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Archive through October 2, 2000

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aw man...too hot under the collar, too much time at the cafe...
waste of ammunition.
imgine marie everyday here
spitting her searing self-righteous fire
while also posing
as a sexy bikini babe.

what does it mean to her to be _both_?
these dances we do
these coupla cliques
the blurring of the cafe w/the russ page
which has taken place...
meanwhile, outside in the _real_ world..

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Shalom, mar Bernstein! Lo anita li adayn? Eich et ze kara? Shakhahta et hasfateynu? Hasfat haneviym? Me-'od mekhaka l'tshuvatecha.
Anyways, You're a bore of bores, but, as it was put forward before, - the board needs a resident clown. You'll make a pretty good one for the Baron's castle.

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yeah. y'know, i kept tryna tell 'im, but it's as if he cant read the language..

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Yes, L'-san.
The heavy 50-something ton armor rolled out down South.
The rangers get orders just outside my friend's pub.
It's eerie to watch blue diamonds streaking the night sky.

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I'll send You two pictures I took at the Yom HaAtzmaut in Mitzpe Ramon.

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Simply forgot the pwd and had to reregister, and append the name with "e" at the end.

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Joined: 18 years ago
Posts: 835 diamonds best seen from a _distance_...
no doubt. may they _keep_ their distance.
yeah, i saw that, and thought 'was the extra 'e' always there?' and singer dionne warwick came to mind; she stuck an 'e' at the end of her name for a few years...
pictures to send? arigato..
been visiting the infamous napster of late; there's much ofra haza to download. remixes, israeli singles,. etc.
you realize, k-sama, that the sick and twisted st. tony comes here as a voyeur, and scurries back to the cafe with distorted gossip.
we're on the cover of magazines we've never seen, will never see..tormenting his wretched mind.
ah, the perils of celebrity.
[be safe]

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Russia Hardens Its Positions Along a Tajikistan Border
OSCOW, Oct. 2 — Russia is laying antipersonnel mines and reinforcing its defensive positions along the border between Tajikistan and Afghanistan, as Taliban fighters have moved their forces within artillery range of the Russian Army, which protects the gateway to Central Asia.

A senior Russian official said on Sunday night that Moscow did not believe that the Taliban army was preparing an attack across the border.

The Taliban military campaign has scored a series of victories in recent weeks, prompting a strong expression of concern from Central Asia governments, whose national security advisers met in Moscow over the weekend.

The secretary of Russia's National Security Council, Sergei B. Ivanov, said that "from the point of view of the national security of Russia," the Taliban offensive in northern Afghanistan was of greater concern to Moscow than the postelection instability in Yugoslavia.

Speaking on Russian television, Mr. Ivanov said that "according to our assessments," more than 30,000 troops were fighting under the Taliban command, including regular army troops from Pakistan, "as well as mercenaries from the Arab countries and Chechnya." As Afghan refugees flee the fighting, Mr. Ivanov warned of the possibility of a "large-scale human disaster that is comparable with everything that took place in Kosovo and other major human disasters throughout the world over the last years."

"And, of course," he added, "they will seek refuge on the territory of Tajikistan. So it is a threat that we consider to be very serious."

Russian concern about Pakistan's role in the campaign apparently prompted President Vladimir V. Putin to dispatch a senior envoy to Islamabad last week to discuss regional security. The envoy, Sergei Yastrzhembsky, was said to have met senior Pakistani military and intelligence officials, but Moscow has not commented on the results of the talks.

Taliban forces undertook an offensive in the summer against the "northern alliance" forces under the command of Gen. Ahmed Shah Masoud, whose army defends a swath of mountainous enclaves in parts of northern Afghanistan not under Taliban control. General Masoud's fighters were overrun last month and lost control of Taliqan, the northern Afghan city that controls access to the Pyanj River border region with Tajikistan. Last week, General Masoud reportedly began a counteroffensive.

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Tuesday, October 3 6:15 PM SGT

Kostunica more dangerous leader than Milosevic: Kosovo leaders
PRISTINA, Yugoslavia, Oct 3 (AFP) -
Vojislav Kostunica -- championed by the West as Yugoslavia's new leader -- has greater nationalist ambitions and is "more dangerous" than incumbent President Slobodan Milosevic himself, according to Kosovo's budding new political classes.

