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Archive through September 7, 2000

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obviously this post of yours is the material which mattrers...
apparently there was no thread; just st. tony's hideous 'thank you' based on the post, above, which you saw yesterday.
good, that rubbish was ignored.

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The serbs shouldn't wory since they chose Kostunica.

The only one to wory now is Milosevic. He is "gotov"!

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September 26 - Black-clad demonstrators hurled cobblestones torn
from Prague's historic streets and torched police with Molotov
cocktails on Tuesday as they made good on vows to besiege the annual
meetings of the World Bank and IMF (news - web sites).
A steady stream of delegates, including ministers, headed for the
metro station at the end of the conference where special trains had
been brought in to take delegates away, under heavy police
protection. The station had been shut during the day.
Protesters, many armored with padding and wielding sticks, closed in
to within meters of the congress center, pelting police and stray
delegates with a hail of bottles, rocks and Molotov cocktails.
The scene was reminiscent of the so-called 'Battle in Seattle',
where violent demonstrators halted a meeting by the World Trade
Organization (news - web sites), the first in a spate of disruption
at meetings of international financial organizations.
Police tried to force the rioters back with water cannon, tear gas,
dogs, thunderflashes and even threw cobblestones as they were at
times overwhelmed by hundreds of masked youths shouting
anti-globalist slogans.
Early on, several police were set alight when a Molotov cocktail
exploded among them. Their colleagues extinguished the flames using
a water cannon.
The worst threat to those at the conference occurred when protesters
stormed a hotel just across the road from the congress center. They
pelted financiers and journalists with stones until police pushed
them back with dogs and truncheons.
Officials said one Russian and one Japanese delegate were hurt.
Under Siege
Security officials said the activists, who had pledged not to use
violence and to blockade the delegates inside the building until
they abolished the World Bank and the IMF, had managed to put the
congress center under siege.
``The center has been cut off. All roads (accessible by cars) are
blocked by protesters,'' said the congress center's traffic and
security officer Lubomir Brychta, adding that he hoped police would
open a corridor out later.
A delegate inside the conference center said those inside were not
allowed to leave the building at all.
Host Czech President Vaclav Havel, who led the bloodless revolution
that toppled Communist rule in 1989, condemned the clashes and
called on protesters to end the violence, his spokesman said in a
Officials said at least 65 people had been injured, mostly police.
Many were hurt by projectiles, and emergency services also treated
burns from the petrol bombs. A British journalist was also hurt.
There were no reliable estimates of the number of demonstrators
arrested, but Reuters correspondents in the city saw dozens
Protest Organizers Disappointed
Police called reserves from all over the country to add to the
11,000 officers already guarding the city, and the umbrella protest
group INPEG, which organized marches that began Tuesday morning,
said it disagreed with the violence.
``We're really disappointed... We were really hoping for a
non-violent protest on the basic issues of the IMF and the World
Bank... but instead now the focus has shifted to the streets of
Prague,'' said INPEG organizer Chelsea Mosen.
At the back of the congress center, a water cannon drove through
ranks of activists who wielded sticks, rocks, and bottles. Police
helicopters clattered overhead.
One protester smashed the back window of a limousine with a stone as
the car raced inside the venue's perimeter, and elsewhere others
rained down rocks on waiting ambulances, which eventually fled the
Other groups roamed the streets randomly smashing windows of stores
and hotels and torched at least one car.
But many more marchers, most of them foreign, kept their cool,
waving banners that demanded the cancellation of debt to poor
countries and the shutdown of the IMF. Some shouted ``No Violence,
No Violence.''
Police said there were up to 9,000 activists, less than half the
20,000 organizers had hoped to attract to Prague.
The rest of Prague was unusually quiet with schoolchildren enjoying
an extra holiday officials proclaimed recently in anticipation of
trouble hitting the streets of this picturesque city.
But to one local the disturbances represented a business
opportunity. He set up a makeshift stall next to the closed Vysehrad
metro station and was selling cold beer and snacks to police and
delegates -- at a 100 percent mark-up.

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Aslan Maskhadov's right-hand man, "Brigadier-General" Mumadi Saidayev was detained a few days ago as the result of a special operation carried out in Chechnya by the federal troops, and security and other special services, sources in presidential aide Sergei Yastrzhembsky's office have told Interfax.

