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Archive through November 9, 1999

40 Posts
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Britain: Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, etc.
USA: Puerto Rico, Kingdom of Hawai'i, etc.

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Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 237

To: Philly Cross
Why do Your Govt leaders, notably Cook, Robertson, Blair, look like bums, kicked out of some pub, hastily washed and dressed and talk as such, especially Segnor Robertson?

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Russians get killed faster than Chechen fighters can shoot!
Soon they will be all dead!

Who is going to help your poor Russia now?
Not my good ole U.S. of A.
We are too busy killing Puerto Ricans, niggers and rednecks!

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You wrote to Cross that Muslims will eventually take Russia.
Are you also planning to take later UK, US and Europe?

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Could all the russians living in the United States, please go back to your own country. We don't want you here, you are not welcome.



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Shannon, could you fly to hell? We don't want you here on Earth, you are not welcome.

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Posts: 237

To: Blackjack
Add - "Corrupt News Networks".
Re: Joshua
Don't. I gather, it's kinda reverse protest. Same content - different form.
Ahoy, Philip
I've just received prime-time news Russia reel. Your MP, Alice Man, beat sh*t out of Segnor Cook (BTH, the most bum-looking) over lies about Kosovo nicely and efficiently.

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Why are you Russian people in my country anyway?
Why can't you live in your own country?

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To all individuals in this room:

The United States complains about how other countries are not complying with UN Resolutions (Iraq for example), well, look at this:

The U.N. General Assembly, for the eighth consecutive year, overwhelmingly passed a resolution on Tuesday calling for the end of the 40-year-old U.S. economic embargo against Cuba. 155 Members voted for the end to the Embargo, and only 2 members voted against it (Guess who? Israel and the United States! Israel is such an artificial over-night created state and one of the biggest US puppets in the world, hahaha).

Well, talk about double standards. The United States appears not to be following United Nations resolutions. USA (Uniteddouble Standards of America)

best regards,

Alejandro el Argentino


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Posts: 31

Dear Omar,

I have carefully read your propaganda letter about an attack on Russian base in Dagestan. You know, I will not speak about you this time I'll speak about Khattab, and because you are exactly like him, you will be able to understand what I think about you. Khattab is a butcher. He is perversing the nature of religion (no matter what religion, I know that no major religion can call to destruction, death and looting). He does not need the religion. He only need that perverse interpretation of it that gives him a reason to kill, destroy, rob and rape. I'm sure the day will come and his God will avenge him for mixing that God with mud and blood.

So, you should make some conclusions. By the way, you can team up with Texan, who is demanding "to kill heathen ruskies in the name of God". He thinks he is a Christian, but he is your exact match. Congratulations!

Very sincerely,
Denis A.Vassiltchev

Dear G-money,

Could you, please, be more specific? Whose kind have you pissed on? And whom have you offered to shut up?

Denis A. Vassiltchev

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