Kostunica, who defeated Milosevic in September 24 presidential elections but faces a second round of voting on October 8, "is more dangerous than Milosevic because he has led the international community to believe he is a moderate politician," the secretary general of the Democratic Party of Kosovo (PDK), Jakup Krasniqi, told AFP.

"But he cannot be a moderate because he has warned that he will not turn Milosevic over to the International Criminal Tribunal (for the former Yugoslavia)," added the secretary of the PDK, one of the leading political forces in post-war Kosovo.

Milosevic has been indicted by the international tribunal for warcrimes and crimes against humanity during the 1998-1999 Kosovo war.

Yugoslavia's election commission has called for a second vote, claiming Kostunica did not secure an absolute majority in the first round, beating Milosevic with only 49 percent of the vote.

Kostunica, who claims to have won over 52 percent, has refused to return to the polls and called national strikes this week, with heavy backing from the West, to force Milosevic to accept defeat.

"Kostunica and Milosevic are both creatures of extremist Serb nationalism. They are for a Greater Serbia," the PDK secretary general said, explaining that Kostunica supported the Bosnian Serb ultranationalist leader, Radovan Karadzic, one of the international tribunal's most wanted war criminals.

"Kostunica focused his campaign on nationalism, accusing Milosevic of having lost Macedonia, Croatia, Bosnia, Slovenia (all former Yugoslav republics) and Kosovo", the president of the Liberal Centrist Party (PQLK), Naim Maloku said.

Not only is Kostunica labelled as a dangerous nationalist in this mainly ethnic Albanian province, but he is also accused of taking part in the war between separatist fighters and Serbian forces which ended in June 1999.

A picture of the would-be Yugoslav president clutching a Kalashnikov, allegedly taken during the war, appeared all over Kosovo's Albanian language newpapers recently.

"If Milosevic goes, a man accused of warcrimes will be replaced by a former (Serb) paramilitary in Kosovo," Maloku, who fought himself with the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in the war, said.

Several ethnic Albanian politicians here believe Kostunica has tricked the European Union and the United States, who have promised to lift sanctions on Yugoslavia if Kostunica is recognised as its new president.

"If Kostunica arrives in power, he will trick the international community for a while. Independence for Kosovo will be delayed and we will get impatient. With him, there is a risk of another war," said the secretary general of the PDK, led by the former political leader of the KLA Hashim Thaci.

"The international community knows Milosevic's politics and will not be taken for a ride. It will be easier for us to have independence with him in power," he added.

Ethnic Albanians here may secretly hope Milosevic will stay in power but not enough to actively vote for him. They boycotted the first round of voting, continuing their tradition that began in 1989 when Belgrade denied Kosovo its autonomy, and if a second round goes ahead they will not turn out to vote.

"Yugoslav elections are foreign to us," the ethnic Albanian politcians say. For them, Kosovo, which has been run by the UN since June 1999, is no longer part of Yugoslavia.

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thanks, igor.

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You hear jets over Your head, lift Your head, see nothing, and ... , suddenly a diamond cone flashes against a night sky, another one, more, and more, and more ... it's really spectacular in the desert. Eery, scary, ... but reassuring.

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So is Kostunica a western stooge?

Stay safe, Delenne!

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The prosecutor's office of the Chechen Republic has confirmed the fact of detainment of an Esbulat Akbulatov. Its official said they "received materials from the Combating Organised Crime Department (UBOP) on fact of detainment of a helper of terrorist Khattab, Esbulat Akbulatov".

"If it is established that this person is an assistant of international terrorist Khattab, a criminal case will be begun on him", the official said.

On other information, UBOP-detained Esbulat Akbulatov, 37, was trained in a saboteur camp of a bandit leader under Khattab. Akbulatov gained his trust and became a personal helper.

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didnt you pull this same stunt a year ago,

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Ok friend we have never had a problem until yesterday. I may have been wrong and thought you were ripping on me, that's why I responded the way I did. My statement was directed at jake and no one else. You know how he gets. Where do we go from here, do we bury the hatchet?


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