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Archive through October 2, 2000

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You are a foul-mouthed excuse for humanity, with all the passion of a fanatic and the mind of a peasant + a fool.

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the degree to which you just-dont-f*cking-GET IT
is scary.

not 'scary' as if you yourself were 'intimidating';

but 'scary' as in the thought of so many individuals out there,

like you,

who just-dont-f*cking-GET-IT.

konbanwa, k-san.

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Opposition leader reiterates warning of unrest

BELGRADE, Oct 6 (Reuters) - One of the leaders of the opposition bloc backing Yugoslav president-elect Vojislav Kostunica on Friday repeated a warning that Slobodan Milosevic may use police to resume power.

``I think that he is only preparing his position for a perfidious blow and aims to consolidate his position so that, through disorder and chaos, he can return to the scene as a 'firm hand','' Zoran Djindjic said in a statement.

The opposition bloc had issued a similar warning earlier in the day but later withdrew it, saying there was no confirmation.

It was not immediately clear why Djindjic was reviving the suspicion.

Fear that Milosevic's resignation could be a trick figured among many rumours started in Belgrade by the shock of his abrupt withdrawal.

19:31 10-06-00 Copyright 2000 Reuters Limited Posted for fair use only.
[Emperor's Clothes]

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Congratulation of Kostunica misinterpreted -Ivanov

BELGRADE, Oct 6 (Reuters) - Russian Foreign Minister Igor Ivanov said on Friday he had not congratulated Vojislav Kostunica as Yugoslavia's new president, but rather for his victory in the September 24 elections.

``I would like to say that in the reports that appeared after my meeting with Mr Kostunica there were some imprecisions, I hope not deliberate,'' Ivanov said after meeting Kostunica and Slobodan Milosevic, still formally Yugoslav president.

``I did not congratulate Mr Kostunica with his election as president but congratulated him with his success, with his victory, in the elections,'' Ivanov told reporters in the Russian embassy in Belgrade.

Both the government and the opposition agree that Kostunica won the election, but disagree on whether he won the outright victory needed to avoid a runoff vote.

Ivanov said he had not discussed the disputed results of the elections with Milosevic, saying they were clear, but not specifying whether he supported the government or the opposition's version of the figures.

Copyright 2000 Reuters Limited. Reprinted for fair use only.
[Emperor's Clothes]

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What is Albright Really Promising for the 'New' Yugoslavia?
by Jared Israel (10-8-2000)
[Emperor's Clothes]

As Clinton administration officials wax euphoric over their 'democratic' coup d'état in Yugoslavia, we say, "Why not? What is democracy without a few hundred million dollars in US bribes plus a mob that sacks the parliament building and loots paintings, chairs and computers?"

Is this what they meant by 'free elections'?

Accompanying the expressions of euphoria are promises of Good Things to Come:

"[Secretary of State Madeleine Albright]...promised assistance from Washington and its European allies for reconstruction so that Yugoslavs 'can have the normal life that the rest of the Balkans are beginning to have.'" ('LA Times', 10-6-2000)

Assistance and a normal life. We will be publishing an in-depth look at the meaning of this assistance. The plan for Yugoslavia is a Marshall plan in reverse. Whereas the first Marshall Plan was a Keynsian affair, pumping money into local economies, providing cheap credit and so on, this plan will do the reverse. In essence, Yugoslavia will pay war reparations to the West. More on that in later articles.

Albright promises to bring Yugoslavia "the normal life that the rest of the Balkans are beginning to have."

That suggests the ''rest of the Balkans'' was doing badly before the West took over and now they doing better.

Untrue. The countries the US has 'assisted', particularly Bulgaria and Albania in the Balkans, along with Ukraine and the Russian Federation next door, had a decent standard of living before the West imposed 'structural adjustment' plans. These plans have caused economic and social devastation. And conditions are getting worse.

Albania has in essence no functioning economy. If it weren't for the 1/3 of the labor force that works outside the country, mainly in Italy and Greece, and the money these people remit back to their families, there would be no economy at all. (Albanian economic figures are manipulated to give the false impression of economic improvement. In reality there is almost no economic activity.) Bulgarian industry and social life have been destroyed. Bulgaria and Russia have falling populations.

Radio Free Europe had a story recently that


'The Russian Academy of Medical Sciences told AP on 5 October that the number of normal births in the Russian Federation declined from 45.3 percent in 1992 [after International Monetary Fund 'reforms' were first instituted, which destroyed the Russian social safety net] to just 30 percent in 1999. (RFRFE/RL Newsline, 10/6/00)

The story goes on to blame this terrible statistic mainly on personal problems - excessive drinking and the like. It is true enough that many people in economically devastated countries develop extreme personal problems. But it is important to understand the cause: the International Monetary Fund ordered the Russia government to institute extreme social spending cuts, and these cuts shattered the medical system. At the same time, wages were pushed down to as little as $2 a month. People who don't eat properly and regularly don't have healthy pregnancies, do they?

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I love this - it explains so much; (Thnx Chorny )


its about time the Rooskies take a long hard look at their deficiencies.

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I guess URN and Dimi's mothers weren't eating well....


Maybe I should give them more of the catnip...


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sore-arabian 😉

you guess..lo..YOU guess..ROFL
..betcha yo mom was eating very well..lotsa milk products'n''n' wander, you came out so plump, heh

who's so stoopid, slurper? LOL



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German/Yeddish please? 🙂

No shpeeki Hebrew, unfortunately 🙁

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the sc has changed....?


Honorable Member
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Emperor's ••••••• clothes again, can't you find any other sources??????? That goes for the jugo board as well!

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"welcome to the new SC order..."

nah, you dont need a password to get in; that was just for e-mail...
took some figurin' but i got there...

will it be faster now?

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Kim nothing wrong with Emeror's Clothes.It is all facts --undisputable.Their analysis is pretty accurate that is why the CIA keeps hacking them.Same goes for are those people afraid of ? TRUTH

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What would I give for info Washington Post ,New York Times or Yahoo for yahoo's?

Honorable Member
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OK Igor!
I'd just like to see some other sources for a change.
Hum, methinks its time to interview someone at Emperors!
Who said the CIA hacked them? Did they?

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