind Chechen terrorists? (Answer: ?)

To Leo Tolstoy:
Dear Sir, as I can see you should be very close to the "DLF" ("Dagestani Liberation Front"). Because you know the names of the leaders. Did you know that you were betraying them (of course, if they had ever existed) by posting their names here? Think about it.

Yours fauthfully,
Denis A. Vassiltchev,
Ukhta, Republic of Komi, Russian Federation

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To Kris Kand :
Is your real name Madelin Albright?
All your above speech is a senselles collection of sentences and good intentions. Remember - the road to hell is paved with good intentions. People like you live in illusionary world and screw things up in the real one.

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Heh, I love this board. I don't even have anything to add because hypocrites (rednecks, white pigs, etc) were made eat sh*t. I'll be back though.

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Russian corruption is epidemic, Russians are responsible for terrorism, money laundering, counterfeiting, drug running andprostitution in the West.

Sorry..facts are facts

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To Shiva,

Sorry sad little blackie indie boy. Are you part of the hindu fanatic party running India?

By the way I do not wish to communicate with POOR inferior creatures like you. You were our slaves and we still regard you as our slaves.

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Philip, thank you.
I think this "Killer Shiva" just ran away from mental hospital.

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This "Killer Shiva" is probably coming to Leeds to work as a cleaner, that's why he is so mad.

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terrorist attacks have stopped!
I think that what the russians are doin is extreme but, the attacks on their people and bluidings have stopped. Maybe the US should follow in thier steps. and take a more "ACTIVE" role in stopping terrorist attacks. It seems the government of Chec. should have done something to stop those attacks. Now that there is something being done they are sreaming poor little me. Althuogh the Bear should stop I do like what they are doing.Only because I am tired of seeing terrorist go free like Biden without any thing being done.

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I would like to answer to the main question of this board - "What is you opinion of the situation in Chechnya?"

My opinion -
Russian army started operations in Chechnya with the goal (as Russian government stated) to exterminate all terrorist groups in Chechnya.
What we see now, is the indiscriminate bombings of everybody and everything in Chechnya, including chechen children, women, and ethnic russians who still live there.
Instead of exterminating terrorist groups in Chechnya, army is engaged in practical genocide against Chechen nation (under the banner of fighting with terrorism). Looks like russian generals want to take revenge to their loss during First Chechen War.
Those indiscriminate killings of everything already antagonised against Russia local Caucasian population, which now sees Russian army as a agressor, but not as their liberator from "terrorism". Also winter is starting, also russian infantry is still in bad shape, also about 40% of soldiers who are deployed in Chechnya must be demobilised at the end of this year, also Russian side admitted already that this war will not stop in this year. (the list can go on...)
My conclusion is that this war will be long. And if Russia wins this time, then this victory will be more as self-defeat, as it will be the begining of another round for Chechen independence struggle.
Russian army faces a very long war with Chechen guerrillas. In the long run this war can bring a more serious crisis for Russian society.
(note I am not choosing here any sides)
My conclusion is that if Russia will continue to deal with Chechnya (=Caucasus) purely on the basis of brutal force, then Russian state will overstrain oneself.

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I am Slovenian. Our nation fought against Yugoslavia in 1991. We were granted independence not because we fought, but because we were worthy to get it.
Did Chechnya prove its worthiness?
Did Chechnya develop democracy as we did?
Did Chechnya develop economy as we did?
We never mixed religion with politics. Did you forget that Chechens intended an ethnic cleansing in Dagestan, to kill all non-muslim people, so they could build muslim empire. All religion that pushes its believers in war is bad. Religion must teach of peace and prosperity.
They dont deserve an independence as long as they stay racist and non-working nation.
They started this war, so now they must pay for it.
Nobody should help them, and nobody will.
I dont think America(Nato) would help them. You mustnt forget Russia is even after SU collapse one of the worlds Superpowers(nuclear, chemical,...). They have one of the biggest armies and best technology equipped. Nobody dares to begin WW3.
While we were fighting for our independence nobody helped us. But still we have our own democratic republic.
They cant win independence, they have to deserve it.

Sergeant Damjan Debevec

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