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Archive through November 7, 1999

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You, 'white trash', are delusional.
You think whole world world should work for you as janitors, cleaners, etc. You provoke and exploit regional tensions in East Europe and around the World to produce cheap immigrant manpower. They are more educated than you but because of language barrier or skin color they unable to get a good job.
That is the reason you are hated around the world.

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Dear Mr.Cross,

What proves do you have for these so-called facts? There are no cases proven in the court of law that indicate such facts. So, as you have said - facts are facts. Presumption of innocence is the main concept developed in the modern world. You, being British, should know it better than everybody else.

Denis A. Vassiltchev

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Don't equate me with the Madalin, I can't beat her in hypocracies (all politicans are hypocrates).

But what is the solution, If we continue to hate each other based on religious and ethinic differences, there is no end.
Reminds me of a saying " there is no profit in peace"

Shiva, Richard, Micaheal and Philip Ross, hope you are the outliners of your socities. Because of you some of us really appreciate the need for tolerance and see it in others. Thanks guys!

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That's funny. All American (and European for that matter) media gets most of it's information from Chechen sourses, yet hardly anybody questions that! As for my numbers (well, Albert Digaev's from Santa Barbara to be exact, he doesn't get paid $400 per week for nothing you know) why would you question Basaev or Maskhadov? They are freedom fighters after all, and fighting the big bad evil empire - RUSSIA!

P.S. blackjack, you have got to learn to read between the lines!

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Blackjack, you are either really really stupid or just pretend to be one.

Who needs proof? If Shamil Basaev says something, it must be so!

P.S. I don't see American Media questioning their reports on how the evil empire is there to get little innocent people of Chechen Republic. Hardly ever they mention that Basaev attacked Dagestan or thousands of people were kidnapped for the past years. Nobody likes to remind folks about headless Brits (Cheerios to Philip Cross) or soon to be headless Frenchie.

P.P.S. Someone teach blackjack to read between the lines. Please!

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My dear friends!
I have read all of your messages and I'd like to ask you a few questions.
Have you ever lived in fear? I'm out-of-state student and live in Moscow while I'm studying. Can you understand what is it to stay in the city where houses blast every 3 days and you have to call to your parents to tell them you're OK?
Of course, there are no evidenceses that Chechens bombed the houses, but THE WHOLE RUSSIAN NATION beleives to it(and it is true).
You see, we don't want any war, we want to live in peace with everybody, we don't have any imperialistic desires but when someone "comes to us with a sword - we answer with a sword"!!!
If USA comes to us with a threat - we'll have the same answer!!
And US and their filthy and pathetic allies will have to answer to us for their threats and for Yugoslavia!!!
You see, we are the future - future civilizations will be based on us!! Because we are careing about people not about money.
If you don't agree to me please answer to me e-mail: or use ICQ( my number is 36019859)

Best regards,

Dmitriy Devin

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Can anybody really believe a Russian JEW? your loyalty is to world jewry and the state of Israel. Deep down you hate, you hate muslims. christians.. anybody who is not a jew.

I find it facinating how you constantly try to defend a corrupt terrorist nation like Russia (since when have Russians valued human life?). Russia a country responsible for exporting crime, money laundering, drugs, counterfeit currency to the west. Russia, now a poor nation that is only capable of massacariing innocent women and children in Chechnya, instead of directly targeting the bandits. What I find Really funny is, you Russians call the Chechans bandits, yet Russians themselves are the BIGGER bandits!

I hope soon resolutions will be passed denying any more IMF funds to this begger bowl nation. IMF money was to rebuild the Russian economy, but the mafias and terrorists who run Russia decided to use the money for crime and political warfare.
I ma just sorry for the average Russian, having to live in a terrorist country run by corrupt politicians linning their own pockets.

To Shiva

I have many fine educated Indian friends, but cleaning personnel like you give them a bad name. You should not really be writing on bulliton boards. Stick to what you are good at with your mops and buckets.

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Dear Mr. Vassiltchev,

Those facts were based on eye witness accounts, journalist reports and ACTUAL photographic evidence. I am amazed how Russians can deny their terrorism, money laundering through western banks, prostitution and drug smuggling. You may call the chechan bandits etc..that is your right. But Russians are no better than bandits themselves.

