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Archive through October 2, 2000

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Honorable Member
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Kim the plans for the destruction are laid out and the sheep blindly follow into the wolfs lair.The writing was on the wall aand when all this goes down they will have no one to blame but themselves.I think that is when SM will be back in the gov't.

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Hello mr Wolf!


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Hi, guys,

l-chan, exellent attitude, towards the clown 😉


donna summers fan?

Prominent Member
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forget it.
nuke the underground cafe!

watch, man.
you watch.

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you telling me, lol..oy-vey, oy-darn-vey..

and SORE is all excited, like a frigen barometer..expect the storms and rainy weather.

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Hey Jake check out your pictures at the undergroung cafe'.It is under the thread "Picture of a Fag"

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Chorny, they err seem to have completely lost it over there!!!
Temper tantrums from Antonio and Marie!!!!
Pages of it!!
Hi moderators, errrr..........

Reputable Member
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Hello fello moderator... Can i have a kiss?

{smooch}.. LOL

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Are you two "friends" again?

You are not being very nice boys, you know!

Your Mum!

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Scandals deny redress for slave workers of Nazis

Ian Traynor in Moscow
Tuesday October 24, 2000
The Guardian

As Germany struggles to launch its multibillion pound compensation scheme for surviving slave labourers of the Third
Reich, large sums already paid out to Russia and Ukraine have allegedly gone missing before reaching the intended

A Ukrainian MP has been arrested in Germany, accused of swindling almost £30m in compensation payments from
Berlin. At least another £4m handed over for Russian victims of the Nazis has been lost through poor investments by the
Russian charity which administers the money.

Otto von Lambsdorff, the former German economics minister appointed by the chancellor, Gerhard Schröder, to negotiate
the new DM10bn (£3bn) German industry fund for former slave labourers, told a Moscow conference that the monies
transferred to Russia were being "used ineffectively". He ordered audits into what was happening with payments in the
Russian, Ukrainian, Belarus and Czech capitals.

"We've been fighting about this for years," said Elena Zhemkova, a Russian expert on the reparations issue with the
Memorial human rights organisation.

Understanding and Reconciliation, the Russian charity in charge of distributing some £134m to 400,000 surviving Russian
victims of the Nazis, has been run, since last week, by Alexander Sazonov, a former KGB general.

The charity deposited millions in compensation payments with a bank that sank in Russia's financial crash of 1998, and
lost almost £4m by investing in treasury bills on which the government then defaulted.

The hundreds of millions in Russia and Ukraine came from a scheme agreed in 1992 between the former Russian and
German leaders, Boris Yeltsin and Helmut Kohl. The end of the cold war unfroze the reparations issue and triggered
claims on Germany from the former Soviet empire. Bonn shelled out DM1bn (£300m) to Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus.

The running of the funds in the former Soviet Union highlights the problems entailed in getting the benefits to the actual
victims, as opposed to profiteers born after the war.

The biggest scandal is in Ukraine, where a 42-year-old independent MP and former banker, Viktor Zherditsky, is alleged
to have embezzled £30m intended for Nazi victims. He was arrested in the north German town of Hanover last week
while allegedly trying to withdraw £34,000 from a bank.

Of the DM400m that the Germans paid to Ukraine after 1992, DM153m passed through Gradobank, headed by Mr
Zherditsky. But only DM66m was paid out to the beneficiaries, according to the Ukrainian general prosecutor's office.

Mr Zherditsky's bank was declared bankrupt in 1997 and German prosecutors say that DM87m disappeared.

© Copyright Guardian Media Group plc. 2000

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Posts: 548

Does anyone have the full text of this television interview, as it has obviously been edited to serve this writers purpose???



Kostunica Acknowledges
War Killings

Tuesday October 24, 2000 11:10 am

Associated Press Writer

BELGRADE, Yugoslavia (AP) -
Yugoslavia's new president has
admitted for the first time in a
television interview that Yugoslav army
and police forces committed
widespread killings in Kosovo last

Vojislav Kostunica's remarks marked
the first time any Yugoslav accepted
responsibility and expressed remorse
for any of the conflicts in the last
decade in the Balkans. Former
president Slobodan Milosevic
steadfastly blamed the West for
fomenting violence in the region, and
never admitting wrongdoing in Kosovo.

``I am ready to ... accept the guilt for all
those people who have been killed,''
Kostunica told CBS News' ''60 Minutes
II,'' according to a transcript. ``For what
Milosevic had done, and as a Serb, I
will take responsibility for many of
these, these crimes.''

Asked whether Yugoslav forces were
guilty of genocide in the southern
province of Kosovo, Kostunica
admitted that crimes had occurred, but
that both Serbs and ethnic Albanians
were killed. The interview was to be
aired Tuesday night.

``Those are the crimes and the people
that have been killed are victims,''
Kostunica said, adding ``there are a lot
of crimes on the other side and the
Serbs have been killed.''

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Honorable Member
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Your link doesn't work Chorney, try...

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Your problem should be with URN, after all he's the one who said "you should go and slap that Ukranian WH0RE you call a mother"


That was funny, URN B!tch slapping your tender A5S


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Posts: 259

RWB, shut your mouth pig. He knows i was just messing around with him.

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