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Archive through November 8, 1999

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Dear Mr.Cross,

You are right, I have jumped to the conclusion without enough evidences.
Please, accept my sincere apologies.

Yours faithfully,
Denis A. Vassiltchev

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Thank you Mr. Vassiltchev,

You must understand, right now is a lot of anger directed toward Russians in London. I personally feel this short sighted campaign on the part of a corrupt government still will NOT help the russian eceonomy nor people. Winter will come soon, Chechnya will be forgotten, Russians will still be poor and suffering.

What will the terrorist bandits in Moscow think of next?

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If anybody is interested the BBC websiste WWW.BBC.CO.UK, has film footage from a hospital in Chechnya showing the effect of Russian cluster bombs directly targeted at children.

As far as I am concerned Russian politicans are begger bowl terrorists of the world.

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To Blackjack

There is one major cesspool. Your home and upbringing.

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We are prepared to discuss various settlement options, provided the Chechen people's rights for free and secure existence are respected," Mr Maskhadov wrote in a letter, quoted on Russia's Ekho Moskvy radio station.

His representative, Sharip Yusupov, told the station that Chechnya wanted the international community to intervene at the forthcoming Istanbul summit of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe.

"There is a terrible genocide going on, the whole nation is actually being destroyed... More than 99% of all casualties are civilian," he said.

Russian soldiers have also suffered injuries
The Russian government has so far resisted foreign appeals for a negotiated settlement.

On Saturday the Russian army's Deputy Chief of Staff, General Valery Manilov, reiterated Moscow's position that there could could be no talks as long as Chechnya served as a base for terrorists.

Officials have also pointed out that President Maskhadov has no control over armed gangs that roam the republic.

Russian troops are currently positioned three miles (five kilometres) north of Grozny.

Reports from the city said central and western districts had come under fire, while Russian military spokesmen said aircraft had carried out 70 sorties in the last 24 hours, attacking a variety of targets in southern and western regions of the breakaway republic.

Chechen officials say 10 people have died in the attacks on Grozny, in addition to the 32 they say were killed on Saturday.

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Dear Mr.Cross,

If you and your friends are ready to put yourself on the border of Chechnya with the rest of the world and provide enough protection to stop terrorist infiltration to the rest of the territory of Russia, please contact Russian government. But keep in mind, every night you will be attacked from the Chechen side and will, of course, have heavy looses. If you can propose a feasible solution to the problem with less blood from side of Russian military and civilians (Chechens are Russian citizens as well), please, go ahead. The board give you all the opportunities for this. As for me, I can not see any real opportunity to the way problem is handled now.

Denis A. Vassiltchev

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Look at this message from the hmmmm, well, whatever this rights assosiation is called.

Aslan Maskhadov is not in control in Chechnya and never was, even more, he has sided himself with Basaev now, and the hands of the last one are covered with blood up to his neck. Aslan Maskhadov can't be negotiated with.

And what can the one, who is clever enough, think about the words of the representative of the government which is sided with the terrorists. Ask yourself, can you believe his words?

Denis A. Vassiltchev

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This is truly sad. You have degenerated to nothing more than a bunch of barking dogs (both sides), only dogs lack intelligence.
Until this message board calms downs and is willing to say more than racial slurs, this is my last post.

To blackjack, kissie, and other civilized individuals on this board:

do not waste your time here. these people, through their actions, lack the humanity to be reasoned with.

To the rest:
you are the reason this world is in its current state.

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Ok, kiddies let's get something straight -

1. John, as someone mentioned EVERYONE IN USA is immigrant, even your granddaddy who f*cks you up your ass every day. The only true Americans are Native Americans.

Äæîí, óáëþäîê òû íå åáåííûé. Çàòêíèñü ïîêà ÿ òåáÿ íå âûëîâèë è îòïèçäèë.

2. Philip Cross, I am sure you would love to see more Russians die, so why don't you send more dumb f*cking Brits like yourself in Chechnya so they can lose their heads (God knows they got no brains already, so it won't matter much).

3. No matter what you imbeciles say, nobody is going to help terrorist in Chechnya. And Russia will crush them, it may take time but they will, no question about it.


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To Student

We will beat Chechnya because our VODKA IS THE MOST STRONG VODKA IN THE WORLD.

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To all you stupid earthlings. Shut the FU*K up. I'm trying to sleep over here on Zoran V. Bunch of dumb FU*K no count peckerwoods. Wake my ass up again with all your bitchin and I vaporize all your asses into a speck of dust so damn small you'll fit inside an atom. Biggest bunch of babies in to damn Galaxy. DON'T PISS ME OFF!!!!!!!!!!!

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Begger terrorists who massacre children

I hope we stop ALL russian immigration to the west. I am sick of their terrorism, corruption, money laundering, protitution and drug dealing.

These begger bowl people must be taught a lesson

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I see many people out here have impersonated me and posted since I was in Reno for a two-day vacation.

Let me clear somethings up here..looks like people forgot what i talked about.

USA: Nation of Immigrants...ok? period. the native americans were butchered by "compassionate" british bastards like John-••••-Cross.

I love Russia, China and India..hopefully they will form a military axis someday and crush the ••••••• WEST even though I live here I am preapred to join the underground army of resistance to damage the USA and Britain from within...kinda like beating you at your own game...of destabilization...heh heh!

May the russians crush chechnians...the chinese crush the falun gong and the indians crush it!!!!

Unity is power and unity should be achieved at all costs and Asia and Africa should take back from the West what the West imposed upon them Colonization and Slavery..I call upon every self-respecting African American kid to understand the humiliation the whites gave them! Rise up brother s and destory these bastards once and for all.

21st century belongs to China, Russia and India.
America's good days are over. I will keep sending my hard earned dollars back home to boost my army up.....

love this...ready to take •••• before joining work from tomorrow.....

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facts about russia:

sent the first animal and man to space successfully. high tech baby!!

has the world's only orbiting space station!! high high tech baby!!

The russians are best in the world and its their brainy kids that run the US along with Chinese and Indians...

the whites exchange wives at swinger parties...hahahahahhahahahha! and sip their coke spend on golf and cruises....••••••• and soon to be relics of the 20th century with no IT skills bastards!!

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Hey Philip,

Do one thing why don't you stand guard at Russia's borders to stop people from leaving Russia...

Prostitution..go to any British cities or village..see it with your own eys how your white girls are selling their ass and cunts to Indians like us at 20 pounds a piece.....they like us better because we are bigger tippers you unemployed Sheffield steelworker....!

Corruption....colonization and slavery are the two biggest corruptive events in human history baby...and both of these due to the ••••••• Brits.

I mean why did you guys come to India in 16th century why go to China and why go to guys fought battles all over the world to dominate and look what you have left an island smaller than florida... if your wife farts the French can hear it and smell it!

Anyway motherfucker Cross or buring cross you are racist bastard and I am too. The problem is I am on the inside and you are can't do •••• about Immigration and I can do a lot from bringing people know how many i brought in during my life into the USA?

22 families baby....all lovely brown Indians...who swear allgience to the great country of India...earn six figure paypackets and send money back just like the Chinese...democracy in action you could say....

One question did queen Elizabeth •••• John Kennedy or Bill Clinton...British monarchy and its sexual history is hilarious to say the least

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