The operation was actively assisted by local residents. Saidayev, a former Soviet officer, is a specialist in military intelligence. He had served a term in prison for beating a soldier.

Saidayev actively participated in the first Chechen campaign, and during combat operations in 1999-2000 was Maskhadov's right-hand man and chief of his headquarters. He also handled the money flows coming from abroad. He is giving evidence now, Yastrzhembsky's office said.

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RIA Novosti

Russian presidential envoy Sergei Yastrzhembsky has presented the Pakistani leaders with information on terrorist training camps situated on territories controlled by the Taleban movement. Many terrorists trained there are of Chechen, Tajik, Uzbek or Uigur extraction.

According to our correspondent, this information includes exact locations of these training centres. Sergei Yastrzhembsky said that Islamabad expressed its readiness to check the data and to act accordingly.

Yastrzhembsky discussed the Chechen issue during his meetings with Pakistan's leaders, including the country's military ruler General Pervez Musharraf. Yastrzhembsky believes that these consultations "have brought the two countries' positions on the Chechen issue much closer." "Pakistan's leaders agree that the former leaders of so-called Ichkeria have gone too far," said Yastrzhembsky.

The presidential envoy stressed that "never and under no circumstances will Russia wage war against Islam." "It is preposterous to even indulge in such speculation, given the role and influence of Moslems in Russia, who account for 20 million of its population." Yastrzhembsky said that "it is in Russia's best interests that its Moslem population together with people of other denominations lived in peace and tranquillity as citizens of one state." Sergei Yastrzhembsky said he was assured by Pakistan's leaders that incidents similar to the infamous Yandarbiyev visit would never occur in the future. Such incidents should not mar the relations between Russia and Pakistan, said the envoy

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The stinking muslims are now puporting that the torture video is really a Serb doing it to a muslim pig.Send your emails to and remind them of the truth.Their email is

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The site for that muslim pigs page is

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Here is the video if you have not seen it #21:49:36

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Wednesday, September 27 4:29 PM SGT

Council of Europe wants Yugo sanctions lifted whatever happens
Council of Europe Secretary General Walter Schwimmer said Wednesday that even in a "worst-case scenario" if Slobodan Milosevic won second round presidential polls, he supported a rapid lifting of sanctions against Yugoslavia.

"I back the declarations of my European partners in support of a lifting of sanctions even in the worst-case scenario which would be the victory of Milosevic in a second round," Schimmer, an Austrian, said at a press conference here.

He said the sanctions only further hurt the Serb people, whom he said had already paid enough and had shown their will for change with a huge turnout in Sunday's presidential and legislative vote.

Yugoslav opposition leader Vojislav Kostunica has claimed an outright victory in the poll, but the Yugoslav federal elections committee -- which is staffed with Milosevic supporters -- said he failed to win enough to avoid a second round on October 8.

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Results of a trip to Pakistan "instil cautious optimism; a lot will depend on how much political declarations will be embodied in concrete deeds", Russian presidential aide Sergei Yastrzhembsky told reporters at a meeting. On Thursday he returned to Moscow from the trip to Pakistan.

The presidential aide said that Islamabad is treating with growing understanding the threat of international terrorism, also in that region. Hence, the desire of the Pakistani authorities to increase interaction with Russia and other countries for neutralising these threats.

Sergei Yastrzhembsky stressed that Russia and Pakistan stand on the same positions regarding joint actions to be taken against international terrorism, including Islamic extremism. In his opinion, a good continuation of dialogue with Islamabad will be a meeting of interior ministers of Russia, Pakistan, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan in Islamabad.

In the information of Sergei Yastrzhembsky, the Pakistani side seeks to establish reliable contacts with the Russian Federal Frontier Service and agree on extradition of criminals. He said that he had passed to the Pakistani side information on the location in Afghanistan near the border with Pakistan of five terrorist-preparation camps, where Chechen, Tajik, Uzbek and Kirghiz citizens are being trained.

The Pakistani leadership has received this information very responsibly, said the aide to the Russian president. This information will be verified and, in case it has been confirmed, relative steps will be taken.

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