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Archive through November 9, 1999

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I disagree with the fact that the US is concerned with the humanitarian problem. I am from South America and the United States has never been concerned with our humanitarian problems (quite ironic, it helped, supported and trained the individuals who commited humanitarian disasters). This was primarily done through the United States Army School of Americas located in Georgia, the nest of over 50,000 Latin American demons who were trained in the arts of genocide and atrocities by the United States.

Among the victims of US sponsered catastrophes in Latin America are:

Over 40,000 in Argentina during the Dirty Wars between 1976-1983. The Argentine Junta Leader Galtieri (who invaded the Falklands) was actually a graduate of the US Army School of Americas in 1949. US also had Argentine mercanaries recruited to fight with the Contras in 1979, quite ironic.

Over 200,000 individuals killed and over one million internally displaced in Guatemala during the 1980s. Julio Caballeros Seigne, School of Americas Class of 1960 (Infantry Arms, Tactics and Army Documents). Head of the Guatemalan military at Nebaj, Quiche province. Guess what he is today? He was appointed Customs Chief in 1993. So much for US concern!

Many of you on this board might suggest that this is just past history and that it is irrevelant. However, do not ignore the fact that there are two hotspots in Latin America: Chiapas, Mexico, where the CIA has covert operations against Marco's Zapatista liberation movement (which are costing the lives of thousands of civilians),

and Colombia finally! I would laugh at anyone in the US Government claiming that the US is not fighting a hidden war inside Colombia against the FARC. Not to mention that the US is providing logistical support to the Cartel Paramilitary forces (which, by the way, have a serious record of human rights violations). Why doesn't the United States bomb Pastrana's government in Colombia, forcing it to reach a peace agreement with the FARC, which are a bunch of terrorists no different than the KLA (Seeking the creation of their own political structure). The FARC itself controls over 40% of Colombia.
Now, who is concerned about humanitarian catastrophes? Humanitarian concerns is not an issue in World Politics for the United States, and there is no UN decree or International Agreement that states that Humanitarian Catastrophes justify military interventions (Yugoslavia, for example).

I have nothing else to say.

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Does anyone know if Tibilsi, Georgia is out of harms way?? My father is over there right now, and i have been worried. Please respond if you have any answers..........

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TO Texan,

South American Illegal Immigrants? I doubt they are many (with the small exception of Colombia probably), because it is quite difficult to smuggle into the United States through South America. You must have skipped your Geography lessons in school, because Central America is not in South America, and Central America has the huge number of illegal immigrants in the United States. Me, being Argentine, am quite satisfied living here in "Mi Querido Buenos Aires". I doubt there are any illegal Argentines living in the US. Argentina has the highest GDP per Capita in Latin America (over $10,000), which is quite comparable to several Western European countries. Tell me how Uruguayans, Paraguayans, Brazilians, Chileans can illegally smuggle into the United States? Don't confuse me for a Mexican or Cuban because I will be insulted. I take pride in being a South American, because we are more stable than Central America.

P.S.: And by the way, don't forget that almost 50% of the entire United States was under Spanish rule for almost 4 centuries (for a lot longer than it was under your so-called Democratic American rule). Your excellent cattle ranches in Texas are not a product of American culture, but of Spanish culture. The best cattle ranches in the world are in the Spanish parts of the US, Argentina, Uruguay and Southern Brazil, where Iberian culture today is still predominant.)

P.S.: If you are talking about illegal Mexican immigrants, don't forget to call them Illegal North American immigrants because Mexico is geographically a part of North America, not Central America. Hehehehehehehe

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To Texan:
Yes I am Russian, no I don't smell, yes I am more educated then the hicks in Texas, no I will not step to the level of a person who blames others for his inadequacy. Texan your insults are those of a third grader. I would like to know what really bothers you about the immigrants. Is that we get better jobs then you do because things were not handed to us on silver platter and we had to study day and night to fit in this society?
The thing is most of the Russians and other cultures come here without even knowing any English and become the leaders in the modern society. We strive to improve ourselves and to get along with other races. On the other hand we have imbread hicks whoos idea of fun is to go marry their cousins and to get drunk while raping the cattle. Sorry for the use of the language. Let me guess Texan you want everybody to go home!!! Blacks, Indians, Russians, Asians we are not worthy right? Well open you eyes we are everywhere making US better and hopefully eliminating dirt like you, because you are just an angry hick who thinks that he is the center of the universe. You are just pathetic because you just insult people without even giving a reason at least some of the people on this board try to defend their point. And please don't get your panties in a bunch because you feel stupid and unappreciated.

