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Archive through September 7, 2000

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Antonio I am laughing at you now you poor molested choirboy.I sympathize with the fact that the priests gang raped you on numerous occasions however do not take it out on members on the Serbian Cafe',that is so un-Catholic.And do not take it out on the poor alterboys either.

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Ps Antonio are you trying to set a record as to how many boards throw you off you pshcotic imbecile.See ya wouldn't want to be ya.Enjoy your sick and twisted world,hope I RUN into you one day you stooge.lololololololololololololololololol

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Ps Antonio are you trying to set a record as to how many boards throw you off you psychotic imbecile.See ya wouldn't want to be ya.Enjoy your sick and twisted world,hope I RUN into you one day you stooge.lololololololololololololololololol

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no, we didnt quite get rid of him at the cafe.


i dunno, man....the deranged are not coherent enough to argue with.

my experiences here are not good.

alliances fail

=koff= 'relationships' fail

the sick and twisted cannot be SMASHED flat enough. and it's no accomplishment to SMASH them again. it's like kicking a cripple.

i had my exhibitionism phase already.

it's all so lame....


ps> shut the [expletive] up, BACON. dont even [expletive] start.

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I know what you mean it is incredible that he is still there.This is one of those guys that will end up a mass murderer.Do you by chance have his post where he was happy about the abortion doctor killing which he condoned.I would like to post it over there.

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ps> shut the [expletive] up, BACON. dont even [expletive] start.

Are you okay L'menexe. I detested that psychotic catholic fanatic, antonio more than anybody. He is a spendid example of hate run amok.

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'true dat', in the vernacular.

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i know of what you speak: when st.tony canonized receptionist-killer john salvi.
i believe it took place around april or may and is most likely in the DMS archives.

i would never store this material on my machine to keep track of the postings of others.
it's unsettling if not frightening to realize that st. tony has done so.

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the following post was meant for the SICK and TWISTED st.tony the annihilator at that miserable cafe but i cant get through....because their [expletive] server is so painfully slow...

i know you still read this page, tony-boy, even though you're on the outside looking in, so eat your poisoned heart out.
my reason for being here is gone now; i should follow suit.

[+ -_-]

"let L'menexe put his credibility on the line now...."

What the bloody hell is THAT supposed to mean, tony-boy?

am i igor's lawyer? i [expletive] doubt it.

i dont memorize or take notes on this material like you do....perish the [expletive] thought.

i arrived at DMS yugo in spring '99 and went to the russ page in november. so axually, i was at the russ page before toi, tony-boy.
igor and i have been united against TOI, pal.
we know we differ on many things but we manage to communicate tolerably...which is how places like the cafe, and DMS, are _supposed_ to operate.
but you, being 'st.tony the annihilator', have never understood that part.

and in my opinion, this whole raped-by-priests spiel was not originally intended w/a straight face but has taken on momentum because you find it _traumatic_.

perhaps it's _payback_ for your recent rash of impersonations and lies, tony-boy. you've got no business referring to 'credibility', much less passing verdicts on the credibility of others.

and if this reply isnt 'credible' enough for you, too bad. it's more than you deserve.

because you're SICK and TWISTED.

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I second that100% .You started it Antonio so you better quit as you have no allies and you can rant and rave because no one will believe you anyway and neither do they care.So your best bet is to go to a prayer chat line and talk about what you do best which is basically nothing.Cya wouldn't want to be you.

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Svoloch, bratishka, wassup, what's going on! Davnenko, ya ot tebya ne slishal..kak Amerika, sparashivaesh? LOL..BOGATEET, zaraza 😉

ti luchshe rasskazhe kak u tebya dela v belokamennnoy..gde shlyalsa?

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Daaa America vse bogateet, ny u flag ei v ryki 🙂
Mozjet mi tozje kak nebyd razbogateem.

