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Archive through September 7, 2000

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The cupboard will have doors out of real wood while the rest will not. It will cost me $1125 (only the furnitures).
I plan to enter the house in two weeks...However everything won't be finished. We still didn't choose the wallpapers...

At Saturday's rally the province's chief UN
adminsitrator, Bernard Kouchner, provoked a barrage
of boos and whistles when he repeated a phrase -"everyone in Kosovo is equal" -- in Serbian. "

Ivan Grozny
You want to strangle him.
Is it because he spoke in Serbian?

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"just for the furnitures" I mean the cupboard and shelves (I didn't include the table and chairs)



"My Life at DMS" Chapt. XIIV- The House-

I started to imagine Igor, sleeping on a matress between two heaps of bag of cement. Waking up at 6 am with sound of the drilling machines, living at the rythme of the pneumatic hammers.
That he had been expelled from his flat since he couldn't afford both the off-credit works on the house and the renting.

In reality, his telephone line was cut by the worker at the neighbourg, a pure ethnic nigerian immigrant. Soon the line was fixed and Igor, now posting as Chorny Volk could jon us again on DMS...

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No Fred the house is brand new ,but if they were to put the kitchen doors I wanted they would have charged $6800 so now I have the standard doors for the pantry I will build downstairs and I saved $3800.Believe me when I tell you that there are no blacks here.All the people here left Toronto because of blacks and Pakis.There are a lot of firemen and ex cops living up here.Fred I am remodeling the house to the way I wanted it because for one the workers will not do as good a job and for example they wanted $25000 to do the basement and I can do it for about $6000 and that is including parquet floors .Of course after I will lay carpet on top of the floors to absorb the sound of the stereo when I blast it.And after the house settles (you have to wait at least one year)I am going to wallpaper the whole place.The real estate lady was really impressed with my old place.She said it was the best condo she had ever seen as far as decorations go.This place will be so much better because I have had practice doing all this stuff.By the way where is Mary these days?

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toyman - Sep 13, 2000 06:53 (*
Western Media Will Be Shown Their Proper Place in Russia
The Doctrine of Information Security of the Russian Federation, approved by President Vladimir Putin, envisages "defining more exactly" the status of foreign news agencies, mass media and journalists, as well as that of investors in cases when foreign investments are called for in developing the information infrastructure of Russia. As Anatoly Streltsov, Deputy Head of the Department for Information Security of the Staff of the Russian Federation Security Council, told journalists, it is a question, in particular, of creating equal conditions for foreign and Russian mass media on the territory of the country. Answering questions from reporters, Mr. Streltsov also expressed the opinion that "the Law on the Media must change."

Mr. Streltsov is one of the chief ideologists of the Doctrine of Information Security of Russia. He took an active part in developing the Concept of the same name. Within the Department headed by him, there exists a very clear understanding that, in present-day conditions, a country lacking national, truly independent, media swiftly loses its independence and becomes an information satellite of third countries. Therefore the Russian nationwide media must enjoy equal rights with Western corporations, the latter being greatly superior to the Russian resources in terms of their organizational and financial capabilities. It is no secret that Russian media controlled by foreign capital as often as not take part in propaganda campaigns that infringe upon the interests of the Russian State. Therefore "defining more exactly" the status of foreigners on the Russian media market will inevitably entail certain restrictions and toughening of control over them, as well as a certain kind of protectionism for the Russian media.

Toyman explains this really well thought you guys should read it.

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Putin Approves "Information Security" Document MOSCOW, Sep 13, 2000 -- (Reuters) Russia's Security Council said on Tuesday President Vladimir Putin had approved a sweeping document setting out guidelines on information security.

One official said it could herald changes to the country's liberal media laws.

The Kremlin's advisory but increasingly influential Security Council drafted the document in June, and it said Putin had now signed it into force. The council brings together key ministers, top parliamentarians and other officials.