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TO Texan:


I bet that is what the Native Americans must have said when they saw your ancestors coming (or, if your ancestors came after, I bet that is what the ancestors of the settlers must have said to your ancestors when they immigrated). Isn't history so full of irony and color?

It's really difficult to preach xenophobia in the United States because in order to preach it, a people in a nation-state must have a firmly established culture with a strong and particular self-identity. The US, unfortunately, completely lacks that. The US doesn't have a firmly established culture with a strong and particular self-identity, it is a bundle of cultures, creating a society that lacks its own identity.

Tell me, what is American? That question can confuse many many people. Although Argentina has a similar case, I do not preach xenophobism like you (saying "Stay Home") because I realize that it is difficult to do so. So before you start preaching your ignorance, try to realize what is American. What makes something American? Is being American being born in the US? But I know many people born outside of the US with US-Citizenship who are considered Americans. Heck, what about the sons of illegal immigrants who are not Americans who are born in the US, are they American too? What is American? Answer me that question first, before saying anything else.

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To: Texan
Ahoy, Texan! You miss the biz opp. You can team up with Philly into a transnational consortium on shipping raw/fresh and dry Texan cowshit to message boards in promotion of views of Miss Piggy, Chief Red Nose, banana Comandante Mashadow et. al.. Apply with them for a contract. It will spare You from drilling through piles of it with Your 9 inches - I can't stand the image of You standing, surrounded by piles of sh*t to drill, drilling, sh*t particles flying around You, ... flies, ... stench ..., poor Texan. It might also help Philly to get some better treatment, as he becomes more delirious - one group(of "refugees") told me they had been ... - he writes in his post, and to assist him to finish the course on par for the first time. Or, at least, to finance his trip to Chechnya, I heard, they are the best in treating various British head disorders.

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To: Blackjack
Good article, indeed. The Russian military account is somewhat questionable, but the surrounds stand out good. Thanks.

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This is for Texan,

Number of Indians in the US 2 million and growing
Median income of Indian family in the US USD 4 50,000 a year.

If you know my family's income w/o stock investments you will faint so I rest my case. I can alone can buy you out and your mortgage personally...and maybe your wife as well as long as she is not a white trash whore....lose virginity at 12 maybe 8 who knows.....

You are probably not an MS so I would rather not talk you at all. You with your high -school graduation will not go very far. You kow nothing about your own history, culture or language. Here in California even the Whites laugh when we talk about Texas..

This is for Philip Cross,
A few Brits begged for pennies last time I was in Leeds and then at Gatwick least Indiand mop toilets....

How many Indians in House of Lords...3

How many Indians in the British admin...30000+

Yes we know how to mop floors and we will surely sweep you under the carpet in 10 years..India will rule Britain not that fatherfucking old bag of a queen...who as far as recent news goes fucks the palace dogs and eats ••••....oops that hurt!!

You Muslim Fundamentalists and assorted Terrorists
to Palenstinians, Chechens, Afghans, Talebans etc etc.


Thank you Russia. Ethnic Cleansing is the way to destroy people you don't want. DO IT!!!!!!

Example: AMerican genocide of Blacks, nuking Japanese and butchering Natives for over 300 years.

Example: British genocide of a millions of Asian and African population for the royals.

Well we are following your example and the target is you.

Rise up my black brothers and take back your pride.
Rise up my native brothers and take back your land.

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Russians, Argentines and other fellow brothers.
there is no use talking to Texan, John Cross and their like. They do not have any college education..they drink too much and have no money so they get a bank loan and buy a pc and since they do not know programming or cannot use any non-GUI interfaces all they do is to come to these sites and spew ••••...well you all know how it has been..yes we have lost our temper and used bad words. But one thing is evident the Westerners lack of knowledge...

I have seen New York and see San Francisco everyday...believe you me the number of white beggars here is you find Indians begging on the streets...nope. If you can show me one Indian homeless in America just one I will personally mail you a check for 1000 dollars. there are'nt any cuz all the white boys have drank themsleves and •••••• themsleves empty...moneywise. Its true there are good white people..but Texan certainly is not one of them..he is what they call here as white trash..worst form of human existence. Philip on the other hand is a geriatric fool with dreams of past era when Brit motherfuckers terrorised this planet. When Libya blows up a plane Gaddaffi is named a villain...when Chruchill starved Indians to divert food to North Africa and millions died...well then no one said anything and no one remembers. Human memory is too short. But the chickens will come home to roost. The West has done grave injustice to our planet. Pollution, Colonization, Slavery, Genocide, Divide and Rule are all products of Western policy. The West will pay a very heavy price for this. Unfortunately many good men will perish in the storm. But thats what they call collateral damage.

Britain should free Northern Ireland first before talking about freedom at all.