Dela v Moskve tak sebe, vse strelaut 🙂 Ya suda pary raz zaxodil no tyt ya smotru teper nado regestrirovatse, mne len' bilo regestrirovatse 🙂 Poetomy dolgo ne poevlalse.
U eshe, blya y nas tyt xolodno, leto vobshe govno bilo, ny ya to na Kipre bil 🙂 tam vrode teplo osnovnoe vreme. Potom s babami bili problemi, dostali oni mena. Nado sebe tol'ko odny zavesti 🙂
Ladno potom eshe che nebyd napishy.

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you saw what i wrote last night
and at the cafe you will see
what st. tony has done with it.

[expletive] these stupid and pointless places.


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which thread

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Moscow hits NATO on
Yugoslav elections
Cites 'poorly disguised meddling
by powers in the West'

Editor's note: WND's multi-lingual reporter Toby Westerman specializes in monitoring global shortwave broadcasts and reading foreign-language news journals for information not readily available from the domestic press. Each month, Westerman presents a special in-depth report in WorldNetDaily's monthly magazine, WorldNet. Readers may subscribe to WorldNet through WND's online store.

By I.J. Toby Westerman
© 2000,, Inc.

Moscow has declared that yesterday's presidential and parliamentary elections in Yugoslavia occurred "against the background of poorly disguised meddling by powers in the West," and echoed the Yugoslav government's claim that the West seeks to install a "puppet regime in Belgrade," according to official Russian sources.

Moscow also stated that "NATO generals threaten a direct invasion of the country," if the regime of Yugoslav President Slobodan Milosevic claims victory. "Serbs are concerned about reports that NATO could use force against them," according to Moscow. "Many parents have sent their children to relatives in the countryside or abroad, just in case."

Moscow cited a pronouncement from the Yugoslav general staff stating that the army will remain neutral in the election, but will resist "interference."

The remarks were carried by the Voice of Russia World Service, the official broadcasting service of the Russian government.

Western nations have offered economic assistance if Milosevic leaves office, and the United States has promised tougher sanctions if he remains.

Gennady Seleznev, speaker of the Duma (the lower house of the Russian parliament), has stated that "we are prepared to support the choice of the Yugoslav people." The Russian parliament has sent a team of election observers to Yugoslavia, joining those of some 50 other nations.

While Seleznev is concerned about "latent pressure brought to bear on the voters" from outside nations, the Yugoslav Federal Elections Committee has required that election officials in each locality "check each ballot slip ... before it is dropped in the ballot box."

The Federal Elections Committee stipulated the process of examining each ballot with the stated purpose of insuring that "no extra [ballot] slip" would be placed in the ballot box.

Despite these "precautions," the Yugoslav vote has been roundly condemned as unfair, with numerous violations against generally accepted voting procedures.

Yugoslav election authorities, however, remain unperturbed. During the process of the controversial election, government monitors reported that "the casting of votes is regular and in line with electoral rules," according to a Yugoslav government public statement.

Following the close of the polls, a representative of the ruling political coalition stated that "the elections had passed in a democratic and fair atmosphere" and that "the post-election atmosphere in all our cities and towns would justify the democratic atmosphere at the elections."

The entire Balkan region remains tense. The Belgrade government claims that opposition parties may attempt to establish a shadow government in western Montenegro. Should Milosevic seek to retain office, the state of Montenegro - at present Serbia's only other partner in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia -may take the opportunity to declare independence.

NATO's intentions regarding the elections remain unclear, and a declaration of independence on the part of Montenegro could bring NATO into conflict, which would include a variety of mutually hostile forces in Montenegro and Serbia.

The current leader of the anti-Milosevic forces, and possibly the actual winner of the presidential vote, Vojislav Kostunica, has made a number of statements in opposition to NATO.

Kostunica is a fervent Serbian nationalist and favors a strong, centralized Serb state. He considers, for instance, Montenegro's discussion of independence as "treason."

In the Bosnian war, Kostunica supported Radovan Karadvic, who is now an indicted war criminal. The Sept. 4 issue of the German newsmagazine Der Spiegel printed a photograph of Kostunica in Kosovo before NATO's air war, standing among Serb paramilitary fighters and holding a Russian AK-47 rifle. The same article quoted Kostunica as condemning what he termed U.S. "colonialism, arrogance and cynicism" toward the Serb people.

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