The new guidelines were adopted amid a heated debate on freedom of speech and media ownership, in which the Kremlin has accused media barons of bias and many journalists have expressed concern that the authorities were trying to control media.

The argument, nine years after the fall of communism, grabbed headlines again last weekend when an influential prime-time analytical program on the nationwide ORT channel was withdrawn hours before it was due to go on the air.

Anchorman Sergei Dorenko said the broadcast was highly critical of the Kremlin and Putin had ordered it cancelled.

Putin, rattled by negative press coverage of his hands-off approach to last month's Kursk submarine disaster, has lashed out at media owners, saying they undermined the state.

Anatoly Streltsov, a council official and one of the authors of the four-part document, said the state would not allow media magnates to impose their views on their audiences.

"I do not think it is brilliant when freedom of speech is limited by the fact that some influential figures have the right to speak and others only have the right to listen," Streltsov said, presenting the document to Russian reporters.


Streltsov, shown on RTR state television, did not say how authorities would curb the powers of media figures. Russian news agencies quoted him as saying changes might be required to the law on the mass media and other legislation.

The law on the mass media was adopted in 1990, at the end of the Soviet era, and entrenched broad liberal values initially championed by former President Boris Yeltsin.

Streltsov was quoted as saying wire-tapping by security services was common in other countries and could only be conducted within the confines of the law. It was not immediately clear whether any mention of wire-tapping or control of the Internet was made in the document.

RTR said the document identified "dissemination of disinformation" about Russia's policies and state institutions as one of the main threats to the country's security.

The television said the document also provided for protection of Russian media and sought to limit the influence of foreign companies on Russian public opinion.

Interfax news agency said Putin signed the document last Saturday. The Security Council said the 46-page document would be published in full later.

The document said citizens had a constitutional right to secure and use information. The government was obliged to explain the basis for its policies on "socially important events in Russia and abroad while ensuring the access of citizens to open state information resources".

It also provided for upholding Russia's "spiritual renewal" and "moral values, traditions of patriotism and humanism" as well as the country's "scientific and cultural potential".

The state undertook to develop information technology and Russian mass media, computer techniques and telecommunications and to protect information sources from illegal access.

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Chechen Rebels Hiding on Georgian-Russian Border, Says Top Russian General

TBILISI, Sep 13, 2000 -- (Agence France Presse) Russia's military commander in the North Caucasus General Gennady Troshev, who arrived in Georgia late Tuesday, said rebel gangs were hiding on the Georgian border, waiting to enter Chechnya.

"They have amassed at the Georgian border with Chechnya and are trying to enter the republic, but the passage has been fully sealed for the past six months, ITAR-TASS quoted Troshev as saying.

Troshev said that during his visit, he would be discussing ways to stop "bandits and terrorists ... who make money out of bloodshed".

"If bandits in Chechnya are not destroyed now, it will be too late tomorrow, as the plague will spread very quickly to Georgia and other areas," he said.

Officials from the Georgian defense ministry and border guards service rejected Troshev's claims late Tuesday, ITAR-TASS reported

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Great link L'menexe I love the recipes wink wink nudge nudge

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Six Chechens with traces of wounds, allegedly belonging to bandit units, were denied entry to Azerbaijan from Daghestan, reported the press service of the North Caucasian regional department of Russia's Federal Frontier Service. Three more Chechens were detained until further investigation at the Nizhny Zaromag checkpoint in North Ossetia as they tried to get across to Georgia.

Over the last 24 hours, a total of 70 people were denied entry to countries next to Russia's southern border because of lack of documents or suspicions of their belonging to Chechen militants.

According to the press service, militants are still searching for ways of crossing the Russian-Georgian state border. In the mountainous zone controlled by the Nazran frontier detachment, frontier guards found dead bodies of men dressed in camouflage, abandoned bivouacs with bedding, clothes, footwear and traces of bonfires.

On the section of the border run by the Itum-Kali detachment, frontier guards employed artillery to disperse small groups of people moving across the mountains. At dawn, reconnaissance detachments and aviation were dispatched to mop up the area where trespassers were spotted.