USA should lift sanctions against Cuba, Iraq, North Korea as these are hurting innocent people ot the leaders......

Talk about Humanitarianism..why the US and Britain combined have killed more people on the planet.




this is my last posting and last visit to this board too. good bye and take care...friends.
enemies beware we will get you its only a matter of time.

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Killer Shiva,

Another addition, the Malvines are Argentine! We must put an end to British Imperialism. LAS MALVINAS SON ARGENTINAS CARAJO! (THE MALVINES ARE ••••••• ARGENTINE!). The British Empire is already dead and a few idiots are in England are attempting to assemble the remaining spoils of the Empire (like Gibraltar, etc.) The Malvines must see a termination of British rule and a return to Argentine rule. Britain must let go of the Falklands like they let go of Hong Kong and Cyprus. VIVA LAS MALVINAS ARGENTINAS CABRÓN! As an Argentine, I hope our newly elected president, De La Rua, will put and end to British imperialism. America should join our side and fight European Imperialism today in the Western Hemisphere (As dictated in the Monroe Doctrine). French Guyana must also seek indepedence, it's quite ridiculous that French Guyana is a department of France today, a recognized part of its national sovereignty. That's like saying Surinam and Brazil border France (because it is true! That must end, the French Guyanas must be independent).

Oid Mortales el grito sagrado!: Libertad! Libertad! Libertad!
Oid el ruido de rotas cadenas!
Ved en trono a la noble igualdad!
Ya su trono dignisimo abrieron!
Las Provincias Unidas del Sud!
Y los Libres del Mundo Responden!
Al Gran Pueblo Argentino! Salud!
Y los libres del Mundo Responden!
Al Gran Pueblo Argentino Salud!
Y los libres del Mundo Responden!
Al Gran Pueblo Argentino Salud!

Sean eterno los laureles!
Que supimos conseguir!
Coronados de Gloria Vivamos!


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Killer Shiva (the dung sniffer)says:

The West has done grave injustice to our planet. Pollution, Colonization, Slavery, Genocide, Divide and Rule are all products of Western policy. The West will pay a very heavy price for this. Unfortunately many good men will perish in the storm. But thats what they call collateral damage.

Then why are you and you fellow third world chaps BEGGING to come to the West? rather hypocritical?

An important point, Killer shiva is one these very short, dark , black indians from the south of India. They have a SEVERE INFERIORITY COMPLEX.
I play cricket at my club with northern indians,pakistanis etc. They do not look like the south indians. The northen indians look down on the little black ugly south indians. It is from this complex that shiva's hatred stems.

By the way, shiva old sport, is it true that you
Hindu fundamentalists must drink urine everyday? and why do you sniff cow dung? does it make you high?

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I find it facinating observing a true Hindu fanatic like Shiva rant and rage.

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The civilian casualties/suffering in Chechnya is unfortunate, and if it were possible to avoid these civilian casualties, while maintaining order and eliminating the treat of Basayev/Khatab and all the other warlords who invaded the Dagastan border TWICE, I'll be all for it.

Put yourself in Russia's position. Your former empire is crumbled, NATO advances to the east, your military was pulled back from Chechnya in disgrace. You as Russia, say fine, I'll let Chechnya alone, it is essentially independent for 2 years. Then, suddently your border with Chechnya is invaded by a couple of warlords from Chechnya TWICE, without provocation.

Heck, I believe if I were in the Kremlin, I'd be in such a temper about such a chechen invasion, that I'll be sorely tempted to use a nuke on Grozy regardless of the consequence, seriously. I commend the Kremlin for being relatively controlled in it's response by using merely a conventional military response to the Chechen invasion. Although I don't believe all that the Moscow says (and I dont' believe all that chechnya says or CNN says etc), I doubt that the military is actually ordered to target civilians intentionally, while operating against warlord forces in Chechnya.

The warlords provoked this, and the warlords hide they're troops among civilians, so THEY are to blame. The russians don't have precision bombs / high capability reconaisance, so it's not so easy for them to distinguish b/n military /civilian targets.

And this should be a lesson to the Chechen people, that they should repress those among them that want to invade neighboring Russian provinces, or else all of them will suffer. Warlords like Basayev, Khattab could not survive in chechnya if most of the civilian population do not want them there, cuz opposing factions will form to expell them.

Once again, Moscow is not 100 percent innocent, but MOST of the blame rests on the head of Chechen warlords/rebels.

Solutions: Chechen govt does not control the warlords, hence nogotiating with chechen govt is pointless. There really is no one to negotiate with at the momement, the warlords certainly will not negotiate their own surrender and they can't be trusted to promise never to invade Dagastan in the future.

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