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Archive through October 2, 2000

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I wanted to give you a kiss, Kimbaby.


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try it now it works

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pour quoi?

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Cheers chorny!

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ez you dumb russian ez.

don't wanna get on my bad side.

but that was a classic...

"you should go and slap that Ukranian WH0RE you call a mother"

Didn't know ur English was that good. So there are some educated Rooskies out there afterall.

URN you are a pillar for Russian Society... keep it up.

Have u succeed in ur quest to become the administrator of any internet boards?

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silence is golden and annoys the •••• out of some people!!!! ;0)

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So you are still denying allegations of genocide long after Kostunica admitted so himself?

Do you remember when you disgraced the dead souls of that conflict by refusing to acknowledge what the world new.

do you see how shallow and biased your opinions are. This goes for all the others on this board.

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R W & B, just wondering do you think if Kim posted an article in which Albright was quoted saying the Yougoslavs didn't commit wide spread killings she would write; Does anyone have the full text of this television interview, as it has obviously been edited to serve this writers purpose???

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SORE is happy...LOL..

you two deserve each you know 😉

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Gonzo, not sure I read you there?

I was simply wondering what he said exactly, as the quotation was edited and there seems to be pressure on the western media to make Kostunica look like a "Stooge" caving into the west. This doesn't quite square with what he has said and done elsewhere. I just wanted to be sure of the exact context in which he said that.

And if Albright suddenly appeared to make a policy u-turn like that, you can be darned sure, that you would get great big "QUE?" from me.
If that's what you meant, then cheers!

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Shut up dimi and as urn said "go and slap that Ukranian WH0RE you call a mother".



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Someone is feeling oh so rejected....LOL

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Im not sure I understand what ur saying but there was a time ago when everyone on these boards except for some of the brave who did not believe that mass killings were happening in ex. Yugo. , that the NATO Bombardment had lofty claims and aims. That Milosovic & Serbia were the scapegoat for expansionist imperialists ideas. They defended these criminals with vigor and enthusiasm rarely seen on the accounts of dead souls.

the day of reckoning has come swiftly to shatter their baseless claims.

I Tought it was my responsibility to point this out. and remind such posters of their ignorance.

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