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An interview with head of the Chechen provisional Administration Akhmad Kadyrov on his return from the religious summit in New York

Q - Did you get a chance in New York to discuss everything you wanted to? Was your speech met with understanding?

A – I viewed a meeting with religious leaders of the Arab world as a priority. Maskhadov and the like would have the world believe that what is happening in Chechnya is a Holy War. In fact, this is not a war Russia is wading on Moslems or Islam. This is a war on crime and terrorism.

Throughout the four centuries of the Holy War on infidels, all imams and emirs inciting it lined their pockets while the people remained impoverished and suffered. Once again the Chechens are offered to die to enter paradise. I suggest a different way to Paradise, a peaceful way.

Q – What do you mean?

A – Take for example assassination attempts made on me and the smearing campaign. In assassination attempt against me in 1995 five relatives of mine perished. They were my bodyguards because I knew I could rely on them. The murder was so appalling that we could barely find enough remains of their bodies to bury.

I’m depicted as a traitor to Islam and Moslems. As a matter of fact, I changed my mind about what has been happening in Chechnya precisely because I’m a man of God. I’m called to tell the truth about what I see around. I consider myself a patriot who does not want the people deceived anymore.

I think I was understood in America. As for me, I saw with my own eyes that official authorities abroad do not back up the war in Chechnya, and that only individuals sponsoring the extremists want it to drag on and on.

Q – Is the process of peaceful resolution underway?

A – The process of resolution stipulates negotiations between warring sides. Virtually all negotiations are unofficial. I use my own contacts to talk to the field commanders who have not united themselves with too many crimes.

Q – Do you think negotiations with Maskhadov are possible?

A – As I see it, we can only talk with him only about stepping down. Perhaps, he should be given an opportunity to leave for Malaysia where his sun resides.

Q – How would you evaluate the economic situation in Chechnya? Do you think it is possible to have all refugees back before the winter?

A – You cannot very well come to them and say “go back”, can you? They want guarantees of safety, they want homes to live in. At the same time they are needed in Chechnya to rebuild industries, the agricultural sector and the economy as a whole. Post-war reconstruction is a nice possibility to offer thousands of jobs, to pay salaries to Chechens and provide them with some security. As for the economic situation, it is very tricky. We need investments as well as finances from the federal budget.

Q – How would you evaluate your relations with leaders of the Federation subjects within the Southern federal district and with Presidential Plenipotentiary Representative Viktor Kazantsev?

A – I know many of them in person. We have normal working relations. I want to thank the Russian regions that are currently assisting us even though they themselves are not exactly rolling in money and to Kazantsev for his understanding and invaluable assistance. As a man who has the firsthand knowledge of situation, he takes the Chechens’ pain and sufferings to his heart.

Q – In what districts of Chechnya you would say that the peaceful life has already been restored?

A – It’s bad that Grozny, Urus-Martan (the centre of Wahhabism) and the mountainous settlements were damaged so seriously. Other districts were not ruined to this extent. All the same, not everybody is in a hurry to return to their households for fear that hostilities may begin all over again… As I see it, Chechen people are fed up with the “sovereignty” and want normal life, peaceful and predictable as in other federation subjects.

Honorable Member
Joined: 17 years ago
Posts: 648 Here is L'menexe's link interesting stuff. 101 Ways to Annoy a Fascist



! 1 0 1 !

! !

! W A Y S T O A N N O Y A F A S C I S T !