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To Michael
To Richard

Thank you for your support. Quite possibly 'killer shiva' is a cleaner in leeds. I work in international finance and have many fine indian friends who would be disgusted by him. Observe how the lower classes are always more fanatical?

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Hey you, JEW!!!
Are you living in Russia? Are you getting in all of our problems?
Maybe you are reading all of your darn newspapers telling you that Russians are gangsters?
Then will you be damned by our LORD, Jesus Christ, for this words!!!!
Russians are the best people in the world and only because CIA and and others want our territory we have to be what we are!!! But we are not criminals, we are not bad - all we want is a place to live, to live good and in peace!!!
I blame you for this words!!! Israel will never solve it's problems!!!
The JEWS shall die!!! Let the next World War come!!!!!!!!!!!!
Christians will join with Muslims and we'll defeat people who have put our LORD on the nails!!!
My LORD will be revenged!!!

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Dmitriy Devin

If USA comes to us with a threat - we'll have the same answer!!
And US and their filthy and pathetic allies will have to answer to us for their threats and for Yugoslavia!!!

If the U.S.A and her allies ever came to you, my friend.... YOU WOULD CEASE TO EXIST!

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Kris Kand:
80 years ago Lenin said about communism:
"Our system will prove that every kitchen maid is able to govern a country."
Albright is A Lenin's dream come true. A housewife for many years, she got divorsed and lost source of income. Using her husband's connections she got job in the university, and her future career is pure luck.
She is worst foreign secretary for all American's history.
Albright convinced Clinton that for well being of the world it is nesessary to declare American domination all over the world. She intimidated Russia by accepting Chechia, Poland and Hungary into NATO. She intimidated China by her pro-Taiwanese speeches, she is trying to teach all countries how to handle their internal affairs.
What do you expect from Russia if Albright is offering NATO membership to all surrounding countries, former Soviet republics? Do they feel safer now when NATO missiles will be at their border? Or Russia will become friendlier? She is only reason the communists in Russia and China strenghtened their positions.
Her speeches are arrogant. Her attempt to 'punish' serbs using stick or carrot and force them into surrender of Milosevic are laughable and unrealistic.
She has to understand that ethnical and religious splits in Europe have been for thousands years and wave of secessions she promotes will only increase hatred. Albright has been a disaster. She leaves American foreign policy , all this hard-earned peace with China, Russia, India in shambles.

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To: Dmitry Devin
It's the worst post, Re: Jews, I've read so far. All the implied Russian nobility crumbles down. So, Philip Cross can really thank You for it, because now he will base his opuses on a real fact, provided by You, and on Your example. Have You read his "works"? Some real shame!
P.S. Philly's not Jew. He's anti-every-nation-and-nationality-that's-not-British (especially Russia). And the Jew, whose nation You were slinging mud at, was defending Russia, - meaning You as well!! Advice: You better apologize.
To: Blackjack
JC! Damn right You are. Gosh! Philip Cross will have a field day!

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Dear Mr.Cross,

The first of all, if the U.S. and its NATO "allies" (slaves is a better word) will come for us, the world will cease to exist. I can only hope that the governments of your countries are not as dumb as their average citizens and can understand this very simple fact. Another thing, if we are so criminal, than how come that your eye witnesses are still alive? Another thing I'm Russian citizen and I'm proud of it. You are slandering my country and me as a part of it. CAN YOU PROVE YOUR WORDS? Can you give me an example of Russian terrorism instead of repeating the same words all over again?

Dear Mr.Devin,

I am very sorry that you are Russian and Christian. I am trying to avoid hard frases, but YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO OUR GREAT NATION. Russia is a country where many nationalities practice multitude of religions. Russia should eventually become the prototype of the future world state. You are no Christian or Russian, you are religious fanatic, nazi and fascist. You should be trialed for flaming up religious conflicts. You say you live in fear, you DESERVE it because you are seeding hatred.

Denis A. Vassiltchev

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To: Blackjack
Re: Infant terrible
Might got his IP blocked for excessive "expertise" in inches. ;o))

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