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Archive through February 24, 2000

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get ready, get ready. If everyone waits until 12-28-1999 to get ready we will have shortages. So take fema's advise and get supplies now. EOTWAWKI!!!! I think...

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Also, thank you esther for the good advise!!

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Friends, it is clear the use of violence in America on New Years Eve is imminent. The goal of terroists is the basis of their name: TERROR. They want us to be afraid, and that is what we must avoid. I was invited to Times Square for Y2K, but I was worried, and turned it down. Now I plan on being at the Space Needle for the big celebration. You can bet I will be there no matter what. As an active-duty memeber of the Air Force, I have faith in the agencies tasked with protecting us. If someone does slip through, which is a very real possibility, it is up to the American people to join together to let the world know our resolve when international terroism strikes our home soil. I ask all of you to enjoy your holiday. Don't let some fanatics make you stay home, which is their goal. The Space Needle won't come down, but innocent people are a terrorist's target of opprotunity we must think about.

Keep an eye out, don't be afraid to point out anything unusual, be proactive if something does happen, and other than that, ENJOY 2000 AND THE FACT WE ARE CITIZENS OF THE MOST AMAZING COUNTRY IN THE WORLD.

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Concerns I have about threats of terrorism and activities by doomsday groups are legitimate. Religious, political, ideological groups are there to disrupt people and hit on objects.

Officials around the world are adequately prepared to deal with situations that arise, but battles will be lost on both sides.

Y2K is used to justify an attack of the Other.

Computer viruses and worms; bombs; words, etc. will be used to negate we are all part of the same earth.

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Now it seems that ones mere ancestoral heritage is enough to hold one suspect. A dangerous and unfounded assumption. We have been through that before, time and again. And in each case, came up short.

Terrorists, come in ALL shapes, sizes, and ancestrial heritage. The bombers of NY, were of the ME. But the bombers of OKC, were from our own backyard. We can live our lives, with fear of those with differences, or we can simply hide away and do nothing. Our nation, for the most part, has pretty much escaped what many others have felt all too often. We have gotten a little soft in that area. But we should not OVER-REACT and stick our collective heads in the sand, we can''t see anything if we do that. Nor should we allow ourselves to begin to consider the one in stange looks as the enemy, we'll miss the real one who might just look like everyone else.

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I find it amusing that Americans are worried about terrorism when Britain has just come out of, a largely Irish American financed, terror campaign waged by the IRA. I was unfortunate enough to have been in London and 400 yards away from the bomb that went off outside Harrods. Innocent people died that day and my views of the IRA hardened even more. How dare a bunch of murderers come to my town and kill for some romantic notion of a united Ireland!

If bombs do go off in the US this holiday season and the individuals responsible are caught will they be treated the same way as bombers from the IRA? By that I mean freed and allowed to go back to their families after a couple of years.

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I have heard and read all about the "terrorists" that have tried to smuggle in explosives,I wonder how many have heard about what we have here at home?

I worry more about the fact that 1000 pounds of the same explosives used in the Oklahoma bombing were stolen right here in Arizona this week. I do not even know if it has made the national news. Along with the explosive material, also dynamite and detonators were stolen. What everyone else is so concerned about coming into our country is already here and in the hands of God only knows who. I think this 1000 lbs of explosives missing should have been a national story from the time it was discovered, and that it should be delt in the same way as the "Terrorist" being caught with the amount of explosives he had. I hope it isn't left to the rural sherrifs dept to find them,only because outside "terrorists" caught makes better politics.---Sandi Momof4 in AZ

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i figured something big would happen but it didn't.I guess thats good!

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i figured something big would happen but it didn't.I guess thats good!

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