By The Deth Vegetable


Lyndon LaRouche

1) Tell him his armband is inside-out.
2) Re-arrange his golf club covers without telling him.
3) Tell him he has ring-around-the-collar on his brownshirt.
4) Insult his pit bull.
5) Shoot his pit bull.
6) Shoot him.
7) Slash the tires on his Porsche [note: proper Fascist auto maybe substituted
8) Riot.
9) Spraypaint @!#$ CAPITALISM on his Porsche.
10) Spraypaint @!#$ CAPITALISM AND @!#$ COMMUNISM on his Porsche.
11) Spraypaint @!#$ THE WORLD on his Pitt-bull.
12) Overthrow the government.
13) Wear a Chineese peasant's blue denim uniform with a button reading I

14) Learn Russian and speak only Rusian.
15) Learn Albanian and do like-wise.
16) Sing the following version of the Marines' Hymn:

From the balls of Montezuma

To the whores of Tripoli

We fight for cunt in battles

In the air, on land, and sea

First to fight for boobs and •••••

And we keep our penes clean

We are proud to claim the title

of •••••-••••••• States Marines.

17) Burn George Bush in effigy.
18) Burn George Bush in person.
19) Tattoo @!#$ CAPITALISM (in Russian) on his wifes left breast when she isnt
20) Hand out pamphlets saying that says that Ronald Reagan is a Polish Jew and

the leader of the Communist conspiracy.
21) Cut his head off.
22) Assassinate The President.
23) Assassinate the Governor of New Jersey.
24) Assassinate Sununu.
24) Register as a Communist.
25) Organize an army and march on Washington.
26) Castrate him.
27) Castrate his pit-bull.
28) Castrate George Bush.
29) Attempt to overthrow the Government of the United States of America by

force and violence.
30) Organize you own country and declare war on South Africa.
31) Call him an anus.
32) Call him a gonad.
33) Call George Bush a gonad.
34) Blow up his Porsche.
35) Blow up his Pit-bull.
36) Blow up George Bush.
37) Give away copies of the Communist Manifesto.
38) Eat five pounds of beans and lock yourself in a small enclosed area with
39) Defy Authority.
40) Destroy Authority.
41) Desecrate Hitlers Bunker.
42) Drop LSD in the Potomac.
43) Bomb Washington with Chia Pets.
44) Bomb Washington with SPAM.
45) Bomb Washington with registered Nurses.
46) Bomb Washington with a drug dealer named "vinnie".
47) Citizens arrest the president.
48) Board the Staten Island ferry, point a toy gun at the pilot and force him

to sail to Havana. If you are caught, explain that you wanted to just show

the passengers how bad Castro's Cuba really is.
49) Fart the pledge of allegiance.
50) Burn the flag.
51) Send George Bush a bar of soap and order him to wash his mouth out every

time he tells a lie.
52) Skip school.
53) Picket his house, holding a crucifix and mumbling "pax..pax...pax..."
54) Issue a public statement saying you hate mom, baseball, apple pie, and

the flag; but you love to fart.
55) Wear a t-shirt reading HITLER WAS A WEENIE.
56) Spray paint MAKE LOVE NOT WAR on his pit-bull.
57) Tell him to go @!#$ himself.
58) Tell him to go @!#$ himself with a limber ••••.
59) Tell him you are a member of the John Birch Society and that you are i

investigating reports of him being a pinko.
60) Wear a t-shirt reading JOE MCARTHY WAS A WEENIE.
61) Stare him down.
62) Steal his SS epaulets.
63) Wear a sweatshirt with a big 69 on it reading THE BEST MIDNIGHT SNACK.
64) Ask him if he has any papers, because you want to roll a joint.
65) Set up a private Espionage organization and offer to sell your services to

the highest bidder. Solicit Bids from all the Communist countries. If the

FBI objects, respond with a long speech on the superiority of the

Capitalist system, where all goods and services are sold for the highest

price. Accuse the FBI agent of being a fuzzy-minded pinko.
66) Bury him in Lenins tomb.
67) Bury him in Stalins tomb.
68) Bury him in Grants tomb.
69) Simulataneously enroll in orginizations The Ukranian Workers Society, North

Yugoslav Peoples Assosciation, Hungarian Peasants Club, The John Birch

Society, and Jews for Jesus.
70) Ask him "who the hell cares if the trains run on time?".
71) Get yourself invited to his house for dinner. Bring a gun and a target. At

an appopriate moment lean the target against a wall and

start shooting at it, screaming: KILL THE COMMIES! KILL THE FUCKIN COMMIES!
72) Take a tour of the White House. Bring a defused hand grenade with you and

toss it on the floor in front of the highest ranking Bureaucrat you can

find. Run like hell the other way, shouting "Die, imperialist dog!".
73) Distribute copies of CHALLENGE

on Wall Street to anyone wearing a suit.
74) Alternately, try to sell it to them for 10 cents and when refused, reply

"Oh, your too cheap to spend a dime to find out the truth!"
75) Enter your local recruiting office. fart. leave.
76) Enter your local Recruiting office. Pull out a water pistol and spray all

Military personnel you meet as soon as they turn their backs. When they

take the pistol away from you (after a lecture) listen intently and

abashedly and say youre sorry. As soon as the lecturer turns his back on

you, pull out another water pistol from you pocket and shoot him in the

back, laughing hysterically.
77) Pass your own Selective Service Act and draft everyone you meet.
78) Sing at the top of your lungs:

Onward Christian soldiers,

Onward as to war.

Kill your Christian brothers

As you've done before.
79) Enter your local Marine Recruiting office. when asked why you want to join

the marines, reply "Ive been waiting for a long time for a chance to shoot

a motherfucken general!"
80) Take a tour of the White House and offer $1000 to any of the Marine honor

guards who will spit on the flag and say: "@!#$ the imperialist United

States" three times. If any of them take you up on it, wait until they are

finished and then tell them that you cant pay him cause that would be

corrupting him.
81) Offer to sell the first official you meet your share of the country.
82) Whenever asked a question answer "@!#$ THE WORLD", try to convince

the rest of the known universe to do the same.
83) Hang out in front of your local Navy recruiting center wearing a white

sailor cap and singing "Anchors Aweigh".
84) Join the Amerikan Nazi Party. Arive in a tutu and slippers carrying a sub-

machine gun. open fire screaming "DIE DIE DIE!!!!"
85) Enroll at the School for Marxist Studies.
86) Enroll at Moscow University.
87) Just keep on doing what youre doing.
88) Tell the truth about the wars of the U.S. (i.e. make a speech explaining

the true character of America's involvement in Vietnam.
89) Convince him that Hitler is alive and living in the basement of the

Pentagon, then let his hopes down.
90) Tattoo @!#$ FASCISTS on your chest in letters 6 inchs high.
91) Tell him your the Popes illegitimate son.
92) Surround the White House with paid mercenaries and take it over.
93) Own a Monarchy.
94) Claim to be a Bloshevik-Socialist-leftwing-jew.
95) Burn down the Reichstag.
96) Lead a profligate life: live with a negro; drink; gamble and also swear.
97) Commit an original sin.
98) Vote in a foreign election.
99) Bite him.
100) Send him a copy of this file.
101) All of the above.

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This stupid Russian animal is going non stop today!!!!!!

This filthy goyim has been the plague of this board and civilization for as long as I can remember.

Russians animals like him have destroyed Hertzl's dream of zionism by flooding the land of Israel.

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•••• Hertzl •••• Israel and most of all •••• you

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Hi Ultra Russian Natiobalist;

To do so, you will need to bribe the judge. But you'r right, these f_cking policemen need a lesson!
BTW, did "Putin" started to pay them?

Hi Igor

I understand you 200%!!! Do it yourself as you want it to be done because others will suck you and will make sh!t all over the place.
Myself I do all the gipsing on the corners of each room, windows ect. It takes a f_cking lot of time but that's the only to have something straight.
I'save quiet a lot of money thought it's Lithuania and the salaries are cheap.
The way the "brigades" are working is helpless as soon as you want perfection.

What for do the Russian wait for bombing the Georgian passes?

Jake Beuuuuurk,

Kim suggested we should have an "Ignore" option to avoid your stupid messages.
I suggest we can take an "Igor" option to read only Igor's post...

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